Status: slowly but surely getting there. updates (hopefully) coming soon (:

Why Me? Tell Me

Food Fight

“Blam!” a big piece of green slimy goop flew past my face. I angrily turned around to see Joe Jonas holding green jello in his hand.


He smirked at me with his infamous Jonas smirk. I gave him a look that said if-you-dare-throw-another-piece-you-are-dead.

He mouthed, “Catch me if you can!” He threw the jello, and it hit me squared in the face.

“JONAS, YOU ARE DEAD!” I screamed as I wiped the jello off my face. I took a huge gob of my chocolate pudding and chucked it at Joe. He ducked and it hit Nick, who was sitting next to Joe. Nick is my bestiest friend forever for life (or BFFFL), but unfortunately he is Joe’s brother too. Nick slowly got up out of his chair. Everyone was watching us; it got so quiet that you could hear the wind blowing softly outside. Joe was trying so hard not to laugh, because Nick had brown pudding in his fro. Nick slowly picked up the spaghetti he was eating and winked at me.

“FOOD FIGHT!” Nick yelled, throwing the spaghetti at his brother. I started to giggle as Joe tried to stop the noodles, but he failed miserably. It went all over his face. There was a piece of spaghetti hanging from his straighten hair. Everyone was starting to throw food, so I ducked under the table, giggling hysterically.

“I can’t believe he did that!” Melanie said as she joined me under the table. Melanie is my best friend, not including Nick who was my first. Nick, Joe, and Kevin are my next door neighbors. Kevin is out of school, because he graduated. Yay Kevin! Nick, Melanie, and I are freshman, and Joe is a senior. Nick and I became best friends when we first met. We just understand each other; we clicked. I can’t even lie to Nick; he knows me all too well. He is like my brother that I never had and so was Kevin. I am an only child though. But somehow, I ended up hating Joe. He always seemed to act like I was a puny little girl who couldn’t do anything for myself. And to make it worse, all the girls in the school were always falling for Joe.

Except for me.

He couldn’t get over the fact that I just didn’t like him at all. Even though, he was funny and cute.

“Oh my god. Did I just say Joe was cute? I am going insane! What is wrong with me?” I shook my head and peeked over the table. The cafeteria was a huge mess. Food was all over the place. On the tables, on the floor, and even on the ceiling!

I turned to Melanie and said, “Joe is so dead when I get home. He can’t just throw food at me! Who does he think he is?”

Melanie shook her head, laughing at me. “He is Joe Jonas. He can do whatever he wants. He gets anyway with almost everything!” She emphasized everything.

Melanie’s mom and my mom were friends from high school, and we just became close friends. Melanie was 5’1, which is two inches shorter than me. She is kind of shy when you first meet her, but when she is comfortable, she is so crazy. I love her to death! She has short dark brown hair, all natural. I, on the other hand, have long brown, almost black hair, with lighter brown highlights. I have tan skin, because I have a Filipino background from both my parents. My dad died when I was 3. He died in a car accident from a drunk driver. Melanie’s dad was always on business trips around the world, so she likes never gets to see him. She is lucky though. Melanie has a father to see at times and to hear his voice. I sighed. I am the crazy one of my friends. I don’t care what people say about me (most of the time). I love to laugh at everything, and I do lots of sports, like cheerleading (yes it is a sport!), basketball and softball. But I am a huge klutz. I mean huge! I fall on my butt more times than I can count. I am apparently really popular, because once I got to high school, some peoples asked me out. But I am not really good with relationships. I like to flirt. A LOT. Melanie, on the other hand, wants a boyfriend really badly. But she wants one that is perfect. I am going to get her a boyfriend this year.

“EVERYONE STOP!” I heard a voice boom. It interrupted my thoughts. I got up from under the table to see Principal Candlenuts standing in the middle of the cafeteria with an angry expression on his face. Everyone was completely still. Principal Candlenuts is one of the best principals we have ever had. He is so opened to lots of ideas for the school. But when he gets mad, he gets MAD!

“Who started this?” he demanded. His face was all red and blotchy. “I want whoever to come out right this instance!” I looked at Joe, and he started to step forward.

“Wow. He is actually being mature. I will step up too cause he threw food first, but I threw it back,” I thought regretfully. I stepped forward towards Joe. He looked at me, surprised, and opened his mouth to say something.

But I cut him off, saying, “We started it, Principal Candlenuts. Me and Joe both .”

Principal C looked at me with a softer expression, “I am very disappointed in you, Camille. You are a very bright student. I don’t see why you did this. Next time think before you act.”

Then he looked at Joe with the angry expression back, saying, “You are lucky you didn’t start this by yourself, or this would have been the last straw for you, Joe. Next time you do something stupid, you are expelled from this school. Do you understand me?” Joe slowly shook his head, not meeting my eyes.

“Now both of you follow me.” We followed him out, but as we left the cafeteria, I could hear faint whispering behind us. One of them stood out to me. It hit me like a curve ball. “Cam likes Joe.”

Oh no.
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Hey it is Caramelle. Just wanted to put another story up. I know I haven't updated in awhile, but I promise I will start. Read my other stories. Comments=Updates! Subscribe. Become my friend.

luv ya lots,
