I’ll Go Until My Heart Stops

Darkness and Angst

As we strolled leisurely toward home, Hayley recounted in detail her encounter with Josh - or lack there of! Following her detailed description I had decided that maybe Taylor had a point, perhaps Josh was just very shy. His actions did not appear malicious in any way, he simply seemed overwhelmed. I kept this observation to myself and pretended to listen intently to Hayley’s incessant chatter. She had left the subject of the Josh encounter in the past and had moved on to attempting to get me to discuss music, but with her so far she was doing most of the talking.

Don’t get me wrong I love music. I find pleasure in finding the perfect song to suit your mood, but Hayley was a singer so she had an invested interest in the mechanics of it all that I just did not possess.

I breathed a silent sigh of relief as we reached the white picket fence that surrounded my home. As I placed my hand on the freshly painted gate I turned to bid farewell to Hayley, however she was nowhere to be seen. I glanced up and down the picturesque street which was lined on both sides by large oak trees, all older than most if not all of its inhabitants standing tall, reminders of times gone by.

Then I spotted her, crouched down at the window of a small green car, talking animatedly to the occupant. I jogged over to her and tapped her urgently on the shoulder; in my eyes this stranger posed a threat. Hayley however was perfectly relaxed, smiling from ear to ear, a sight I was happy to see after today’s events.

“Maddie, this is my Mom! Mom, Maddie Stewart. I can’t believe you have never met my Mom!” she exclaimed in surprise.

The occupant smiled up at me. “Nice to meet you Maddie. I’m Christie, Hayley has told you so much about you!”

Her striking blue eyes were genuine and her blonde hair glittered in the light of the setting sun. Slight wrinkles appeared around her eyes and mouth as her grin widened, causing my face to turn up into a smile; despite myself, her cheerfulness was infectious.

“It’s great to finally to meet you too!” I said with genuine enthusiasm. I had no idea where my good mood had materialised from but it was a nice feeling, such a contrast to the one I usually felt around my own Mother.

Mrs. Williams stepped out gingerly and pulled her daughter into a hug.

“How was your day hun?” she asked, pulling back and gently placing a lock of her daughter's hair behind her ear.

The affection between mother and daughter shocked me into silence, simply because I was so unaccustomed to any form of interaction between myself and my own Mother. Honestly, watching this scene unfold before me hurt; it hurt so much so that I clutched my stomach in pain.

"You okay Maddie?” Hayley gasped in shock as I doubled over in pain.

The sound of Hayley’s concerned voice faded into the distance as I fell into the darkness falling slowly into the unknown....
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