Status: Coming back shortly .... TBA

Radio Man


“Mikey oh wonderful one, please suck my big toe,” Frank giggles as Mikey looks at him in pure disgust.

“You’re fucked in the head Frank. I mean, just. No! That’s so wrong!” Again, Frank giggles because he just simply loves to annoy Mikey. In anyway possible.

“I’m only joking Mikes,”

“Don’t call me that, shit face,” Frank snorts because come on. Seriously?

“Why the fuck not. Fuckin. Shit stain,” This time Mikey snorts. Fuck you Mikeyway!

“Because only my brother calls me that and I fucking hate it,”

“Ohh. Speaking of your brother. How is he?” Frank pokes his tongue out, making Mikey groan in annoyance.

“Do you ever give up? Jesus. He is and never will be into you. He’s found someone,” Oh.

“Oh. Uhh. Really?” Mikey notices the look on Frank’s face. But Frank isn’t exactly making it subtle. It’s sticking out like a sore thumb.

“Yeah. Some random he keeps running into. Apparently right. Get this,” Mikey pauses for dramatic effect and come the fuck on Mikey!. “He doesn’t even know his name. Ha. I find that fucking ridiculous.”

“Really? Is this guy. Cute?” Frank can tell he’s being a jealous bitch but hey. He really likes Radio Man.

“He ummm. Fuck what did he say? He has dark brown hair, nice eyes apparently and he’s short-ish with ta- oh my fucking god,” Mikey stops mid sentence and slaps his forehead.

“Umm. What the fuck dude?” Frank sprawls out along the couch, spreading his legs across the Mikester.

“I. How the fuck could I be so stupid. I can’t believe it. Oh god! No! No no no no no! Fuck me,” Mikey’s groan is getting on Frank’s nerve because he doesn’t know what the fuck is going on.

“I will fuck you. Once you tell me what you’re groaning about. And no need to flutter me and say it’s an image of me naked, bending over to touch my toes. I know it’s not. You’d be half way back from heaven already,” Frank grins and Mikey just groans more.

“Nooo. Fuck off. No. Why Gerard? Fucking why!

“Ok enough fuckin’ around. What are you on Mikey?”

“It’s. I just realised who his fuckin’ crush is. And I can’t believe it,” a shake of the head is all that is emitted from Mikey.

“Well. Who the fuck is it?”

“No. I. God damn it. Frank. All I can say is you are a dense mother fucker,” And with that, Mikey leaves Frank’s apartment, who is once again. Bemused.
♠ ♠ ♠
again i have cut these into 2 chapters. so i will put the 12th update up after this.

sorry for the shortness!! hahaha.

it's finally up to 10 stars. woo! hahaha. that's kewlio man. hehe so thankyou to all of you fuckers. JOKING. seriously thank you!!!

sorry for my spelling and grammer. it was late when typing this. UN EDITED AND BETA'D.



xxx jess