Status: Coming back shortly .... TBA

Radio Man


It’s lunch time and Gerard’s gone to the radio station to get his show for tonight ready. He’s invited Frank along but Frank’s not all too sure if he wants to go. Mikey is saying he should so he can meet Bryar. Apparently he’s a sweet dude. Or so they both say.

You can never trust the Way brothers.

Mikey’s in Frank’s apartment, being an awesome neighbour who can also apparently double as a personal exterminator. Frank feels somewhat accomplished at that thought, for reasons unknown.

“Come here spidey, spidey, spidey,” Maybe Mikey needs to be exterminated. Talking like that is not right, not in Frank’s mind.


“Do not question my methods Frank, you want spiders gone, you be quiet. Shush,” Frank is looking at Mikey’s finger, which is pointing at him. It’s really long and white and boney and, finger-y.

“Ok, ok. Just do your. Business,”

“I shall, and I shall do it well and it shall be done and it will be done. Well?” Mikey is now looking at Frank and Frank is looking at Mikey and there is another set of eyes looking at them both but it doesn’t belong to any human.

“SPIDER!” Frank’s voice is high and girly like but that’s just because, well. There is no reason and that kind of upsets Frank.

“Stay back! I’ll get it! Holy fuck it’s huge,” Mikey’s voice almost goes into a whisper as he sees just how big the spider is and Frank is almost regretting Mikey being here.

“H-Hurry up a-and g-get it, it’s staring at me,” Frank is talking really lowly and he can’t help but stutter and stammer because seriously, this eight legged thing really is just staring at him.

It’s almost kind of cute, but then Frank remembers just what it is and what it can do and he’s back to shaking. Only a little though, because he is manly and all.

“I. I don’t think I can kill it Frank, look at how big and. And innocent it is,” Frank drags his eyes from the spider to Mikey, his look going from weary to disbelief.

“Mother fucker! This spider could be-be my, my fucking death Mikey Way!” Frank’s voice pitches at the end of his sentence because, well, because it can.

There’s no law against that.

Frank hopes not anyway. Other wise he’s in a lot of shit.

“Frank. It’s kind of cute, I mean. It’s big and hairy and brown and it looks scared! Auww,” Mikey is back looking at the spider and Frank can’t help but feel betrayed.

“That thing is not cute! Fuck sake! Please, just. I don’t care if you don’t kill it or not, just get it out of my apartment,” And Frank knows he’s whining.

Oh yes he knows, but he also knows that Mikey will fall into his trap and get rid of the scary spider. Once and for all.

“Jesus Frank. Shut up already. I’ll do something. Just, go. Go get ready for tonight,”

“Ok, good. Make sure it’s gone, like, all of it, ok? Even the web, I hate webs, please. Mikey?” Frank can’t help but feel a little jumpy when Mikey grabs a piece of paper from the counter and places it towards the spider.

“Frank, I swear to the life of your mother, go and get ready!” And Frank can’t believe Mikey just swore against his mom.

His mother.

“Bitch,” Frank mutters as he backs up slowly, watching on as Mikey slowly manages to get the massive, creepy and deadly spider onto the piece of paper.

“Don’t call your mom a bitch, it’s not nice,” Mikey smirks as he lifts the paper and turns towards Frank and Frank maybe screams and full on runs out of the apartment because the spider seemed to want to jump on Frank.

It did! Frank’s no pussy or anything. But that spider seriously looked like it was ready to pounce and attack!

Fucking spiders.
♠ ♠ ♠
So here it is! After AGES of waiting! SORRRYYYBEAN! hahaha.

Another chapter might be up tonight. -shrugs- I duno.

Enjoy it! Peoples who are very demanding but loving. Hahaha


xxx jess