Status: slowly but surely getting there. updates (hopefully) coming soon (:

Why Me? Tell Me

Clean Up, Clean Up, Everybody Everywhere! Clean Up

“What were you two thinking? You have caused a large mess in the cafeteria! I have no idea what you two were thinking? Are you trying to get yourselves expelled?” Principal C yelled at the two of us in his office. His face became red and blotchy again. I hated being in the principal’s office. Usually, I am only here for awards and all that prestigious stuff. I sighed, trying to listen to him rant. Joe sat beside me, staring at the ground.

“Is there something so amusing to you, Joseph? Is there something on the floor that is more important to you?” Principal C blew up. He noticed Joe was zoning out. Joe lifted his head to meet Principal C’s eyes. Surprisingly, he seemed to be on the verge of tears.

“Oh my god, Joe looks like he is going to cry! It is so sad!” my heart said.

“He is faking it, so he won’t get in trouble!” my mind spat back.

“But he looks so innocent and cute!” heart tried to argue back, but failed miserably.

“He is trying to get us out of trouble. Shut your mouth,” mind said, ending the conversation between myself.

“We are sorry about the mess in the cafeteria. We will clean it up. Can you just not put this on Camille’s permanent record?” Joe said, all in one breath. I gasped. I totally forgot about my record. It was perfect . I needed it to stay perfect so I could get into Harvard to become a lawyer. It is my dream (well more of my mom’s dream for me, but I am okay with that. Kind of] I have never, ever got in trouble. I got all straight A’s. The record was spotless. This would ruin me. I turned my head so I could look at Joe, feeling shocked and surprised. But he wouldn’t meet my eyes. He just stared at the floor again. Principal C was also in a state of shock. His mouth was in a circular O.

But he snapped out of it, and said, “My, my Joseph. Maybe you aren’t as bad as you act.” I held my breath.

“Would he put this in my permanent record?”

“No I won’t put this on her record, because it was her first offense. But if anything else like this happens though, and it WILL go on the record,” Principal C finally said. I let out the breath I was holding.

Thank god.

“Now the both of you go to the cafeteria and start cleaning up. You will have to make up all the work you miss. Also, you have a month of detention starting tomorrow.” I cringed. Never had detention before.

I sighed, thinking, “It could be worse.” Joe and I stood up and left to the cafeteria. The walk was incredibly quiet, which was so unusually different for Joe. Usually, he talks up a storm. But he was just quiet, not meeting my piercing eyes.

“What is up with him?” I thought as we walked through the halls. “I need to thank him though. I can’t believe he did that for me. Then, we got to the cafeteria.

“Whoa. It is a mess in here.”

It seemed messier than what it was when we went to Principal Candlenut’s office. There was food all over the tables and the floor and the ceiling. I groaned, knowing it would take forever to clean the mess. Joe walked over to the supply closet, and he took out two mops. He handed one to me, still not meeting my eyes. Then, Joe went to the other side of the room and started cleaning up the floor.

After thirty minutes of pure silence, I quietly said, “Thanks Joe.” He looked up and acknowledged me. “What is the matter with you?” I said louder, getting frustrated. ‘You are usually talking like a maniac. Like me! And now, you are all quiet! C’mon, Joe! If you want to torture me then talk! I mean you get on my nerves when you talk. But if you don’t talk, you get more on my nerves!” I blew up. I didn’t know why. I was supposed to be thanking Joe, not getting madder.

Joe looked at me with a face mixed of confusion and being surprised. “What?” he stuttered, acting like a kid on his first date. Joe’s cheeks turned bright red.

“He is so cute when he is blushing!” my heart fluttered.

“Are you insane? You are thinking he is cute at a time like this?!?!?!?!” my mind yelled back.

“I think of cute guys all the time!” heart sang, winning that battle.

We both just stopped talking. The only thing I could hear with the mops making the swoosh sound on the floor. Joe finally broke the silence, “Sorry for not talking. I was still in shock that you came up to take the blame for the food fight.”

I looked at Joe incredulously, “Of course I would! I am as much to blame as you are.” I shook my head.

“No. I threw food first. It was my fault. You didn’t need to come up. But thank you for doing that. Thank you very, very much.” I looked at Joe, thinking he was being sarcastic, but his eyes were full of truth and thankfulness.

“Your welcome? What did I do?” I asked, cocking my head to one side. I was confused. What did I do for Joe? I should be the one thanking him!

“You saved me from being expelled,” Joe said curtly, still sweeping. I started cleaning the table tops with toilets (I mean towels).

“Oh yeah, I saved his butt from being expelled,” I thought. “You are welcome, Joe. But I should be the one thanking you. Thanks for asking Principal C not to put the food fight incident on my record. My mom would blow up if she knew it happen. It is part of her big plan. I will go to Harvard and become the lawyer she never was!” I said, spinning around in circles. I closed my eyes, relaxing for a minute.

When I opened my eyes, Joe was right in front of my face. I screamed. “What the fudge cakes, Joe?!?!?!?!?!? Give me a heart attack with dontcha!” My heart was racing at a million hours per minute. I get scared easily. Joe was laughing under his breath.

“Sorry, but you kinda zoned out on me,” Joe said, softly laughing. “We are almost done, so just help out before you crash.” I looked around the cafeteria. We were almost done. Wow time flies when you are cleaning up. I looked at my watch.

“Oh my hot guys! It is 5 o’ clock already! School ended like 2 hours ago!” I said, more like screamed. “Wow. Well, look’s like I am walking,” I mumbled under my breath. I was supposed to take the bus, but that was out of the question.

“I will take you home,” Joe said, looking at me as I took the broom and swept the ceiling. “You live right next door! And I have a car, you know.” I looked at Joe with a curious face.

I said, “I thought you failed the driving test though. Nick said you didn’t pass.” I tried so hard not to giggle, but it was funny.

“Nope. I got my license yesterday!” Joe exclaimed proudly. “And I got a new car. It is a black Porsche!” Joe jumped up and down like a little girl. I laughed at him, and he joined me.

“Okay, Jonas. I will let you drive me. But only this once. After this, we go back hating each other,” I said, not even thinking about it. “Oh my god. What did I just say?” I though frantically. I looked at Joe.

Joe looked at me with a funny expression and said, “Why do we hate each other so much?”
“Cause you always thought I was a little girl who couldn’t do anything for herself! Which I can! And you got mad cause I didn’t fall all over you like the other girls in the school,” I said, matter-of-factly, raising my hands up over my head for emphasis.

“Well, can we try to be friends?” Joe asked. “I don’t think you are a little girl. You are a beautiful, young, independent woman.” I looked at him like he lost his mind.

“Are you okay, Joe?” I said, putting my hand on his forehead. “Have you lost your mind?”

Joe pretended to be hurt, “So you don’t want to be friends with the awesomely cute Joe Jonas?” I laughed at his hurt voice. He was trying so hard! Then, Joe made a puppy dog face, which made me laugh even more. I was on the floor, laughing so hard. Tears were streaming down my face. “So is that still a no?”

I shook my head, grabbing his hand. He pulled me up. We finished cleaning up. “No,” I said. “We will TRY to be friends. But I don’t know how that will work out. Now let’s go home!” I said pulling me towards the exit. “RACE YA, JONAS!” I ran out the door with Joe at my tail. I beat Joe to his car. I even did a little funky dance. “I won! Uh huh! Yeah! Joe is a loser!” I sang.

He just shook his head and said, “Get in, you weirdo.” We drove to my house. We turned the radio on and bobbed our heads to the song “So What” by Pink. We talked about Joe’s brothers and how Nick, Joe, and Kevin were in a band. I knew that, because Nick told me. But I let Joe tell me about it. Apparently, they may get a contract with a record company. I am happy for them, but I don’t want to lose my best friend! It was about 5:30 when Joe pulled up to my house.

Joe went around the car and opened my door, “Mademoiselle.”

“Why thank you, monsieur!” I said, giggling. He walked me to my door. “Thanks for driving me, Joe. See you tomorrow in detention,” I said as I put my key threw the slot.

“Night, Cam. See you tomorrow.” I opened my door and closed it. I leaned my back up against it. Suddenly, I heard banging on the door. I slowly opened it to Joe. I laughed, “Didn’t I just get rid of you?”

He smiled, “Not yet, you didn’t. I forgot to ask you for your cell number.” Joe smiled with his Jonas smirk.

I smiled, “It is 756-889-6679. Now good night, Joe.” I closed the door slowly as Joe walked down my driveway.
I got a text.

Good Night, Cam. Sleep tight. Sweet dreams, love.
♠ ♠ ♠
I thought that was long. Well it is getting better! Maybe? Comment=Updates! Subscribe! Become my friend! I will update the other ones eventually. You gotta give me some time, because I have chorus (I GOT A SOLO!), and drama, and school, and homework! I have a hectic life you guys have no idea! So I will update soon!

luv ya lots,
