You Don't Know a Thing About My Sins, How The Misery Begins

Cheer Me Up

I walked out of the house to find the guys playing kick ball down the street.

"Hey Hottstuff!" yelled Mikey as ran to give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I was in a bad mood and Mikey could definetly tell. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"My friend died."I said blankly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," he whispered and hugged me tightly.

The others heard and ran over.

"Well let's go do something to get your mind off it." said Bob. Smart Bob!

We all walked to the Olive Garden and Gerard walked up to the hostess and said "Table for six please." Everyone except Gerard got a seat at the waiting area. "You guys suck." he whined. Then he walked over to Frank and sat on his lap.

"You guys make a cute couple." I mused

"So we've been told." said Frank.

We all burst out laughing, including the hostess who sent us to our seats.

Gerard ordered for everyone, "Six lemonades please."

"Someone is a gentleman!" I said.

Gerard smiled and leaned in across the table and gave me a light kiss on the lips. It was awesome. But then I felt my face get hot, hot, hot.

"Someone is blushing!" Mikey yelled. He was sitting on my left.

I turned my head and he leaned in and gave me a very passionate kiss. He definetly kissed way better than Gerard. "Oh wow! Mikey!" I said loudly. he giggled and gave me another kiss on the neck.

"Okay. Okay! My turn!" said Frank. I once again turned my head, this time to the right, where Frank was. There they were, those beautiful big hazel eyes staring right at me. He locked his hands on my head and leaned foward, he closed his eyes and gave me the most amazing kiss of my life. It was like 15 seconds long. Then he gave me more kisses and added tounge! We were making out. I could feel everyone's eyes on us.

After a few minutes of making out, Bob threw a straw wrapper at Frank and Frank giggled. His giggle was so adorable. We finally ordered and Frank and I both ordered spaghetti while the others Had chicken parmesan. Frank and I immediatlly sensed we were both vegetarians. "I guess we have alot in common!" Frank said.

During lunch we talked about their band called My Chemical Romance.

"I'm the lead singer!"Gerard said proudly.

"I play lead guitar." said Ray

"I play Bass."Mikey said.

"I am the DRUMMER!" Bob exclaimed.

"And I play rythmic guitar!"announced Frank.

After Lunch we headed to the Market Place. We all agreed on seeing Shutter. Once again I sat between Frank and Mikey at the theater. Ray, Gerard and Bob were totally into the movie but all Frank and Mikey were interested in was me. I felt kind of special, and they didn't mind sharing me. They lathered me in kisses through out the whole movie....

The movie ended and we were first to get out.

"Now what do you wanna do?"Bob asked everyone.

"Let's go to my house, it's gonna get late soon." said Frank.

When we got to Frank's house I could see my brothers had already arrived from New Hampshire.

"Oh, Frank I'm sorry I can't come in, My brothers are here." I said pointing to their car.

"Okay! See you tomorrow."he said.

I gave everyone hugs and kisses and as I began to walk away, someone grabbed my hand. It was Mikey. He pulled me back and gave me a long tender kiss. I heard someone's voice say "Hey! Let go of my sister!" it was Damian. He ran over and seperated me from Mikey.

"And who might you be?" Mikey mused.

"I'm her brother!" Damian yelled. "Why were you kissing my sister?"

"I'll tell you,"Mikey began,"I kissed her because I like her."

Frank pulled me close to him and held me tightly then started making out with me just to bug Damian.

"Let her go."he said calmly. I held Frank tighter and played along with the boys.

Then I ran over to Gerard and ripped off his shirt and started making out with him too. I could see Damian was furious. he pushed Gerard out of the way, grabbed my hand and pulled me home.

"Bye Jasmin!" the guys said in unison. I blew them kisses and waved goodbye.
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Eugh! It gets better.
Sorry it sucks.