I’ll Go Until My Heart Stops


Distant sounds of people shuffling graced my ears, my nostrils were filled with an unfamilliar scent somewhat clinical almost like bleach. Wait, what was going on, where the heck was I? Had my Mother finally managed to convince my dear old Dad to have me institutionalised?

As I struggled to open my eyes it all came flooding back, Hayley and her Mom, the overwhelming pain that sliced through me. It took all my strength not to crumble right there in this, wait where the hell am I?!

"Maddie sweetheart?" A familliar rough voice called from my side.

"Dad?" I answered weakly my voice cracking with all the effort it took.

"I'm so glad you're awake babe, how do you feel?" he sighed with relief as he traced his thumb in circles over my cheek.

"I feel crappy Dad, what the heck happened to me?" I tried to demand but all I could summon was merely a soft whisper.

"Your appendix honey, it was about to explode, they had to remove it - caught it just in the nick of time too!" He smiled taking my cold hand, that lay at my side in his. At this point I took in my surroundings, I lay in a single hospital bed, surrounded by scratchy sheets. The hospital room was painted clear white, a single oak bedside locker stood beside the bed on the right and two leather chairs stood flanking the bed on both sides.

"I had appendicitus?" I gasped in shock the information slowly beginning to register with me. That explained the on and off tummy aches I had been having the past week; and to think I thought I was gonna have to stop eating cafeteria food!

"You sure did darlin', you collapsed outside and your friend - Hayley isn't it? - and her Mom called an ambulance for you, they almost forgot to tell us!" He laughed wistfully; it sounded like Hayley alright, forgetting something like that in the middle of a panic.

"How long have I been out Dad?" I enquired although I somewhat feared the answer.

He settled back into one of those fake leather chair hospital chairs and gave me a reassuring smile. 'About 48 hours, they had to give you a lot of anesthetic cause they had very little time to get it out of you.'

"Okay thanks Dad! I don't need to know the details of it!" I grumbled shutting my eyes hoping sleep would claim me, but alas no such luck....

"You're awake!" My Mother's high pitched soprano voice called out from the doorway of the room.

I winced at the unexpected piercing sound.
"Yes, I'm awake," I muttered, disgruntled at her interrupting my time with Dad.

She waltzed over and took a seat on my other side, placing her hand on the bed next to me.

"Why didn't you tell us that you've been in pain the past few days?" She accused.

"What?!" I asked outraged. How was I supposed to know that those little spasms I had felt the last few days were a warning that my appendix was about to errupt?

"We look like terrible parents, not even knowing our own daughter was in pain and it's all your fault!" She finished her rant and scowled at me.

"Easy Gina!" My Dad interrupted as usual. "Maddie had no reason to tell us that all she had were a few stomach pains!" he argued, silencing my Mother who turned to face the door; a pout gracing her angular features.

The door opened slowly and a young doctor peered into the room. His soft features were complemented by his dirty blonde hair and striking green eyes.

"Is it okay to come in?" he asked politely.

"Yeah sure, come on in Doc!" My Dad greeted him warmly, gesturing for him to venture into the tension filled room.

"Hi Maddie! I'm Dr. Freeman, it's great to see you finally awake!" He flashed me a genuine smile and picked up my chart from its place at the end of my bed, flicking it open.

"Okaaay," he hummed softly and continued studying my chart with invested interest, "Well I'm happy to tell you that you are out of the woods now, I'd say two days max extra stay here and then two weeks rest at home and you should be right as rain!" He finished with a wink, "No school!"

Despite myself I smiled up at him, some of the tension in my body dissolving. "Thanks Dr. Freeman!" I called as he walked toward the door, he turned and grinned back at me.

Silence descended onto the room once again and I stifled a yawn.

"You tired sweetie? We should go and let you get some sleep," my Dad said softly, getting up from his spot beside me.

"Come on Gina darlin," he gestured to my Mother to get up and turned to place a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Bye!" I called to them as they strolled toward the door, waving limply.

"We'll be back later on today, okay sweetie?" My Dad called reassuringly as my Mother gave me a half hearted wave from the doorway.

"Okay! Bye!" I yawned as I tried to remain awake to see them leave.

Finally I drifted off, my thoughts dominated by my fight with her. I mean seriouly how was I supposed to know that my appendix had decided that it was going to spontaneously self combust?
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