Status: slowly but surely getting there. updates (hopefully) coming soon (:

Why Me? Tell Me

I Promise

Joe’s Point of View
“Help. Me. Joe.”

“Cam? CAM! Camille! Are you there? This isn’t funny!” I screamed into the phone, frantically. “Oh no, what has happen to her?” I looked at the phone. The call was disconnected.

“Who was that?” Nick said, walking into my room.

“NickCamisintroublesomethingisnotrightweneedtogotoherhousenow!” I screamed all in a rush, running out of the room. Nick was hot on my trail, following me.

We raced down the stairs. Our mom screamed, “Joseph Adam Jonas and Nicholas Jerry Jonas, why are you running in my house?” She sounded very agitated at her two boys.

“Mom, something is not right with Cam. She called me and she asked for help. Then, the line went dead,” I said, opening the door. “Call the police. I think she needs help!” I heard my mother gasped as she reached for her phone. Nick and I went next door to Cam’s house. A blue pick up truck sped away from her house.

“Nick, look at the license plate on the truck,” I said behind me. “I have a feeling that has to do with Cam.” I heard Nick go “mmmmhmmmm”. “Cam!” I yelled, running into her house. The front door was left ajar.

Then, I saw her.

Her lifeless, dead body was at the bottom of the stairs. Her head was cracked open and bleeding. “Oh my god.”

I ran to her body. “Nick! She is bleeding! Is the ambulance coming? We need help now!” I cradled her body in my arms. She seemed so dead; her eyes were shut. Nick came up to me, his face pale.

“Oh my god. Cam. My best friend. What has happen to you?” he whispered. I couldn’t look at him. I could only look at Cam. Her once beautiful face was now bloody and lifeless. Nick went up the stairs.

“Joe, her mother is up here too. She is barely breathing. Someone stabbed her,” Nick said. I checked for Cam’s breathing. It was faint, but it was still there. I could hear the ambulance coming. The sirens going off.

“Everything is going to be okay, Cam. Everything is going to be okay,” I whispered to her. “No one will ever hurt you again. I promise.
♠ ♠ ♠
HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYBODY! I am eating ham right now. YUM! =] This is pretty short, but it is okay for this purpose. Comment & Subscribe! Comments+Subscribers=UPDATES!

luv ya lots,
