You Don't Know a Thing About My Sins, How The Misery Begins

The Alphabet.. Contains the Letter 'G'

I sat on my couch next to Bob, Mikey and Gerard. We were just chillin', I guess. I don't really know.

"So, are you boys going to Belleville High as well?" My dad asked the guys. Where'd he come from? He really came out of no where. I thought it was just me and the guys in the living room.

"Yeah. It's a great school. Bob's on the debate team." MIkey replied to my dad. I didn't know that.

"Good for you, Bob. Maybe you can get Jazzy to join with you."

"Like a Socratic Seminar?" I asked, seriously interested.

"Sorta, yeah." Bob said.

"Cool. I'll join."

"Sweet! I'll sign you up tomorrow."

"Yay!" I cheered. Mikey chuckled and I giggled.

"Why don't you all go out to lunch?" Dad said and handed Vick a wad of money.

"Okay...?" Vick replied with the enormous wad of cash in his hand. He stuffed it in his pocket and stood up. My dad returned to the kitchen, moved stuff around in there then went upstairs.

We left the house and Mikey but his backpack thingy away (with the tests still in the bag). We stopped at the plaza up-town. Which was like five miles into town. Not too bad, with a car. But we walked so it was pretty awful. "Oh my God...I can't believe...we walked all...the way...over here." Bob complained in between breaths.

We walked into the first resturaunt we saw. "Ahhh, air conditioning." Gerard sighed. He put his red face against a glass door.

"Free breadsticks!" Frankie yelled.

Gerard practically jumped away from the glass door to grab a breadstick. "Mmmm," he mumbled walking back toward us. "Hey. Order..." He took another bite of his breadstick, "the food already."

"Okay." Victor answered, rushed. And Damian followed behind him.

"Let's go find a place to sit." I whispered to Mikey.

"Yeah... Are you okay?" He asked when we were alone. Bob and Ray were in the bathroom, probably freshening up like the girls they were. Frank was getting soda, Gee was getting everyone free breadsticks and Vick and Dee were ordering whatever we were going to eat.

" not really. I'm pregnant!" I half whispered half shouted. I felt my face heat up. I was probably going to have to get used to saying that though. Unless the thing was to be aborted. But I could never do that. Maybe I could. But it wasn't likely. But my dad and my mom and everyone...I was such a smart kid. A's in almost every class. Excpet physical education, but this was my last year in that class anyway. I couldn't do sports. I had so much ahead of me and this just blew it. I blew it. "Mikey, I am pregnant. There's no question. No matter how inaccurate those tests were, I am pregnant!"

I heard the loud thump and liquid spilling onto the floor where Frank dropped his cup of soda behind us.

Frank had heard the whole thing.

Mikey stared at Frank with his mouth hanging open.

Frank and Mikey were the only people I was aquainted with within a thirty foot radius at the moment. He stared at us with wide eyes. "You knocked her up?!" Frank asked, astonished. He still hadn't realized he dropped his cup. People sitting around us turned to see who Frank was talking to.

"Sit down, Frank!" Mikey commanded.

He took a seat across from us, "You're pregnant?" He asked me.

I blinked back the tears the were on their way and put my hand over my mouth. I nodded my head.

Frank took my hands, "It's okay..." he said in a comforting voice.

"Frank, you have to promise to tell this to no one. Okay?" Mikey said.

"Okay. Only Gee." Frank promised. For what reasons he left out Gerard, I did not know.

"No! Especially not Gee!"

"Especially not me, what?" Gerard asked, coming up to the booth we sat in with two breadstick baskets in his hands.

"Not you, Gee," Mikey laughed a nervous laugh, "the letter G."

"What about the letter G?" He asked. We knew he wasn't gonna let it go if we told him to drop it. Even if he did notice the spilled beverage. He needed an answer.

''It's a letter we aren't going to use when we...uhh..." Mikey stuttered.

"...When we sing the alphabet!" Frank finished.

"Well, why not?" Gerard asked, curiously.

"Because it ends in 'ee'. Just like we're not gonna use Bee, or Cee, or Dee, or Eee, or Gee, or...Pee, or Tee..." Frank rambled on until Mikey stopped him.

"I think he gets it, Frankie."

Frank smiled up at Gerard. And Gee rolled his eyes. Frank patted the empty seat next to him, for Gee to sit down.

"Isn't someone gonna clean this up?" He asked, before sitting down.

"Someone'll get eventually." Frank answered and nervously stared at his empty cup.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm really hungry.
Uhm, happy Monday.