Tedious Pens

Uh, this is the first piece of writing I liked. I wrote it at the start of yr 7, last year. We were doing short stories in English. We were writing recounts of holidays. I was thinking for ages, + still failed to think of anything worth writing about. Asked the teacher if she could help. She suggested I write about not being able to write about anything.
“You want me to write a page about nothing?”
“Yeah, try it; it could work really well, if you can’t think of anything”
“But it’s nothing, you can’t write about nothing, it’s just nothing, there is nothing to write about it”
“Just go + try it”
I did. It kinda worked. It did actually take up a page, although it did include an illustration…
  1. Tedious Pens
    It did once go for a full page...