Fall for You

"The second I saw you, was the first time I didn't think of suicide."
Delilah has loved her best friend Tom since the moment he moved to West Chester, and will do anything to keep him from getting hurt.
Tom has loved his best friend Delilah, since the second he laid eyes on her, and will murder anyone who lays merely finger on her.
Delilah's best friend Colette "claims" she loves Tom, and will do anything to keep Delilah away from him, even if it means breaking his heart for the third time in a row.
Tom's best friend Steven claims he saw Delilah first and that Delilah's not his type, and will do almost anything to keep the two from being anything more then friends, even if it means making and all out war between the two.
Will the two ever get together, or will they hate each other forever? Will they finally realize that their friends with the wrong people? Will the drama ever end?
  1. First day
    first day of school for Tom
  2. Girl meets boy
    Delilah's POV of everything
  3. Fights, Blood and Lots of Jealousy
    lots of bad language, sorry it wouldn't have been the same with out it, sorry, but anyways lots is revealed