Status: slowly but surely getting there. updates (hopefully) coming soon (:

Why Me? Tell Me

My World Was Turned Upside Down

Such a perfect moment!

But all perfect moments have to end, a blood-curling scream echoed through the house. My body tensed up. The scream went through my whole body from my toes to my head. “Mom!” I screamed. “Where are you? What is happening?” Something was not right. I could smell blood. “Blood?” I thought. “Oh no!”

I ran to the stairs, and my mom crippled body was at the top of them. A man I couldn’t recognize was stabbing her with a bloody knife. She somehow screamed, “Get out, Camille! Run as fast as you can! Go! Find the police! Get help!” Her requests were muffled by her paranormal screams. She was dying. I couldn’t let my mother die. I ignored her requests and ran up the stairs.

“Go away from my mom, you monster!” I screamed as I punched the man in the face. I heard a crack. I think I broke his nose. “You monster! How could you do that to my mom?” The man looked at me with a deathly glare. If looks could kill, I would be dead in a minute. He walked slowly to me, as I stood in front of my dying mother. No way was he touching her again.

“It will be okay, mom. I will take care of him. You will be fine,” I whispered behind me. I was not going to lose her. I could hear her coughing up blood. It sent chills up my spine. But I wouldn’t look back. It was me and this man. I was not going to lose.

“You can never touch my mother again,” I growled. “I don’t know who you are, but you are going to go to jail. And you will stay there for the rest of your life. You will die there!” I was furious yet so scared. I couldn’t show fear though or he would kill me. The man was taller than me. He was probably stronger than me too. But I didn’t care. I was going to defend my mother no matter what.

The man was obviously drunk, because when he answered, he slurred. “I am your father, you ungrateful girl! I made you! Your pathetic mother shielded you from you daddy! She deserves to die!” He came towards me. He did look like me. I had his eyes. “Hell no!” I thought. “I ain’t his daughter!”

“You can't be my father! He died in a car crash!” I screamed in fear. “Go away! I am calling the police!” Then, something snapped. He got furious. His face got all red and blotchy. But he looked different than what Principal C looked like when he got mad. The man looked like he was going to kill everything in his sight. Me and my mother.

“You unappreciative little girl! You deserve to die like the bitch of your mother!” my “father” said, charging at me. I tried to punch and kick him, but he was too strong. I screamed, “No!”

He pushed me down the stairs. I tumbled down and my head hit the floor. I heard a large crack. My body felt like someone put it in the crasher. I tried to put my hand to my head, but my right arm was broken. It wouldn’t move. Then, the pain came. Everything started to burn. With my left hand, I took out my cell phone. I saw the man run past me, out the door. I couldn’t stop him; I needed to get help. I pressed SEND on my phone, not even looking at the person I was calling.

Ring, ring.

“Hello, this is Joe Jonas speaking to the lovely Camille. What can I do for you?”

“Help. Me. Joe.”

Then, my world went black.
♠ ♠ ♠
I find this really short. WHAT WILL HAPPEN? You won't find out unless I get comments and subscribers! Hehe. I am evil! =] so comments/subscribers=updates!

luv ya lots,
