In Space, No One Can Hear You Rock

Chapter One: A New Mission

The music was turned up extremely loud- just the way 18-Year-Old Elise McCready liked it. Fast, shredding guitars, powerful bass, and insanely fast drums, with growling vocals. That, all in one, described her favorite band, Megadeth. She smiled as she reached out of the shower curtain to pick up the soap, the water running from the nozzle down on her arms and legs, and scrubbed herself, pretending to play air guitar as she did so. Halfway through rinsing off, the familiar tune of rock music changed. It was now quieter, softer, and more girly-like. This was not Megadeth, she knew that. She was enraged.
“Hey! Who’s messing with my tunes?!”

Elise walked... or moreso stomped out into the main room of the spaceship, her body covered in a black Slayer bathrobe and her wet, brown hair in a messy ponytail. Her feet were slipped into dark red slippers, and her hair was still dripping slightly from the water.
“Conor!” she called to her little brother, tapping her foot on the ground, “Why does the bathroom sound like a bathroom in an elevator?”
At that moment, a 14-Year-Old boy came rushing in, trying not to slip on the wet floor. He had a green towel on his head, grey slippers, and a blue bathrobe covered him up from the neck down. “Lee-Lee!” he said, calling his sister by her nickname, “Something’s wrong with my stereo, and we’re out of hot water... again.” he mumbled the last part. Elise scowled. “I know. We’ve moved on to unfairly blaming stuff like that on you. Keep up,” she responded.
Then, the sound of the room’s main communicating screen turned on, revealing Sarah, their 27-Year-Old sister, also wrapped in a yellow bathrobe. “Elise, Conor, we have an emergency!” she called to them, “Something’s wrong with my stereo.”
Elise scowled deeper and looked at Conor. “You’ve had a busy morning, haven’t you?” the female muttered to him. She then turned back to Sarah. “Whaddya want me to do about it, I’m not a plumber.”
“Plumbers don’t fix stereos, Lee.” Conor corrected. She looked at him again. “Oh yeah? Then explain this.” she picked up the radio that was in her bathroom, and pressed a button, shooting water out from one of the speakers and right at Conor. Soaked to the rim again, he groaned, “I have no idea.”
This caused a raised eyebrow from the brunette. “Really? I was hoping you’d know...” she set the radio back down. “Our plumber charged us a fortune for it. And by us, I mean you.” she was then interrupted by Sarah.
“Elise, this is a crisis! We don’t have time for-,” she paused on the other line, hearing a ring. “Oh, hold on, I have another call!” she then switched to another screen, and came face-to-face with the Martian ruler.
“Citizen of Earth,” she began, “the vile cacophony you call ‘music’ will soon be a thing of the past. Mars has-,” Sarah then stopped her.
“I’m sorry, I have Elise on the other line. Can you hang on?” she waited, until another Martian spoke up. “Why don’t conference her in?”
“Great idea!” Sarah responded. “Now, let’s see..."

Back at the ship, Elise and Conor were forced to stare at a picture of a kitten hanging from a tree, meaning Sarah was busy. What made it worse was that the soft music was still playing in the background.
“Well, at least the music fits,” Conor said, glancing at his sister. “Hn, true.” Elise added. The screen then came back to life, showing Sarah and the Martians. “Hey, it worked!” she responded, smiling. The Martian ruler then began to speak to the teenagers.
“What you hear now is a taste of Mars’ newest weapon- an invincible, audio-energy syphon.” the other Martian gestured to the middle of the screen, and then, another screen popped up, revealing what looked like a large band instrument. “Behold, the ‘Saxoblivion’!” he stated proudly. The Martian ruler, on the other hand, looked annoyed. “That’s not the name we agreed on,” she inquired. “I know, but it’s just so perfect!” the other Martian protested. However, Sarah was interested in other things.
“Say, how did you split the screen into three parts like that?” she wondered, soon gaining a response from the second Martian.
“Oh, it’s easy. You just-,” he was stopped.
“Commander!” the Martian ruler interrupted. She then directed the next statement towards the teenagers again. “As we speak, the... “Saxoblivion’... is draining the energy from your wretched Earth music, leaving only easy listening jazz in it’s wake.” At this, Elise scowled and muttered something under her breath, that sounded something like, “No one messes with my rock music...” the Martian ruler continued.
“Soon, we will amass enough sonic power to atomize your planet, and your people will be too relaxed to resist. Earth will submit to Martian rule, or be destroyed. You have three hours.” she then added, “Call us.” then the two other screens disappeared, only showing Sarah.
“Is it me, or did that thing look like a big saxophone?” Elise whispered to Conor. He didn’t have an answer, and turned to Sarah. “Can’t we just blow it up?”
“We can try,” Sarah responded, “but it looked like it was generating some kind of hyper-sonic modulating repulsion field.” Elise only stared on in confusement. “Getting awfully nerdy in here...” she muttered. She then came up with an idea. “Hey Sarah, what would happen if there was more noise than that horn could handle?” she asked. Sarah’s eye lit up.
“That’s brilliant, Elise!” she began, then hesitated. But the sheer volume of volume we’re talking about, it’d have to be the loudest noise ever heard.”
Elise smirked. “You want loud?” she asked. “Nobody rocked out louder, faster and harder,” she paused, “than Dave Mustaine.”
Sarah and Conor looked at her like she was crazy. “Who?” they asked simultaneously. Elise then walked over to a poster she had taped on a nearby window. It showed a man with vibrant, wavy strawberry-blond hair and hazel eyes, wearing a black shirt, a blue leather jacket, and dark blue jeans. He was also holding a Jackson Flying V Electric Guitar. Below that was a logo that read, “Megadeth”. Elise smiled, almost proudly.
“Y’know, Dave Mustaine, of Megadeth!” she turned around. “Man, back in the day, he put the heavy in ‘Heavy Metal’!” she paused, turning back to the poster, “And the sex in ‘sexy’.” she whispered, although Conor heard.
“Hahahaha, you like him! Lee likes Dave Mustaine, Lee likes Dave Mustaine!” he teased in a sing-song voice. Elise turned pink and glared at her younger brother.
“Shut up!” she muttered through gritted teeth, then turned to Sarah and sighed. “It’s just too bad that he’s not around anymore...” she sounded sad as she bowed her head slightly. Not seeing the smile on her older sister’s face.
“Actually, Elise... he may be more around than you think.”
Elise looked up, her eyes shining and a broad smile on her face.
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My first story, everyone! I know it's kinda not what you'd expect from me, but oh well! Enjoy, 'cause I'll be posting more chapters shortly!