People Change, And Promises Are Broken

Tia's POV

I rolled off my bed, falling onto the floor. I groaned, then stood up.

"What are you doing?" Nick asked, looking over at me from his bunk. I smiled up at him.

"I fell, can you help me up?" I asked. He sighed, and got up, rubbing his eyes. He grabbed my hand, and pulled me up. I was about to thank him, but he just walked back to his bed. I stood there for a minute, then rolled my eyes. I walked into the kitchen of the bus, and grabbed some cereal out.

I sat at the table, and spotted my pink slippers. I slid them on, and took a hand ful of dry cereal. I set it on the table, and started sorting through the colored marshmallows.

"Morning." Joe yawned, grabbing the box of cereal, and a bowl.

"Morning." I murmured. He poured some cereal into his bowl, then added some milk. He took a bite.

"We get to see Dawn today." I smiled. His face instantly perked up. I wish mine would, but Nick had been really distant lately, so my head was in the clouds lately.

You get the limo out front! Oh. Hottest style, every sho--

I blushed, and answered my phone.

"Hello?" I asked. I could hear a chair squeak on the other end.

"Tia, it's Seth, your manager." He spoke. I smiled lightly. Two months ago I got a new manager, and he was pretty awesome.

"Hey Seth. What's up?" I asked as Nick walked over to the kitchen. He pulled out a box of poptarts, and ate one.

"Well, I found someone that wants to go on tour with you." Seth said. I grinned wider.

"Really? Who is it?" I asked. He yawned.

"Your friend Dawn. It took a while to arrange, but I did it." He said. I pumped my fist in the air, and hugged my knees.

"Awesome! Thank you so much Seth!" I exclaimed. He laughed.

"No problem. But I have more calls to make, so I'll talk to you later." He said. I nodded, then hung up.

"I get to go on tour with Dawn!" I exclaimed. Joe grinned while Nick just texted on his phone. I tried to ignore it, so I turned my attention to Joe.

"Can I come? Please?" He asked. I laughed. Joe and I have gotten really close lately. He was my best guy friend now, since Mikey and Jay hardly talked to me.

"Yes! A million times yes!" I exclaimed. He hugged me quickly, then ran off to tell Kevin.
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Erm... Ahahah. :P

Meg's turn! =]

-Echo [Ash]