Fall for You

Fights, Blood and Lots of Jealousy

*Tom's POV, where we left off*

"No, I want to be your friend." I told Delilah, surprised on why someone wouldn't want to be her friend, I mean she's so pretty and nice and sweet and wow! She's just so amazing!

"Really?" She asked still confused.

"Yeah really, why not? I mean your so cool and nice." I told her and saw her eyes light up. She seemed really happy now, just had that glow about her.

"I mean, I don't know, just, I don't know. Forget it I guess." She told me quietly and started avoiding all the jocks.

"Hey!!! Little girl, get over here!" I heard someone say but Delilah just kept on walking. She seemed really nervous now, and I don't think it's because of me saying that I wanted to stay her friend. "Hey!Emo bitch! Get over here!" The same man yelled. I swear if he was talking to Delilah, someone was gonna die. Then, out of nowhere some 5'11 football payer came over, picked up Delilah by the collar so fast she flashed by me, and held her against the wall. At first I didn't know what to do, and just stood there panicking.

"I called you, you piece of crap! Did not you not here me? Or were you too busy acting like a little whore?" He spit at her. When she didn't answer he slapped her with his free hand. Then reality came back to me, and I remembered who I was, and who the poor brunette against the wall was. "So, do you have the drinks, or am I gonna have to beat you again?" He was really pissing me off.

"Leave her alone jackass!!!" I yelled at him pushing him off her. I caught her before she fell to the floor.

"And what are you gonna do? Trying to be a hero? Trying to impress this little slut" He asked pushing me. He really shouldn't have done that. "You're to small to lay barely a finger on me!" He really shouldn't have said that.

"Try me." I told him trying to keep calm, but I'm pretty sure it was a scary calm by the look on Delilah's face. He tried to punch me but I blocked it and socked him in the gut, while he tried to kick me. I got on his chest as he fell to ground and started punching his face a good five times. By the end of the fight he had a broken nose, and jaw and was bleeding out of his nose, his mouth, and had a few other cuts that he was bleeding out of. He had a wide gash and his arm and a thin long cut on his forehead that was mixing in with his tears. I had a small cut above my lip, one on my eyebrow, and a small one on my neck. I wasn't bleeding that much, and only had some specks of blood on my jacket, but it wasn't that noticeable.

"Go near her, threaten her, or anything else ever again, and I swear to you that I won't go easy on you next time." I told him and spit on him I picked up Delilah and walked away with Colette, and the shivering girl in my arms."Who was he anyway?" I asked the tiny girl in my arms.

"His name is Charlie Stone. He's another one of the jocks." She told me on the verge of tears. Me, Colette, and Delilah, still in my arms, sat on a bench in a corner. I looked down at Delilah and she had a small tear rolling down her cheek.

"Oh, Delilah, don't cry." I cooed wiping her tear away with my thumb. "Why are you crying?" I asked her with worry.

"Because, I can't believe you actually stood up for me. Usually my friends or Colette, just sort of stand there watching, or walk away, not sure what to do. It's that you just met me, and you actually stood out for me." She told me in a quivering voice, crying more now.

"It's okay, princess." I told her accidentally calling her princess. " Is it okay if I call you princess?" I covered hoping she would say yes. She nodded her little head to my enjoyment. "Ok then, don't worry princess, I'll always be there for you, no matter what. So what if I barely know you? Your really nice, and I don't understand why anyone would want to hurt someone as pretty and sweet as you." I told her, and I could have sworn I saw Colette glaring at her through m peripheral vision, but didn't want to risk a glance.

"You think I'm pretty and sweet?" She asked looking up at me with her big brown puppy eyes.

"Of course I do princess. Of course I do."I responded. She started getting better when the bell rang. Stupid school, I thought. I put her down and walked in with her and Colette. I still felt Colette's glare on Delilah, but how would I know? "I have to go down by the main office." I told Delilah.

"This way!" She replied as she grabbed my arm and started walking through the huge crowd of people, she was ducking and dodging and pushing through everyone as if she'd always done this.

"Yes, I've always done this before if your wondering." She told me as she kept on ducking and dodging. I wonder if she's a mind reader too? "No Tom, I'm not a mindreader, and I'm not physic either I just know people." She answered my thoughts again. What a strange little girl... Oh well in less then 2 minutes we were in front of the office, and had escaped the three-hundred-twenty-one students in the half mile long hallways.

"Delilah Express to your service!" She told me with a goofy grin and her hand on her head as if she were a soldier or something. She was too cute!

I walked into the office and got my papers. I had first and second with Bromberg. Oh yeah, I forgot this school had double periods for math and language. I walked out to see Delilah sitting on the table/desk looking down at her feet as she kicked them back and forth.

"What's your first class?" She asked still looking down.

"First and second with Bromberg." I told her.

"Good." She said as she got up, took my schedule and started searching it. She looked up and told me, "You have six out of eight classes with me." I went to ask her which one but before I can say anything she told me she wasn't gonna tell me.

"So which hall is my locker in?" I asked her, but she just kept on walking.

"Over here is the eighth grade hallway, over there the sixth and seventh. What's your locker #?" She asked.

"349" I responded. She nodded and danced through the crowd of eighth graders. After awhile I started losing her. "Delilah? Delilah!?" I called out worried someone else had taken her.

"Right here Tom." She said smiling as she stood in front of me. She was very graceful I noticed.

"So, where's my locker princess?" I asked her as she glanced at the locker behind her. "Thank you." I told her and hugged her. She actually hugged back. It was so nice to hug her, my arms fit perfectly around her small waist and fell loosely around her hips. When she hugged I felt this nice warm feeling, and for the first time ever, I didn't think of suicide. All those thoughts about wanting to go die, and drowning myself all left when I first saw her. For the fist time since I was five, it actually felt like someone cared for me and actually... actually loved me.

But I had to eventually pull away from my hero. "I'll be at my locker, see you soon Tom!" She told me with a wink, and then she turned around and went to her locker. See you soon? I wonder what she meant. Oh well, I guess I'll see when soon comes around.

*Delilah's POV, at her locker*

OMG!!!!I just hugged Tom! I felt all warm and fuzzy when I hugged him. It was awesome!!!!! I can't believe he actually stood up for m though, wow no one has ever done that for me. It was kind of scary though. Note To Self: Never make Tom mad. I started putting my books away when I heard Colette's voice, "Delilah!" I turned around and she slapped me across the face. That bitch!!! She slapped me!

"What the hell?!?!?!" I asked her.

"Tom's mine, back off!" She told me.

"Seriously!?! Hell no, you have taken enough from me! You have taken some of my best friends, and I forgave you, you've taken some of my family, and I forgave you, you've taken my crushes and I forgave you, and if you think I'm gonna let you take Tom away, you're out of your frickin mind!" I told her pissed as hell.

"I'm just warning you, he's mine!" She yelled and walked away.

Not again, I thought. This is NOT gonna happen to me again. I hope he doesn't fall for her tricks. I thought and went off to class.

*Colette's POV*

I can't believe this kid, he's so hot and strong and so nice. I am so gonna have him, even if it means breaking Delilah's heart. Again. I didn't really care at this point. She just keeps forgiving so why would I care? I am so gonna have him. I wonder if he'll go out with me if i take my shirt off for him...? Yeah, it'll probably work. Or maybe the pity story. Ah well, either way I'm gonna have him, one way or another. When I walked into class I sat next to Charlie Stoner and started to talk with him, "Hey Charlie, nice job with Delilah today."
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Comment and tell me if you guys like it. I wasn't sure how much you guys would like this one. Plz everyone comment and tell me your opinions plz!!!! Thankies!
Delilah da LLama Grl
p.s. If you like the maine go on their myspace they added songs from their holiday EP, I'm listening to ho ho hopefully, its good!!!! :D