Status: slowly but surely getting there. updates (hopefully) coming soon (:

Why Me? Tell Me

Don't Give Up On Me

Joe’s POV

Later that night-At around midnight

I sat down, next to Cam’s bed. She had to go into surgery to stitch up her head. Her face was pale white, and the doctors said she would make it. She lost a lot of blood, though.

But her mom.

Her mom was very injured and lost more blood than Cam. Her heart was faintly beating. The doctors wouldn’t let anyone see Cam’s mom. They said she is critical condition.

Nick, who was on my left, woke up. Nick and I had been in the hospital ever since Cam was here. Nick was her best friend. I felt a little jealous, looking at Nick as he woke up. He knew everything about Cam and what she liked.

“Joe, do you think she will be fine?” Nick barely whispered next to me. His eyes were bloodshot, because he had been crying while Cam was taken in the hospital.

It was horrible.

They lifted her almost dead body and put it in the ambulance. Nick and I were the ambulance with Cam. Her heart gave in, so they had to use the thing that the doctors use on the TV shows. I don't know the fricking name of it! Her heart almost gave up, but somehow her heart started beating again.

“Yeah, Nick. She will make it. Cam is a fighter. She won’t give up. You know she wouldn’t leave us, especially you. You are her best friend,” I said, not taking my eyes off Cam. The doctors said she would be fine, unless her heart gave in again. I really hoped she was going to be fine.

We sat there, wondering what was going to happen to Cam.

Regular POV/ Cam’s POV

Everything was black. I felt like I was falling. Then, I could hear people talking. I couldn’t hear the exact words.

Cam is a fighter.

Hell yeah, I am a fighter. I tried to open my eyes. But it felt like they were glue shut.



Don’t give up on me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I AM SORRY IT IS SHORT. I got my phone taken away for talking and texting too much. =[ now i am phoneless. I will be updating alot now. I guess. Tell me what ya think. Next time it will be longer.

luv ya lots,
