I’ll Go Until My Heart Stops


“Hayles??” I gasped in shock as she ran toward me, tears cascading down her face in despair. “Hayles please talk to me. What happened??” I pleaded as I wrapped my arms around her small frame in an attempt to soothe the sobs that wracked her frail body.

“He, he, he....” she repeated in a whisper only loud enough for me to hear. It hurt me to know he was the cause of such upset in my best friend. Regardless of his good looks, he had no right to do this to her.

At this point a bewildered Zac interjected in astonishement.

“Is she alright?” he asked turning to Taylor, seeking an answer. I knew Zac had no idea that this whole incident was his older brother's fault, but at this point I couldn’t help but be somewhat peeved at him.

“You wanna know whats wrong with her?” I hissed, turning to face him, my features straning in anger. “You really wanna know? Your jerk of a brother upset her so much she can’t even tell anybody what he did! Is that enough information for you, huh?” I snarled.

“Whoa!” Taylor interrupted, stepping between us in an attempt to ease the tension. “Maddie, you know this is not Zac’s fault, there's no need to go hating on him for something Josh did!”

I sighed in defeat as I unwrapped Hayleys sobbing frame from mine and slowly guided her down on to the now vacant bench. “Hayles hunny, please tell me what happened,” I coaxed as I wiped her tear stained face.

She heaved a final sob and fell silent. I knelt down in front of her like a mother disciplining a naughty child, placed my hands on her bony knees and sighed, “Come on Hayles please? What did he say?”

“He didn’t say anything at all” she whispered, tears beginning to fall once again down her pale face. “He completely ignored me the whole time I was trying to get his attention,” she whispered from beneath her crimson locks which now hung over her face like a curatin, shielding her from the prying eyes of Taylor and Zac; standing a few feet behind me, looking on in concern and attempting also to eavesdrop on our conversation, but failing thankfully.

“He’s not worth it Hayles, he is just something good to look at, nothing more nothing less. Definitely not worth your time or mine for that matter!” I encouraged.

She lifted her head at this and I sought her eyes and promised; “He is not worth your tears you hear me?”

I gave her a stern look, cracking into a smile despite myself which she reluctantly mirrored. I sighed in relief. My usual instincts had kicked in, hide my breaking heart at the news that he was not who I thought he would be and continue on as normal.

Our giggling was interrupted by Taylor.

“Guys you should know that Josh is a painfully shy person when around new people. I know that is probably not an excuse but it’s true,” he babbled, getting it all out fast fearing another attack from me, I guessed.

“It’s true,” Zac echoed as he stepped out from behind Taylor. Obviously feeling braver now, I seemed to have calmed down. “He always has been terrible around stranger; I would know - I grew up with him!”

“Wait, what?” Hayley screeched in astonishment. “You grew up with him? Who are you?” she demanded, standing up to face him.

“I’m his brother” he stuttered, attempting to hide behind Taylor once again.

“Sorry Hayles, I meant to tell you but you were so upset I didn’t think it was a good time. Zac here is a friend of Taylor's and Josh's little brother,” I said apologetically, indicating toward Zac who was now fully hidden behind Taylor's protective form. If the situation wasn’t so emotionally charged I would have found the fact that this big strong boy was so afraid of this fiesty little pixie positively hilarious.

“Hayley I apologise for my brother's behaviour but I’m sure he really didn’t mean to upset you,” Zac said, emerging from behind Taylor once again.

“It’s not your fault Zac, don’t worry about it. I’m over him now, no worries!” She smiled up at him. “It’s nice to meet you though,” she said, extending her hand to him.

“Nice meeting you too! But we really gotta go now Tay, we’re late,” he stated, turning to Taylor who nodded solemly and followed Zac in the direction of the parking lot.

“What's up with Taylor?” Hayley asked, confusion sounding in her voice as she fell into step beside me as I began to walk the path home.

“No idea Hayles, no idea...."