Status: Coming back shortly .... TBA

Radio Man



So Frankie, what can I do the pleasure of you. For. Tonight? Jesus. I stuffed up. I need more coffee. Aaand take two. How can I help thee?”.

Frank’s laugh follows through the receiver and out the radio speakers. trippy.

“I have a problem Gee. Two actually,”

Well spill them my dear boy. Man. Lady? I’m joking. Tell me your problems and I shall help the best I can,

“Ok. The first one. I keep bumping into this guy. Just around places. And to me, he’s the most gorgeous fu-damn piece of arse in this town. But I don’t know his name! And god damn it. I. I don’t know,” Frank sighs because honestly. He really doesn’t know.

Oh. I understand you Frankie. Oh man do I understand you. Ok. What I think you should do is hunt this person down. Stalk them. Ok. Maybe not. Bryar is saying you can go to jail for that. So scrap that. Just. Next time you bump into him, quickly ask his name. Because the next time I bump into my mystery man, I am doing the same thing,” Again. Frank sighs.

Radio Man has a mystery man and god fuck he wishes he was the mystery man.

“Well I hope you get him,”

Oh I will. If I can help it, I will get him within the next few days. And I hope you snatch your man too. So Frankie. What was the second drama we have?

“Ok. Well this one is more, of an annoyance. I wont mention names because yeah. But my neighbour. Who is most likely listening. Is an absolute arse. He. He knows I like his brother, but he wont introduce me. And then tonight he says that his brother has a crush. And that I’m a dense mother. Effer. What the crap does that mean?” Frank finally breathes, hearing a loud thump along with a muffled “OI!” through the wall.

Oh wow. Your neighbour seems like a bit of an arse doesn’t he? Well. I think you should also stalk your neighbour, so you can meet his brother. And. Hang on. So you like 2 different guys?

“Ummm. Yeah. I do. I know. Can I be anymore selfish. It’s just. I don’t know. If I met this brother then I could see who I like more. I mean. I’ve spoken to the broth-err. Rrr,” shit shit shit shit shit.

Oh have you? I thought you haven’t met him?

“I haven’t. I’ve just. Spoken to him over the phone,” Frank sighs. He’s in a tight fucking pickle. Tight fuckin’ pickle.

Oh. Ok. Ha. You’re a confusing one Frankie. Confusing. But I like it. Well. This is a tight situation. I’m actually really confused but what I shall say is meet them both, have lunch or something. And just go from there. Don’t worry about rejection,

shit. I haven’t even thought about fucking rejection! Auwww. Fuck this.

“I will try. I don’t promise anything. Thanks for that though Gee,”

Good boy. Oh hey! We’re having a live show at midday. I know I know. We’re a midnight show and yet we’re doing a midday show. But anyway. Midday show live at the fairgrounds for the festival. You should come down. That goes for all the people out there. 2 days time. Come down and meet me and Bryar! I wanna see my callers!

The line goes dead and Frank smiles. Big. Because a chance. Finally a chance to see and even meet Gerard. To meet Mikey’s brother. To meet.

His Radio Man.
♠ ♠ ♠
oooo. so something might finally be happening? Yes... No???

hahaha. Shall wait and see for the BIG DAY!!! hahaha.


xxx jess