In Space, No One Can Hear You Rock

Chapter Two: Help And Revival

“Will someone tell my why we’re in the basement of the ‘Rock N’ Roll Hall Of History Museum’?” Elise asked, walking behind Sarah as she led her down the hallways of the designated spot that she had spoken about. Conor looked up at her.
“It’s because, only the best rockers are put down here.” he responded. Elise shrugged. “Works for me,” she told no one in particular. Sarah walked past various tubes, each holding a particular rock star. Looking at the names, she tried to identify who Elise was really looking for.
“Corey Taylor... Slash... Randy Rhoads... Jimi Hendrix... Bret Michaels... Nikki Sixx... Elise, stop staring at Synyster Gates!” she turned to the younger brunette, who had stopped by a particular tube.
“But he’s hot!” she whined, reluctantly trudging away from the black-haired guitarist. Conor laughed at her, which earned him a slap in the back of the head. Sarah rolled her eyes. “Seriously Elise, what am I gonna do with you?” she laughed to herself, then kept on walking. But quickly after, she stopped at a particular tube. “Wait, here he is!” she read the gold plaque engraved with the name ‘Dave Mustaine’ on it.
Immediately after saying the rock star’s name, she heard a squeal of delight and had to run out of the way as Elise sped forward and hugged the tube. “Yay, you found him! You found him!” she stated happily, a wide smile on her face. Conor laughed at the sight.
“Man sis, you’ve really got to fix your taste in men.” he told her, looking up at Dave’s figure and appearance. She looked at the 14-Year-Old and scowled again.
“And you need to stop crushing on cartoon characters,” she spat. Conor opened his mouth to say something, but shut it and narrowed his eyes. Elise smiled in victory and went back to hugging the tube. Sarah looked at it as well, tapping her foot on the ground.
“But, there’s no way we’re gonna be able to thaw him out in time.” she whispered, loud enough for Conor to hear, as he spoke up. “Are you kidding me? We’ve got a microwave back on the main floor of the ship!”
Elise then pulled her face away from the tube to glare at the boy. “Conor, if you even think about doing what I think you’re gonna do, then you’re gonna get it.” she threatened through gritted teeth as she planted her face back on the glass of Dave’s tube. “No one does anything bad to Dave.” she added, although it sounded muffled because of her lips on the glass. Conor snickered as Elise raised a fist at him. Sarah then turned to the boy.
“Do you really think he’ll fit in there?” she questioned, tapping a finger on her chin in thought. Conor gave his oldest sister a toothy grin. “I don’t think, I know.”
Elise shook her head, her hair becoming messed up on the tube’s glass. Her voice sounded muffled as she spoke, “Not good, not good for Davey...”

Conor kept that same grin on his face as he showed Sarah and Elise his theory. “See? He fits fine.”
To Elise, it looked like a giant ice cube with the last one-third portion of it sticking out of the door. She smacked her forehead in disgust and annoyance.
“Oy vey.”

Two hours later, Conor was standing proudly by a large, blue door that led to a hallway. The door was shut, and Conor had the remote to open it. Elise and Sarah stood some feet away, waiting for whatever Conor had called them there for. He still smiled broadly.
“Ladies, and my sister-,” he gestured to Elise, who scowled, “I present-” he looked at the brunette again, “-your celebrity crush-” the 18-Year-Old stuck her tongue out at him, “-Dave Mustaine!”
He then pressed the button on the remote, opening the door to reveal Dave Mustaine himself, in a red shirt and blue jeans, and holding his head for some reason. Elise tried to contain a squeal of excitement by replacing it with a small smile, trying to keep her cool around her favorite rock star. Conor spoke again. “Now, he’s still a little frozen in the middle, but uh, that’s normal.”
Elise’s smile disappeared as she scoffed. “Psh... yeah, for pizza rolls.”
The 14-Year-Old shrugged. “Pizza rolls, people, what’s the difference?” he grinned again, only to see a raised eyebrow from his sister. He was about to say something, but was interrupted by another male voice speaking up. “Where am I?” it was Dave. Sarah then decided to play around a little and tease her younger sister.
“Okay you two, keep it simple- everything here is foreign to him,” she started. Elise groaned, knowing where this was going. Sarah tried not to laugh as she spoke again. “You’re on a spaceship...” she droned out the last word, slowing it down as if Dave were a caveman trying to understand what one plus one meant. “That’s a ship... that flies... in space...” she kept egging her younger sister on by teasing him, which earned the 27-Year-Old a smack in the arm from the brunette.
Dave scowled slightly in response. Conor then looked closer and noticed something awfully familiar, and weird at the same time- he had the same frown as Elise. “Thanks, but I’m not an idiot. I just... can’t remember anything.” the strawberry-blonde placed his hand of his chin, as if thinking. Elise, wanting to help, shyly stepped towards him, asking. “Do you... remember who you are?”
Dave shook his head sadly. “No... I don’t.”
Conor flashed a large grin, turning to the rock star. “Sure ya do- Lee says you rock!” he gave Dave a thumbs-up. Elise rolled her eyes. “Yeah... Conor? That doesn’t help,” she then leaned in to whisper in his ear, “besides, I think you putting him in the microwave may’ve damaged his memory.”
The boy tried his best to keep his voice down as he retorted, “Hey, you don’t hear the pizza rolls complaining, do ya?” Dave had heard the teenagers talking, and snapped at the 14-Year-Old, “You put me in a microwave?”
Conor sheepishly grinned to hide the fact that he did just that. “Naw, I wouldn’t do that to you, Dave- Lee says you rock!” he winked. The brunette pinched the rim of her nose as Dave spoke, “Let’s just give that a rest, alright?”
Sarah, however, did not look happy... more like afraid. “We’re doomed,” she murmured, looking down. Conor then ran over and picked up another remote.
“No we’re not- this’ll probably jog Dave’s memory!” he then pressed a button, and a recorded program that Elise usually watched came on.

Announcer: He was the heart and soul of the larger and louder than life metal band, Megadeth...
Dave: I wouldn’t say we were larger or louder than life.

“Well, you were pretty big...” Elise said under her breath as she watched the television screen.

Announcer: Genetically raised in a lab, and raised by wolverines, Dave Mustaine went on to be the heart and soul of Megadeth...

At this, Sarah and Conor broke out in laughter, while Elise and Dave both retorted,
“I wasn’t genetically engineered in a lab or raised by wolverines!”
“He wasn’t genetically engineered in a lab or raised by wolverines!”
What made it strange was that they both said it at the exact same time. They glanced at each other for a brief moment, but Elise quickly looked away, her cheeks tainted pink.

Announcer: A look at Dave Mustaine’s rock and roller-coaster life...
Dave: Is my life a “rock and roller coaster”? No.
Announcer: When “Behind the Metal” continues...

The screen then went blank, to Elise’s surprise, and dismay. “That was it? You didn’t record the whole thing?!” she inquired, almost demanding an answer. Conor raised an eyebrow. “There was more?”
The 18-Year-Old groaned, but regained herself and slowly turned towards the man beside her. “Do you remember anything now, Dave?” she asked quietly, her voice definitely radiating sympathy. Dave leaned forward took at the television screen.
“Are you sure that was me?” he questioned, now looking deep in thought. The brunette then turned to Sarah, who shrugged. “At this rate, I suppose being a Martian slave won’t be all that bad...” she trailed off. Conor then skipped forward to Dave’s right side, whipping an arm around his shoulders.
“Relax, I’ll show Dave the ropes! No one knows more about being a rock star than me.” he grinned again, but Sarah spoke, interrupting his moment.
“Millions of people know more about being a rock star than you, Conor. Heck, maybe billions,” Elise then pointed to herself, smirking and sticking her tongue out at the boy. “And I’m one of them.” Sarah then added, “Plus, we only have two hours.” Conor beamed again.
“Perfect! That’s more than enough time for us to learn how to play instruments and rehearse the show!” After this was said, Elise, Dave, and Sarah looked at the blonde-haired boy like he had grown a third eye. “Us?” Sarah questioned, looking nervous. Conor kept the same grin on his face as he folded his arms across his chest.
“Sure, we’re gonna be Dave’s new band.” he then flashed a toothy grin again, making Elise pinch the brim of her nose again. Muttering something under her breath that sounded like, “I don’t know why I’m related to you...” she didn’t notice Dave turn in her direction and tapping her shoulder.
“Hey, you can re-freeze me if this goes wrong, right?” he asked. Although the girl wanted to protest at his question, she bit her lip and nodded. This was not going well...
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Well, here's the second chapter! Yeah I know, half of you probably don't know who Dave Mustaine is, so look him up if you feel like it. He's amazing.