Status: Coming back shortly .... TBA

Radio Man


Frank is asleep on the couch and Gerard is lying by his side, all curled up and looking really really adorable. Frank quietly thanks who ever is out there for giving him this moment.

“You bitches better not have fucked on my couch,” Fuck you who ever is out there, fuck you.

Mikey is standing in the hallway between the kitchen and lounge with a small smile on his face, and yet he’s still frowning and feigning disgust. Frank is a little intrigued about how he does it. Amazed even.

“Yeah, we did, all night,” Frank jumps because he seriously thought Gerard was asleep. Looks can be deceiving.

“I’m getting a plastic cover for every flat surface in this apartment now,” Frank laughs because it’s funny but Gerard whines.

“But then Frank will slip!” Oh.

“Ew. Did not need to know Frank was the bitch,”

“Am not the bitch,”

“Of course he’s the bitch,” Gerard really sucks, really, really sucks.

“I’m not the bitch,”

“Yeah I guess he would be the bitch,” HELLO! Mikey sucks now too.

“Am not the bitch!”

“I aint no bitch,”

“Of course not Gerard,”

“So Frank is,” Frank wants to cry because he’s not a bitch. He’s not. I think.

“Not the fucking bitch,”

“Frank you’re the bitch, now shut up,” Frank stares at Gerard and swallows before sighing.

“Ok,” Maybe Frank is the bitch.

“My god Frank, he has you under his thumb,”

“At least I’m gentle and feel good,”

“Oh for the love of fuck,”

“Talkin’ about fucking,” Frank giggles as he watches the two brothers have a small conversation.

“No! Please?” Mikey is whining and Gerard is laughing.

Frank could maybe get used to waking up to this. Maybe.
♠ ♠ ♠
short and shit. I know, I know.

Here's the deal. I've moved out of home, current residence has NO internet. hence why I haven't been on in the past 2 or so weeks. I apologize.

Forgive me and leave me love???


xxx jess