Status: Coming back shortly .... TBA

Radio Man


Frank and Gerard just stare at each other. Each taking in the news they have only been recently told. Frank can’t get his head around it. Seriously. Radio Man and cute dickhead are the same person. That shit is just, just woah.

“Can we maybe get a move on, or something?” Mikey speaks up because watching them two is like, painful for him.

“I. I gotta work Mikes, you know that,” And Frank suddenly remembers when they were in the mall and Gee had his brother on the line. duh!

“Oh. Well, how about you come over for dinner tonight then. That way you two can. Fuck. I don’t know. Digress? Or something, and we can at least be comfortable, and Frank doesn’t smell like dog shit,” Frank stares wide at Mikey.

He smells like dog shit!?

Gerard just smiled while looking somewhat confused. Frank doesn’t want to explain and he doesn’t want Mikey to either, and he knows he will. So what he does is grabs Mikey’s arm just as Mikey goes to talk.

“Ok then. Sounds like a plan. See you later cute dickhead. Come on Mikey,” And then they’re off.

And they’re in such a rush Frank doesn’t realise what he’s said. That is until he realises Mikey is laughing.

“What? Fuck. What damn it, I’ve had it with you. Making me look like a dick,”

“Y-you dude! Haha you fucking called him cute dickhead!” Mikey is now gasping for breath while Frank just stops and looks at Mikey.

He better be joking. He is joking. Right?

“Fuck off. No I didn’t,”

“Y-yes! You DID! HA!” And then Mikey is holding onto Frank, wheezing and trying not to cry.

“No. No I didn’t. Mikey shut up. Pleeasee!” And Frank is getting worried because Mikey shouldn’t be laughing so hard at his own cruel joke.

Yeah Mikey is strange. But he’s not deranged or anything. So oh fuck. That means that yes Frank must’ve said that toRadio Man Gerard. And that means he is back at the radio station wondering what the fuck Frank meant.

And that means he will think he’s weird. And that means he wont wanna come over tonight! And that means no flirting! No kissing! No touching! No hugging! No moaning! NO Gerard TASTE!

Frank wants to cry now. So he grabs Mikey and hauls him to the car. This time he’s going to drive. Mikey buckles in still giggling to himself. Frank doesn’t care. No. No he doesn’t.

He starts the car and drives. Drives until he gets home. He slams the door in mikey’s face resulting in a “Fuck you too Frank! Haha cute dick head.” being yelled through the door as Frank flings himself on the couch.

The radio is looking at him and he sighs before switching it on.

“And hello everyone who is tunning in today and who is in front of me! Yes hello! Yes hi I see you. Oh thank you. No. No I’m single. Ummm. No that’s ok. Ha. No. I can’t. I’m live. Yes. Yes on air. No they can’t hear you. Because you don’t have a mic. Haha no you can’t have Bryars. No he will-no. No. ok. Can. Yeah. Can you- No. Ok. Bryar. Help,” and then a song comes on.

Frank wants to be still there. But maybe, just maybe he will still come for tea.

Tea. Tea. Shit. Mikey said tea at his place. So that means he’s cooking.

oh fuck.

Frank hopes Gee likes burnt food. If not. He’ll just say it’s spicey Cajun.

Frank groans. Tonight is going to be hell.
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it's short i know people! SORRY! fuck. don't hate. haha. Ok, because i'm a lovely friend i am... promoting? my bitches story. ahha. it's a green day fic and is quite hilarious!!!

I can't be stuffed doing all the code things, but her username is sosueme.

go and add her, befriend her and what not. she's a darl and a major billie slut. hahaha.


xxx jess

OH! Check out mine and synysters NEW story over on her profile! it's AWESOME! lol. DO IT! CITY OF EVIL!!!