Another Day In Class...

Chapter 1

Another day in class, English to be exact, the teacher just going on and on about her dogs and such. About eighty percent of the class isn’t listening to a word she’s saying, all off in their own little worlds. I sat in the corner of the room writing a random story, I glanced up and looked over at my sister, Taylor, who was the most popular girl in school. All the guys loved her. She was talking on her cell phone, big surprise there. Not.

I had shortish black hair with some blonde streaks underneath that just showed. I wasn’t Goth or Emo or any of that label stuff. I was me. I had blue/green eyes which I outlined with eyeliner and wore whatever colour eye shadow I could find at the time.

Our lesson was interrupted when someone knocked upon the door. I glanced up and noticed three guys walk in, one I already knew, Bob. Bob had blonde hair, a lip ring and an earring, he was a little punk and really tough, he didn’t take anyone’s shit. I sat with him for about a year. He hated my sister n her jock friends. Taylor dated Bob’s brother, Luke, for about five months before she cheated on him with some random guy at a bar. Bob’s hated her since.

The teacher welcomed the boys to the class, she sweetly said to Bob, “Thanks, sweetie. Will you be in my class this afternoon Robert?” Taylor and her friends laughed at this, as did I.

Bob panicked, “um no... I um... here.” He trailed off before quickly handing her a note and walking out.

One of the boys had a lip ring and his ears gauged. He also had what looked like the outlines of numerous tattoos on his arms. He had shortish black hair that slightly hung over his face. The boy next to him had short, scruffy black hair, from what you could see he had no piercings or tattoos, he also looked slightly older than the other boy.

I looked at them for a moment before going back to my story. “Class.” The teacher started, she cleared her throat in an attempt to get my attention. With me being off in my own little world I didn’t pause in order to listen. I was deep in thought when a ball of paper hit my temple. My head automatically jerked up and I shot a glare at my sister and her friends, before looking at the teacher noticing she was awaiting my attention.

“Nice of you to finally give us your full attention, Miss McKim. Were we interrupting you?” the teacher questioned a little annoyed.

I shot her a filthy look before answering. “No of course not, Miss.” “Good because you just volunteered yourself.” My eyes widened at this.

“For what?!” “Showing these two around the school, showing them everything they need to know.” My mouth hung open. I groaned and shut my books hard on my desk.

“Fine.” I sighed.

“Oh come on, don’t act like you don’t want to, sis. I mean they are like totally your type. Emo, or Goth or whatever you are.” Taylor said in her bitchiest tone.

“Taylor, Amanda. Both of you calm down this instant. Come on Amanda. Show the boys where they need to go. Now!”

The teacher said getting rather annoyed at me and my sister.

I sighed and shoved my books into my messenger bag, and hauled it over my shoulder. I arose from my chair and walked towards the door. I looked back towards the boys who were still at the front of the room watching my every move.

“Well are you two coming or not?” I asked. One of Taylor’s jock friends arrogantly responded, “Not yet they aren’t but give it a while with you and they might be.”

Taylor’s whole group broke out in laughter. I death-stared them, as the boys walked towards me. I opened the door and let the boys out first. The boy with the piercings stopped before the door and motioned for me to go before him,

“Ladies first.” He said politely. I smiled and nodded my head in thanks, before exiting. The boy followed shutting the door behind him.