Another Day In Class...

Chapter 46

My chin was then forced to the side where lying next to me was the cold bloody body of my best friend…Ray.

Oh God! That’s what my leg had touched earlier!

I felt my lip tremble beneath the gag and fresh hot tears sprung from my eyes. My eyes began to sting as tears flowed from them.

Staring at your best friend with his throat slit isn’t exactly a pretty sight that gives you butterflies in the stomach it’s more like someone going in with a blowtorch and burning the butterflies limb by limb in front of you. Or…or … when your about six and you get a puppy for your birthday and then three hours later your dad runs it over with the car and you see it happen and you run over there and hold it in your arms wishing it back to life…

I bitterly fought back the tears as the knife pressed into my neck harder and I think actually made a tiny nick in my neck. I squeezed my eyes shut to stop the stinging, not that it really helped but I kept them shut anyway. I heard a muffled scream that I’m guessing came from MJ. They must have taken her blindfold off. My head was jerked around the room and eventually across to MJ. I could see her shoulders shaking indicating she was crying or trying to. I threw her my best sympathetic look when she looked at me. I glanced back over to Frank and shuddered. I couldn’t stand to see him like that.

I felt the pressure leave my neck as the knife was taken away and the person moved. They left the room for a moment and soon bought in Loz, Molly and Michelle… Alicia was nowhere to be seen. Loz was fighting against her captor and managed to kick one of them in the leg so he released his grip on her, she tried to run but was bought back and a cloth was placed over her mouth and soon she passed out in his arms.

My eyes widened and I just watched in terror shifting myself slowly away from Ray’s body closer to MJ. Molly and Michelle had been beaten but no where near as badly as Frank. They were unconscious, that much was obvious, and then laid down on the floor next to the bed we were on. I looked over to Frank and instinctively started to struggle to try and get to him. I was soon grabbed and hit hard across the face I actually fell off the bed and landed on the hard floor with a great thud. My head smacked hard against the floor and made me dizzy. I was practically immobile at this point. I tried to crawl my way across the floor to Frank. Well more like slide myself across the floor. I got maybe three inches before I was lifted up and carried over to him and set down just in front of him.

“You wanted to see him sweet cheeks… here he is.” A cruel voice laced with venom rang through my head.

I glanced up at my lover and tears filled my eyes again as he was grabbed by the hair and forced to lift his head up enough to look me in the eyes. I cringed when I saw his beaten features. He winced in pain as his head was carelessly dropped leaving it to fall where it may. I closed my eyes and shuffled closer to him resting my head on his knee. I gently rubbed my cheek against his knee letting him know I loved him. I heard him whimper and looked up to see a tear falling from his eyes.

“Aww ain’t that cute…you know it’s too bad you’ll never…never mind.” The voice came again.

I shuddered against Frank’s knee and I looked up and noticed a cut across his chest I hadn’t noticed before when I was over on the bed. It was rather deep but not long. I was violently pulled away smashing my head on the foot of the bed as I slid back across the floor. I laid helplessly on the floor at the foot of the bed next to Molly and watched what was happening to my Frankie.

They hit him hard across the face and then stood behind him running a hand down his chest, I saw him breathe in as a hand neared his open wound. I clamped my eyes shut but couldn’t block out the muffled scream from Frank as a thumb was thrust into his open wound. I could hear him choking behind the gag. I looked up terror filling my eyes and fought my splitting headache trying to sit up and struggle free. It was no use. The assault on Frank stopped almost instantly.

His gag was then removed not that he could talk anyway, he was in too much pain. I heard him yell in pain or yell as loud as he could. It terrified me. All he was doing was crying from the pain.

What happened next was a huge surprise to me. I glanced at the door, where one of the guys had exited moments before, and being wheeled in beaten like Frankie was...


Well this changes things....