Status: Coming back shortly .... TBA

Radio Man



Gerard and Mikey just left, leaving Frank alone to do the dishes. Which he doesn’t mind, not too much. It would’ve been nice if he got a night off though. But he can’t complain. He just got to sit and watch Gerard eat.

That shit was hard core.

Frank smiles as he washes a plate. He thinks it was Gerard’s. It seems like it would be. He doesn’t know why, but he just knows these things. And maybe his fingers caress it just a little.

It’s really quiet in the apartment. There is no radio going. Well there is no need, the person he listens to is in the next room. And he can hear him now. Although it sounds like yelling that is going on.

Are they arguing?

Frank stops doing the dishes, or more so stops touching that one plate and moves closer to the wall. It’s muffled, but there is yelling. And laughter. Well it can’t be that bad then can it?

Frank smiles to himself before turning back to theplate dishes. And then he kinda jumps andsqueaks squeals screams turns around as a yelp is emitted from Mikey’s apartment. The yelp sounded painful. It sounded like Gerard.

Did Mikey kill Gerard? Why would he do that? What, what made him do such a thing! Gerard was his brother! How. NO! No! He couldn’t have. He wouldn’t do that to Frank. Would he?

Frank is kind of freaking out because he can’t hear anything next door now. And there is a loud thud against the wall and Frank thinks he could faint right now because he knew Mikey was a damn weirdo! He knew! Why didn’t he say something!

There are 3 loud knocks on Frank’s door and he doesn’t want to go towards them but his feet are being traitors and take him there anyway. And then his hand betrays him too and turns the door knob before opening the door. And then his body also betrays him because he wants to lunge and attach himself onto the towel wrapped Gerard in front of him. But it doesn’t. It stays put and his eyes are staring at that little patch of hair that is sneaking above the towel near his hips.

He has hair. He has pubes. Oh fuck he has sexy pubes. Oh wow. Look, pale. Water. Pale. Bite. Now. Frank’s thoughts are not betraying him.

“Hey. Sorry. But umm. Mikey’s shower just sprayed me with the coldest water I think I’ve ever felt. His hot water system is busted. He forgot to tell me or something. Bastard. Anyway. Could I uhhh. Use yours?” Gerard flushes a bright red across his cheeks as Frank doesn’t move his eyes from his pelvis and groin area.


“F-Frank. Can you uhhh. Stop staring? Please?” Frank hears him and also flushes.

“I. I wasn’t staring. You. Ummm. I have the same towel. I was, seeing if it was mine cause I lent mine to Mikey and haven’t gotten it back. Yeah. That’s right,” Frank nods really quickly.

“Uhhh. Right. Shower?” Gerard kinda does this thing where he raises his eyebrows and bites his lip and Frank is about to take his thoughts into action.

Oh yes.

“Oh yes,” Frank just stares as Gerard’s brows furrow at his words. “I mean. Oh. Yeah sure. Not. Yeah. Ha. Sorry,” Frank steps aside as Gerard walks in, looking around a little before heading towards the bathroom.

“Frank, does your door lock?” Gerard calls out from the hallway.

“Uhh. No,” Thankyou malfunctioning lock!.

Frank swears he can he a few muttered words, but he’s not sure. He just stands at the start of the hallway staring down it as the water starts up.

Gerard is in there. Naked. In his bathroom. Washing himself. Touching. Bare skin. Water.

Frank jr. Is now up and ready.


Frank quietly goes into the toilet, which just so happens to be right next to the bathroom.

Frank just hopes he can be quiet enough. Because he doesn’t think that saying he has moaning pipes would really work.

Not this time.
♠ ♠ ♠
LMFAO. so how did you guys like ch21??? LOL!!!! I was typing this one out so I put that one up to keep you guys entertained. Hehehe.

Sorry this is short. I am kinda BUSTING for the pissa and I couldn't finish it. So yeah.


xxx jess

PS. Almost up to 200 comments!!!! I think that's awesome. Hehehe