As You're Falling Down

I always imagined what it might be like to die, as most people do at some point or another. But maybe I thought about it more than any sane person should. Depressing as the thought of dying is, we ,as humans, know that not one among us is immortal and everybody’s got to die sometime.
But I always imagined I’d be an old woman, that I’d have lived my life to the fullest until the point in time. Then, I would go peacefully, accepting it as my time. My loved ones would cry but know I was in a better place.
Though I’d also thought of the scenario of dying young. Sad as it maybe, it happens. I thought I would be able to make peace with it. I so naively thought that I would accept it, understand it even.

I learned something at the age of 15, something I’d never forget. Perhaps it was my hardest lesson of all.

No matter how strong we think we are.

No one who has never felt it can comprehend the grief and agony of losing someone they love.

And no one is ever really to die.