Status: Coming back shortly .... TBA

Radio Man


Frank has just served up tea. Which consists of some egg plant meal for himself. He doesn’t exactly know what it is, it looked good. But for some reason, it looks different from the cook book. Is his egg plant meant to be black-ish?

Gerard and Mikey have steak with mash. And Frank almost puked 4 times cooking the steak. Mikey just laughed at him. Gerard was too busy looking at Frank’s hallway. He doesn’t know what was down there and he’s a little afraid to ask because he has to sleep in his room alone, which is off the hallway. He doesn’t need nightmares.

“Frank what the hell is that?” Mikey is talking about Frank’s egg plant. Well, use to be egg plant.

“It’s umm. It’s egg plant,”

“Yuck. Isn’t it meant to be white or something?” Gerard looks over at Frank’s plate.

“It was when I cut it, but then it. It went black,” Frank sticks his fork in the egg plant, and for a minute, he was sure his fork would’ve bent.

“If you die from it. Can I like, rent your room out and sell your stuff?” Mikey places some mash in his mouth and all Frank can see is pink, white, pink, white. It kinda makes his stomach turn.

“Why would you do that?” Frank carefully eats some of his food and it actually doesn’t taste too bad. He’s proud with himself.

“So I can get some money. Duh,” Mikey shakes his head as if it were obvious that was the reason. And maybe it was obvious. Frank just isn’t too quick with these things.

He blames his mom. Ok so he takes that back. He loves his mom. Mommy.

“Asshole. I thought you loved me,”

“Ummm. Frank. We’ve been through this. I’m not gay man,” Frank stares at Mikey as Gerard smiles from the sidelines. At least he is getting some entertainment right?



“Dude, you just. Like. Fuck. Mikey!” And Frank can’t help the blush that is spreading across his face because he can feel Gerard’s eyes boring into his face.

“I. What? All I said wa- oh! Oh dude, come on. I think Gerard picked it up,” Mikey smiles and looks at Gerard.

“No I didn’t actually,” Gerard smirks and Frank feels like crying in his bedroom but that means going down the hallway where Gerard was staring and that just is not a possibility.

“Or not then,” Mikey looks back at Frank, his lips pulled into his mouth like he’s trying not to smile and look sympathetic. It doesn’t work. Frank can see through it.

“It’s ok Frank. I’m pretty sure you know about me,” And Frank could kiss Gerard right now. He could kiss him anytime but that’s beside the point.

“Yeah. Thanks to Mikey and well, your show and all,” Frank nods and eats more of his food, ignoring Mikey who is chewing loudly on some steak.

“Yeah. Mikey has a thing where he likes to share my personal life with his friends,” Gerard eats some mash and smiles at Frank.

“Ith nog mm flaugh,” And both Frank and Gerard turn to Mikey who continues chewing his steak. “Wha?”

“Fuckin. Swallow please,” Frank turns his head away from the site.

“Ha. That’s what he said,” Mikey obviously swallowed.

Frank shakes his head but smiles slightly as he hears Gerard snigger. It sounds so beautiful. And no he didn’t just think that. Erase that from your memory. Gone. Get rid of the sin. Rid of it. Memory wipe. Gone? Good.

“This steak is so fuckin good Frank. For someone who don’t eat it, you sure can cook it,” Mikey smiles at Frank, bearing all his white teeth covered in steak bits.

“I’m going to go throw up now,”

“Good one Mikes,” Gerard playfully scolds his brother while Frank just watches on in need and want and he feels like an utter idiot for staring but god doesn’t he have the most beautiful smile. Ever!.

“Shut up Gee. Don’t stick up for him. He’ll think you like him,” Mikey laughed as Frank shot a death glare at him while Gerard just smiled.

“So what if I do?”

“No Gerard. The like where two people love each other and they go to their room and have mad fucking kinky sex with out lube and just bare back fuck each other and moan and groan and get sweaty and then they kiss and tell each other they love one another then they come in each others eye!” Frank’s face is something like an msn emoticon. O___o

Yeah Frank’s face is that while Gerard’s is -_-

And Mikey’s is ^.^

“What the fuck?” Frank states while keeping his msn face.

“I don’t know,” Mikey says before eating, acting as if nothing happened.

God, let me pray to you and ask that you save this dear, dear boy. This dearly fucked and messed up boy. And while you’re at it, ya’know, maybe give me Gerard?.

One can hope. Right?
♠ ♠ ♠
Hahaha I had fun writing this one. Lol. For some reason.

Hope it's ok


xxx jess

ps. check out my new story PLUS all the new ones updated!!! please?