You Don't Know a Thing About My Sins, How The Misery Begins

Watch Your Mouth

We finished up eating with no further speak of any issues. Bob was a gentelman and paid the tip. I was surprized because I thought no one was going to pay.

"Hey let's go to the mall!" Frank suggested. We all agreed.

The first store we arrived at was of course Hot Topic. We ran directly to the band tees. It's one of those involuntary things.

"The Misfits! Yeeeaaaah." Mikey sang, picking out a Misfits tee. I stood next to him examining Led Zeppelin shirts. He held a Misfits shirt up on my torso. "This one's nice." He said.

"Yeah, I like it... Oooh! Nice bag." I shouted immediately distracted by the black and red striped tote bag. I ran over to grab it. I had to have it.

"What is that, a man purse?!" Ray laughed.

"Shut up, Ray!"

"Just kidding. It's pretty."

"Yes it is. And I'm buying it."

I walked back to Mikey with my new bag and he turned around with about five shirts in his hands.

"Why so many shirts?" I asked astonished.

"Some are for you." He whispered, sepereating mine from his.

"Awh, Mikey." I gushed, "You don't have to buy me anything. My dad gave us a wad of money remember?" I laughed.

"I know. But then I feel like a bad boyfriend. Speaking of your dad, does he know about us yet?"

"Umh, no."

"Why not?"

"Uh, I guess I haven't had time to tell him yet. I'll tell him though."

"Oh when? When you're stomach is the size of a watermelon?!" He shouted. He sounded kind of angry, I could see the frustration in his eyes.

"Shhh! Mikey, shut up. I don't want him to blame you...for what might happen..."

He sighed, "I guess I understand."

"Hey! Wanna get a peircing?!" I asked completely changing the subject.

"Uhm okay?" He whispered.

I pulled him to the counter. "Excuse me, can we get peircings here?" I asked the man at the counter.

"Yes." He answered, simply.

"Where do you want yours?" I asked turning to Mikey.


"Lip." I said nodding my head in approval.

Frank walked over to us. "Watcha doin'?" He had a pair of red fingerless gloves in his hand. I smiled down at them then back up at him,

"Getting liprings."

"Oooh, me too!"

"Yay. Frankie's getting one too!"

So the three of us got lip rings. Frank got a silver one, Mikey got a black one and I got a purple one. I liked Mikey's best.

"They look great!" Mikey shouted staring at himself in the mirror.

He turned to look at mine. "Pretty." he said. Then he grabbed my waist and hugged me so tightly. He pressed his lips against mine, and I felt his hands lower down to my lower, lower back. He slid his hands into my back pockets. My lip was a bit sore from the new peircing, but it didn't matter. I loved kissing Mikey and nothing could change that.


When we got home my parents were out again. They left a note that read,

Whoever reads this, may it be Vick, Damian or Jazzy, we went out to talk to our new co-workers. We will be back tonight around 11. Instead of making dinner, order pizza or something.
Love, Mom.

I looked up from the paper to the wild teenage boys in the livingroom. I sighed and looked down at my stomach. I could feel tears forming in my eyes, and I struggled to hold them back. I looked back up at the boys. My Mikey was sitting on the couch flipping through TV channels. Innocent. Innocent Mikey. He didn't deserve to be a teenage father. He was so innocent.

"Who wants pizza?" I asked.



"Okay, two pepperoni, two cheese."

I called and ordered the pizza. After that I went to sit with my Mikey. I sat down with him on the couch and we watched a movie with all the guys. He put his arm around my shoulders. I rested my head on his shoulder. He looked down at me and smiled. I smiled back and kissed his neck. It made him giggle. I set my eyes on the television, trying not to be distracted by his angelic face. His fingers crept up my neck, behind my ear and he stroked my hair. His cool fingers sent shivers down my spine. I held him with both of my arms wrapped around him.

Gerard was the first to stand up when the doorbell rang. "Pizza!" He shouted. Everybody, but Mikey and I ran to the kitchen to grab pizza. Mikey kissed me again and stood up pulling me off the couch. We stalked over to the kitchen where Gerard had just opened abox. I grabbed a slice of the cheese pizza and went to sit back down.

Once we finished up eating and laughing Bob had to go home. I gave him a hug. Then Ray left, "Bye Jay." I guess he couldn't stand it with us any longer either.

"Night!" I said.

Then Gee and Mikey left. I hugged Gee and kissed Mikey goodbye. "I love you." I said.

"I love you more. See you at school tomorow." he said and grinned his precious grin.

I closed the door and Frankie was still sitting on the couch nibbling on pizza. He was so cute!

"You're not going home?" I asked.

"Nah. I'll sleep over. Is that okay? Did you want me to leave?" He asked, looking up at me with puppy dog eyes. And it wasn't like I was going to say no in the first place.

"No, no Frankie. I loves ya." I laughed.

"Good. Come sit." He said patting the seat next to him on the couch.


I walked over to where Frank sat, cross-legged on the couch watching Viva La Bam. I layed down and rested my head on his lap. I could see the perfect bone structure of his face sitting under him like that. I wanted to kiss him. Like a friend kiss.. But that's not acceptable. He looked down at me and smiled. He lowered the piece of pizza he was eating to my mouth and I took a bite of it.

"Mmm," I murmured.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Hmm? Oh nothing."

"Maybe it's a false alarm, darling." he mumbled.

"Maybe." I whispered.

"Well when are you gonna see a doctor?"

"Soon. Very soon?"

"Good. Well if you are...preg...yeah, that. Have you thought of maybe, abortion?"

"Maybe...? I hope Mikey's not against it."

"I'm sure he'll approve of any desicion you decide to make."

"I hope so."

"Awh. Come here, baby." Frankie cooed and wrapped his arms around me. "It's gonna be okay."

I rested my head on his chest and breathed in his sweet smell. There we fell asleep. Me and Frankie. Not Mikey and I, but Frank. My new best friend.
♠ ♠ ♠
A main part of this story I'm trying to get through is this whole "It's gonna be okay." thing. I wanna get that through to you and blah, blah, blah, you don't even care.