Status: slowly but surely getting there. updates (hopefully) coming soon (:

Why Me? Tell Me

No. Don't Leave Me.

Wake up! Dangit! I have to wake up. Why can’t I wake up? How is my father alive? How could he do this to me and my mom? It can’t be him! I need to wake up so I can figure this out. UGH! Why can’t I just open my eyes? I can’t move anything. I can’t speak. Why did this happen to me? I need to get to Joe and Nick. I need to see my mom. I. NEED. TO. WAKE. UP. NOW!

Honey, you are going to wake up soon. Don’t you worry, baby girl. You always got what you wanted. Haha.

Wait, mom? Are you here? Hello? Mom! How can I hear you? Mom!

Yes, sweetie. I am here. Camille, you have to listen to me. I don’t have a lot of time. Are you listening?

Yes, Mom. I am listening. Why don’t you have time? What is happening?

Camille, I am dying. I have lost a lot of blood and baby, I am not going to make it. The life is already leaving my body. I am leaving my body. But Camille, you are going to be just fine.

NO! No, please tell me you are kidding. No, Mom you can’t die. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! You can’t. Mom, no you can’t. Mom…………

Baby girl, I know this shouldn’t be happening to you. I know baby. I love you so much. But it is my time to go. I’ll be with Grandma and Grandpa and I will look over you. I know you will grow up to be a strong girl. You already are becoming a great young woman. I love you.

I love you too Mom. But who is going to watch over me? And that man cannot be my father can it? Mom, so many questions I have to ask. Mom, what do I do?

Well I always feared that your father would come back. So I wrote up a plan. I told Denise about it, because I know how fond you were of the Jonas family. I told her that if I ever died, that you would be under their care. She would be your guardian. You will go with them. The written statement in the bed side table to the right of my bed. And baby, you get all the money I have stored up for you. Everything is yours. And for your dad, I am sorry I didn’t tell you of him sooner. I left a letter for you. Explaining everything. Camille, I have to go now. I love you so much. Take care of yourself. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t like. I will watch over you. I love you. Goodbye Camille.


But she was gone. Gone forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
I AM SO SORRY! i know it has been WAY long since i have updated. but i have had so much happen. i gots a boyfriend (: but now we are having problems. OY. but we have been going out for most than a year now. hehe. his name is Carlos. <3 and anywho! i am a freshie now. and i forgot how much i loved MIBBA! and i know that is baddddd ): BUT i updated this. and i promise i will update. PINKY PROMISE! :D and this is pretty short. but it is still something. so comments and love are greatly appreciated (:


caramelle <333333333333333333333333333333