Status: Coming back shortly .... TBA

Radio Man


Gerard’s lips are on Frank’s.

Gerard is making contact with Frank in a way that Frank never thought possible.

Gerard is kissing Frank.

Frank is dying.

O-oh. Oh. God. Oh my god. What do I do. Do. Do I put my tongue- NO. I can’t. It’s. this. No. he. Oh fuck. That’s his tongue. Oh my. Does. Does he want me to- yes. Oh wow yes he does. And oh god he’s. he’s kissing me. Oh fuck his lips. Oh god. Put. Yeah FRANK put your HANDS on his face fuck. Fuck. Fuckohmygod. Gerard. Way. Kissing. Kissing. No. wait. Don’t. don’t stop. No. oh god. Oh fuck.

Gerard kinda takes a deep breath in and Frank still has his eyes closed because he doesn’t want it to be over. Nor for him to wake up from his dream.

“Frank. You. You can open your eyes,” Oh shit. It isn’t a dream.

“Uhh. Ummm. S-sorry,” Frank can feel the heat prick at his cheeks and neck.

“N-No. I shouldn’t have done that. I. I just wanted you to shut up and listen to me. Ya’know. You. You talk really fast and a lot when you’re angry or nervous. Or something. And it was annoying,” Gerard takes another deep breath.


“Fuck. Don’t be. God. I. Uhhh,”


Awkward. Fuck. Say something. Frank. Say something! Anything.

“You’re a good fuckin kisser,” Anything BUT that!

But this time Frank can see Gerard blush. And it’s different and weird and he likes it.

“Th-thanks,” Gerard gives this goofy kind of grin before looking down at his hands.

“so. Umm. What did you want to tell me?” Frank clears his throat and licks his lips.

Mmmm. Savour it. Savour the Gerard. Gerard’s taste. Ok that’s mildly creepy.

“Uhh. Well. I. I like. You know. I. Ummm. I also. Kind of. Maybe just a little. I,” Gerard takes 3 really big breaths before looking up. “IkindoflikeyoutooFrank,”

Frank’s face is blank. And Gerard sighs before nodding and turning around.

“No! Wait. I just. What?” Frank finally filters and reacts.

“Frank. You heard me,” Gerard stops but doesn’t turn around.

“I. I wanna hear it again,”


“Because. So. So I know this isn’t a dream. Or something. I wanna know this is. Like. Real. For once,” and Frank can’t believe he just said that last bit.

Gerard turns around and Frank could shoot him because he’s got the biggest smirk ever.

“I. I like you too Frank. I tried telling you but you wouldn’t listen,”

“Oh. Uhh. Sorry,”

“Yeah. Umm. Can we sit down. Or something?” Gerard kinda nods his head towards the lounge.

“Oh. Yeah. Shit. Uhh. Ok,”

Frank takes a seat on the couch. Gerard sits next to him, but not too close.

And that’s all. There’s no more talking. Or touching. Or kissing. Just silence. And now they’re back to square one.

Well this fucking sucks.

You two fucking yet!” Frank stifles a laugh while Gerard just goes ahead and lets one fall into the air.

“Fuck off Mikey!” Frank yells back at the wall.

There’s a a bit of shuffling, a bang then a muffled ow and silence.

“Stop listening in you fuck!” Gerard yells out.

Safe sex is gay sex! Wait. No. ew. Safe sex is good sex. Please. No. sex in general is bad! Don’t do it kids! Don’t! Gerard. Don’t you corrupt Fr- no. Wait. FRANK! You corrupt my brother and you’re dead!

Mikey sounds really confused and kind of flustered and amused and Frank just laughs.

“Your brother is weird,”

“Your best friend is weird,”

They both laugh before everything is quiet again.

Just fucking talk already!” Mikey’s voice comes through the thin wall.

“MIKEY! Fuck off!” Frank throws a book at the wall.

Ow you fuck! That was right against my ear. I’m fucking deaf now! Frank you bastard. That was you I bet. You cock sucking arse!” Gerard kind of looks at the wall and then to Frank.

Wall. Frank. Wall. Frank. Frank. Frank’s lips. Wall. Frank. Frank. Hands. Frank’s lips.

And then Gerard is leaning over Frank and is kissing him again. And all frank can do is kiss back with little force because wow that wasn’t fucking sudden or anything!

Why is it so quiet in there? What are you two doing! Gerard. Get back here. Don’t. Frank. Don’t touch him! Stop it. What ever you’re doing. Stop! Please. I’m not ready to be an uncle! Wait. Ok. I’m. I’m not ready. I’m not ready for my brother to have a partner. Who is my best friend. STOP!

Frank nor Gerard stop kissing each other.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooooo a longer one.

I was bored and I got into writin but this is a shit chapter. So sorry guys. Hope it's ok-ish.


xxx jess