Status: slowly but surely getting there. updates (hopefully) coming soon (:

Why Me? Tell Me

Let's Get Down To Business

“Ugh, my head is killing me,” I said as I fluttered my eyes open. “Where am I?” I pushed myself into an upright position. A red and white checker blanket was lying on my lap. My eyes adjusted to the brightness of the room, as sunlight poured into the room. I recognized the room as the guest bedroom of the Jonas’ household.

I sighed. “Joe is going to have a field day with how I reacted.” I slowly got out of the bed. I was wearing a pair of black basketball shorts and a baggy t-shirt. “What the heck? When did I get changed?” I thought, but I shook the thought out of my mind.

I quietly made my way to the hallway. I sniffed the delightful smell of freshly made pancakes, wafting from below me. Excited chatter filled the air.

“JOSEPH ADAM JONAS, CLOSE YOUR MOUTH WHILE YOU CHEW! I DO NOT WANT TO SEE THE PIECES OF HALF EATEN FOOD IN YOUR THROAT. I MIGHT HAVE GIVEN BIRTH TO YOU BUT I KNOW I TAUGHT YOU MANNERS!” I heard Denise yell. I silently giggled to myself. I made my way downstairs. My body sore but I didn’t need help to get down the stairs.

When I walked in, the chatter seemed to disappear. “Hi Camille sweetie, how are you?” Denise said coming over, hugging me. I squeezed her back tightly.

“Hi, Denise. I’m okay. Just really tired,” I said. I tried to smile. “You have room for one more hungry child?”

She quickly nodded her head. “Of course, yes. Yes, sit. There is plenty to go around.” She passed me a plate full of pancakes. I doused it in butter and syrup. I sat in between Nick and Joe.

“Camillion, jeez. You are going to be SO fat,” Nick joked. The tension was broken. I laughed out loud. I gave him a little push.

Still laughing, I said, “thanks, Nick. I appreciate it. It is glad to know that my bestfriend thinks I’m fat. Gosh, my self-esteem is ruined!” I laughed, as I ate a big clunk of pancake.

Joe gave me a lopsided smile, as I devoured my pancakes. “Hungry much, Cam?” he laughed. I was too busy stuffing my face, so I nodded.

“So Joe and I were thinking that you needed a movie day, Camillion,” Nick said. “What do you think? We can invite Melanie and watch a bunch of Disney movies. Sound like a plan?” I EEP-ed, approving of this plan.

“I will call, Mel?” I questioned. “Or did you already do that, Nick?” He blushed and nodded his head, confirming that he already called her.

Ding, dong. The doorbell rung. I smirked, as Nick went to answer the door.

I raised my eyebrows at Joe. “Melanie and Nick?” I mouthed. He shrugged, giving me a Don’t-Question-It look. I kept a straight face, but the wheels were turning in my brain. “My life might be a mess,” I thought. “But it doesn’t mean I can’t set up two friends, can’t I?”

I skipped into the basement. I didn’t feel like changing. They would find me down there when they came for movies. I flipped through the movies the Jonas’ had. I was contemplating whether to pick Mulan or Anastasia when I heard the door open. I assumed it the Nick or Melanie, so I kept flipping through.

“I am more of a Mulan fan,” Joe’s deep voice said, breaking the silence. “I like a girl who can take charge.” I laughed silently, still flipping through.

“Where’s the love birds?” I asked, finally deciding on Mulan. I put it into the DVD player and made myself comfortable on the couch.

“They are getting popcorn and sodas. Water for you, right Camille?” Joe said. “I know you hate soda.” I nodded. He made his way to the couch and plopped himself next to me.

“Hey, hey, party people,” Nick said as he came downstairs with the popcorn. Melanie followed him with three sodas and one water for me.

“Hey Camille!” she put down the drinks and gave me a hug. “I missed you. Are you okay? WHY DON’T YOU ANSWER MY TEXTS YOU CRAZY GIRL?”

I giggled and hugged her tightly. “Melanie, I love you. You are here now aren’t you?” I winked at her. I went back to my spot. Nick and Melanie sat down next to each other on the floor. I clicked play on the remote.

The lights were dim. The only lights were coming from the TV. When Be a Man came on, I sang, very loudly I might add, along. Everyone laughed at my silliness. Half way through the movie, Joe’s arm somehow got to back of the couch, almost around me.

I was too preoccupied with watching the movie that I didn’t noticed, until Melanie looked back at us and gave me a look. I looked around and noticed his arm. I shrugged at Melanie, but I smirked when she turned her head and put it on Nick’s shoulder.

Suddenly, I got very sleepy. My eye began to droop. I began to nod in and out of consciousness.

“Hey, Cam,” Joe whispered. “Do you want to sleep now? I can bring you upstairs.” I shook my head no. He laughed at my silent resilience. He pulled me into him and I had no choice to snuggle into his shoulder. His arm wrapped around me tight. I breathed in his cologne, taking in the new, exciting scent. Slowly but surely, I fell asleep in Joe’s arms.
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I know it is short, but Paige, the girl I tutored, wanted a chapter. I tried. I'm procrastinating my history essay. Okay, I'm going to do that. Comment? No? Sad face. Please? <3

Caramelle <3333333333333333333333333333333333