Status: Coming back shortly .... TBA

Radio Man


Frank finally got the the Radio Station in almost one piece. For a 5 minute walk a lot of shit happened. Firs the most weirdest and scariest and yet funniest thing was Frank and Mikey were walking, slowly of course. He swears Mikey did that on purpose. As they were walking, Frank noticed they were about to pass a pet barn.

So of course he drags Mikey in just to look at the dogs because Frank Iero loves. Dogs. And they are so cute and little and yapping and being all dog like. Then Frank feels something against his leg. And when he hears Mikey laughing hysterically he looks down. A small Chihuahua was literally humping his leg. Or ankle. And Frank’s just staring at the dog. Wide eyed. And Mikey laughs.

Frank can practically feel the dog vibrating on his leg. And he’s almost certain if you leant down to it, you could hear the slight ‘vvvvvfffffffff’ of the vibration against his leg. Stupid vibrating dog.

After that incident, which left Mikey in tears and giggling for minutes on end, they finally headed towards the Radio Station. On the way there, more then 3 dogs tried to walk towards Frank. And maybe that dog sprayed him with something or maybe he smells like a female dog. What ever it is, he doesn’t like it.

Bestiality is not one of his specialties. He loves dogs. But jesus. That’s taking love and care to a whole new level.

And then Mikey starts talking about his day at the beach the other day. And Frank really isn’t listening until he hears a few keywords that makes him ask Mikey to repeat himself. What he hears is : Seagulls, burst, splatter, never do it. What Mikey said in full was: “Oh dude, I found out that seagulls can like, fucking burst or something. Like splatter if you feed them this weird foaming pill or something. They fucking blow up! But I suggest you never do it. I haven’t. but Gerard did apparently. When we were younger of course. Hey look, ponies.”

And then. Finally. After all that. They’re here. At the shack. The station. The place Franks been wanting to be all fucking morning. And now he’s here. He’s nervous as fuck.

Why is he nervous? It’s only a Radio Man! God. It’s. it’s going to be fine. Right? What if he doesn’t like Frank. What if Frank doesn’t like him. Oh shit. What if this all goes wrong?

“Frank shut up, it’ll be fine,” Mikey sighs and what the fuck? Is Mikey like. Psychic?

“Dude. Get outta my head,”

“No you dick. You were speaking allowed. You will like Gerard. He will like you, everything will be fine. Just. Be friends. Nothing has to happen you know,” And Frank is shocked, because it actually sounds and looks like Mikey wants Frank to be confident in meeting his brother.

“Wow. Thanks Mikes,” Mikey smiles and pats his shoulder.

“Hey. You’re my best friend. I want you to be happy yeah? Even if that means I gotta tell you you got dog shit on your converse and you’ve been walking around with it there since the vibrating dog,” Frank stares at Mikey as Mikey tries his hardest not to laugh. He’s starting to go red from the strain.

“You asshole Mikeyway! Why didn’t you tell me back there?” Frank lifts his shoe and yep. There it is. Bits of grass and dirt all mushed into it and oh shit, if Frank keeps looking at it he’s gonna be sick.

“I thought it was funny. Gave me a laugh,”

“So that’s why you were still giggling for ages,”

“Yeah,” and this time Mikey does giggle because Frank gags as he looks at it again.

After another 5 minutes of scraping and gagging and people giving him weird looks. Franks shoe is clean and clear of any facies. He looks at his watch and it’s 12.15pm and he’s late and god he hopes Gee wont mind. Not that he had a set time or anything to be there by. But it’s the principle of the matter. Right?

“Come on shit boy,” Mikey smirks as Frank growls.

They walk behind the steel push gate towards a rather large crowd. And this pisses Frank off because he wants to be at the front. But aha! this is where it rocks to be short! And that’s it. Franks off weaving and dodging pulling Mikey along with him.

He can hear Mikey apologizing profusely as he bumps into people. It makes him laugh. And then after being elbowed a few times Frank and a bewildered Mikey arrive at the front and now Franks a little confused.

There is a blonde guy sitting next to a dark haired man who looks remotely familiar. The dark haired guy turns to face the audience who burst out laughing. And shit. That’s fucking cute dickhead!. And then things start falling in place. But Franks still confused.

“There he is, your scary obsession. And my brother,” Mikey smiles lightly but Frank just looks at Mikey, back to the two people then back at Mikey.

“Which one is he?” Mikey looks taken a back.

“The one with the dark hair. Duh,” And now Frank is so confused and yet everything makes sense.

“Wait. No. That’s cute. That’s cute dickhead.” And now Mikey is confused.

“What? Who?”

“I, met him before. Down the mall. And in Star Bucks. And down the mall again. And he was who I was talking to. Before. Like. Fuck. My head,” Frank frowns and he’s getting annoyed because this is so. Weird.

“Oh. Hang on,” Mikey is silent for a few minutes as he goes over what Frank told him and what he knows. Then he finally understands.

“well?” Frank asks as Mikey starts smiling.

“Well. Your two crushes. Are the same person. Your cute dickhead, is my brother. Remember Star Bucks? How you ran into him? and I was there, acting weird. It was because he was there and I didn’t want you to know that was him,” Mikey smiled and looks around because he kinda feels bad for it now.

“Wait, so you’re saying all this time I’ve liked two people. It’s really only been, one?” Mikey nods and oh shit, there ya go. Frank feels kinda weird.

Like the world has started spinning the other way. The right way. Frank smiles. Because well. He gets his two favourite people. In one.

A few more minutes pass before Cute-Radi-Gerard announces that there will be a 10 minute break. Mikey smiles and motions Frank forward and now he’s not too sure about meeting Radio Man, who si Gerard, Who is cute dickhead. Who he’s already met. Shits still a little confusing to him.

Mikey goes in front and Gerard notices him immediately, standing up and walking over to him before hugging him.

“Hey Mikes. I was wondering if you’d come see me today,” Gerard smiles and Frank can’t help but smile too. But then he feels stupid because he’s smiling because someone else is smiling but they don’t know that. So he feels weird. Like a strange stalker.

“yeah. Well I got someone you might wanna meet,” Mikey smiles and looks behind him to motion frank up.

“Yeah. Who?” Gerard smiles and waits to see the person. And then Frank walks up. And Now Gerard is confused.

“This is Frank,” Mikey sighs. Because. Well. It’s finally happening.

“yeah. We’ve. Met. How do you know Mikey? Or. How do you know Frank?” And Gerard kind of looks confused over his own words.

“Ok. Let me explain. Frank here calls your station Gee. He’s Frankie. You know, the one with the annoying neighbour,” Mikey glares at Frank who just shrugs and smiles before continuing. “That annoying neighbour is me. Frank is also the guy that you have a cr-have met and run into down the street loads of times. Confusing I know. Franks still just getting over it. Shake hands and talk,” Mikey steps back and watches the two people stare at each other,

“Wow,” Is all Gerard says.

“yeah. Pretty much,” Frank agrees. And then Gerard smiles, causing Frank to smile.

And Mikey groans. Because here we go.
♠ ♠ ♠

Long chapter. hahahaha. This is for errrrrm. fuck. there's loads of people. god. Ok. this is Dedicated to EVERYONE. sorry. i can't just pick someone!! But a special thanks to MeeahxRawr, she gave me the seagull thing. LMFAO

ummm. enjoy?

OH! and check out my NEW smutty Frerard Kinky, No?


xxx jess