Along the Way

The Boy, The News, And her father.

After Alice finished talking she hung up her phone. Alice carefully moved around her room, trying not to wake Anthoney, who most likely had a hangover from last night’s events. The hangover was going to be much worse than the one Alice had herself. She got dressed in her bathroom then she went down stairs.
Today for Alice the day was going to be a little unstable. Peyton is grounded; Mike is in the hospital, Rob’s in jail…again. Summer broke up with Anthoney last night and it ended up with him on her floor, in her house, in her room. Then Alice has meeting Gavin before the party on her mind.
As she walks into the kitchen, her dad was making breakfast. Pancakes as usually he made on Saturday mornings. Alice sat down at the table and ate a plate of eggs and pancakes. She finished eating muttering a “thanks” to her dad. She goes a grabs a plate of food for Anthoney. He dad thought it was for Peyton of course. When she turned around he first look at the newspapers front page was confusing. The she looked at it again. “Dead! Wanted Drug Dealer Murdered By His Own Partner” Gavin Larson at the age of seventeen was finally caught last night. Only when the police had found him dead outside his car at Greggson Park, in Longwood, South Dakota. He was found shot by his partner June Tayker. That’s how far Alice got into reading the article. She was scared and needed to get out the kitchen before she showed any emotion toward it. She quickly grabbed the plate and headed back upstairs. The whole way back to her room the news that Gavin was dead rang in her head over and over again. She felt as if she was going to crash and cry right now.
When she entered her room, she set the plate on her desk which was clean for once. She realized that Tony was in her bathroom. She found that he was puking. Alice’s first thought was she did get him pretty wasted last night.
“Tony, you okay in there?” Alice asked though her bathroom door.
“Yeah I will be, give me a minute or two.” Tony answered
“Okay, I brought you food up for you; whenever you’re ready you can eat it.” Alice said
“Okay.” Was all that Tony said for he went unto finishing his puking?
When Tony was done eating, it was around noon. Alice and he were sitting on her floor, which was black carpeted. Alice sat Indian style in front of him. “So, I have an idea on how to get you out of my house without my dad seeing you and a way to get you back into my house for we can go meet up Mike.”
“Okay what’s this plan?” Tony asked
“Okay so you’re going to jump off my roof into the side yard. Then you’re going to jump over my back yard fence and run to my front door. Finally you are going to my front door and ask for me. “Alice said ‘does that sound like a good plan?” She asked
“What you want me to jump off the roof, that’s like two stories up!” Tony explained
“It’s not like to stories Tiny, It is.” Alice laughed
“Are you serious, you want me to jump?” Tony asked
“Yep. You’ll be fine Peyton and I have done it a billion times.” Alice said
“Fine I’ll jump.” Tony finally confessed
That’s exactly what Tony did. He snuck out her second story window, onto the roof.
He jumped.
Tony landed safely, which was unexpected especially for Tony. Plus, he had a hangover and a pounding headache. He got up and walked to the front door and rang the door bell.
“Hey is Alice home? “ Tony asked Alice’s father when he answered the door.
“Yeah, she is…ALICE DOOR!” Her father yelled up to her.
“Hi Anthoney.” Alice played along with her plan to get him out of her house and to get to go see Mike. Alice still hasn’t told him what happened last night.
“You ready to go; my mom just dropped me off.” Tony told Alice.
“Yeah I am. Bye dad I’ll be home later.” Alice said before she left along with Tony.
“Don’t be out to late.” Her father yelled through the door she had just closed.
“We’re taking my car. “ Alice said
“Were exactly are we support to meet Mike at?” Anthoney asked
“Hospital.” Alice answered showing almost no emotion.
“Wait…What….Why?? “ Anthoney asked
“Do you remember anything that happened last night? Alice asked but before he could answer she replaced with “What do you remember”
“The last think I remember was the beach, and then crashing through the door way of your room and landing on the floor.” Tony explained
“Well then, I’ll give you the short version. Mike sort of overdosed last night. Rob’s in jail again and he’s grounded till July. “Alice explained
“Is Mike okay now? Do you know what he overdosed on? What did Rob do this time? Do they know who and where he got the stuff from” Anthony randomly displayed questions.
“Peyton said Mike’s stable. The party was at Rob’s so all blames on him. I know where he got it but I’m not allowed to say anything.” Alice stated
“Oh” Anthoney said.
The rest of the way to the hospital was quiet. It wasn’t awkward but edgy.
When they finally reached the hospital Anthoney began to talk again.
“So what room is he I” Anthoney asked
“128” Alice replied
“Okay” Anthoney said and then again silence rang