You Don't Know a Thing About My Sins, How The Misery Begins


My lips reattached to Sydni's again and again. Her laughing increased as we flopped down on my bed. I ran my fingers through her warm dark hair. She looked up at me with her perfect dark skinned face and I kissed her again.

Suddenly the door bursted open. I almost fell off of my own bed in surprize. I had not expected my mother to be home anytime soon.

"Get off of my daughter's bed!" she shouted at Sydni, pushing me out of the room and handling Sydni by herself. I raced down the hall, searching for my dad. He'd save us.

My mother never approved of me being a lesbian. She hated Sydni and never let me hang out with her alone. Ever. As for my father...well he was more approving. He wasn't a homophobic jerk like my mom.

Can you beilieve that a homophobic woman could give birth to a lesbian, a gay son and a straight son? She was more understanding of my brother, Victor's gayness than mine. And that troubled me.
As for Damian-the only straight child-well he was her angel.

I found my dad and my eyes were already wet from the few tears that had poured out while finding my way there. He sat at the small sofa in our tiny living room.

"Dad! She's doing it again. She's tearing us apart!" I screamed pointing down the hall towards my room where I could still hear Sydni and my mother arguing about us.

He instantly stood up and stomped down the hall into my room. Damian and Victor were out somewhere so I was glad they weren't there to so that.

When we reached my bedroom seconds later my mom had Sydni in her arms. She was trying to force her out of my room but Sydni was fighting back.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" My father roared as he pulled Mom away from Sydni. Sydni fell into my arms whimpering and I dragged her out the door into my car.

"Jas, I love you so much. I'll fight your mom forever so we can be together." she promised. I kept my sore red eyes on the road thinking over what she had said. Such comforting words. We had to find somewhere safe. Just for a few hours. Then I'd go back home.


After I arrived home my angry mother decided to spill some news that they had been hiding from me recently; "We were going to tell you later but guess what?" she said angrily, "We're moving."

At first I thought her words were lies. Just a joke. A prank she pulled after this whole episode. But then it sank in as my dad confirmed it. I sobbed and cried and cried and sobbed. I really couldn't help myself. Everything was falling apart.
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Okay just because this chick's name is Jasmin and my name is Jasmin does not mean I'm a lesbian...yet. *wink wink*
That was weird. I hope you like chapter one.