Status: Coming back shortly .... TBA

Radio Man



“And you didn’t do anything?” Ray is staring at Frank and it’s making him feel a little uneasy. Ray seems to do that a lot to Frank.

“No. I mean. What was I meant to do? I was in my fuckin briefs for crying out loud. Not much I could do ya’know,” Frank quirks an eyebrow to prove his point.

“Coulda done something. I mean. Hell. Sounds to me as if he was maybe checking you out just a little?” Ray smirks as Frank blushes just at the thought of Gerard checking him out.

“Ha. Ummm. No. God. I. I wish,”

“I think you got your wish,” Ray pokes his tongue out a little while Frank sighs and shakes his head dramatically.

If you’re going to do something, do it dramatically. Or if you’re Frank Iero that’s the case.

“Ray. Come on. This is Gerard. Radio Man. Cute Dickhead. He’s gorgeous as all hell and would never look at something like me,”

“Hey now. You’re all right looking! Kinda. If I was gay,” Ray pouts a little and shrugs and Frank thinks Ray was once in an asylum.

It’s time he goes back.

“Right. But what ever. If anything is to happen. He can make the first move,”

“God. You’re such a woman! He’s probably thinking the same thing,” Frank laughs at what Ray has just said.

“As if.”

“It’s not exactly impossible you know,”

“Y-Yeah it. It is ok. Just. God. Stop it. You’re making my hopes rise. Or something. Just shush you,” Totally made sense.

“What ever. Don’t say I didn’t tell you so when you finally take off your rose coloured glasses though,” Ray smiles before yawning. “Oh! Did you h-h-hear?”

Frank laughs a little as Ray stutters due to a small after-yawn-yawn. Thing.

“H-h-hear of what R-R-Ray?” Frank loves taking the shit out of his work collegue.

“Ass. Anyway. Apparently Schechter has a man,” Frank’s eyebrows just about ping off of his forehead.

Yes ping.

“What!” His office chair creaks as he leans forward.

“Yeah. One of the guys down the hall saw him kissing this guy goodbye this morning. Weird huh?” Ray isn’t even looking at Frank as he speaks but Frank doesn’t care about that.

“What?” Frank says it again, but this time he sounds more shocked. In awe almost.

Brian is gay?

“Yeah. Imagine that. He’s gay. Ha. Should’ve seen it though. Oh well.” Ray shrugs before pulling a bunch of papers off his desk and placing them on Frank’s.

“Wow. That. I. Wow.”

You could say Frank was a little speechless.

“Yep. That’s your shit there too. Your man has a new column. One I think you should read.” Ray actually turns his chair, swivels on it to look at Frank.


“Because. He has his own problem added in there, maybe you could give him advice,” Ray smirks again and for the first time in all the months and what could be exaggerated as years, Frank has worked here, he finally notices how big Ray’s lips are.

Woooahhhh. Those are some massive mother fuckers. So big and plush and they look really sof- WOAH. No. Bad Frank! Bad. No no no no no no. That’s Ray. The Fro. The man that should be known as Chewbacca. He does not have soft lips. Soft, plump and pink lips. Thatiwannakissjustalittle. NO!

“Huh?” Stupid Ray and hisnice big lips.

“Just read the damn opening article for his column out loud will you. And stop staring at my mouth. It’s a little off setting,” Frank shakes his head and lifts the top pile of papers.

“Ahem,” Frank likes to clear his throat. It’s that dramatic effect.

Ray just sighs before waiting for Frank to read. And so he does.
♠ ♠ ♠
A longer chapter and A second update. So yeah.

But I am making myself NOT update again. Hahaha. So please in comments don't ask to update, cause then I feel bad and I DO end up updating. Lol.

Hope it's ok.


xxx jess