Status: Coming back shortly .... TBA

Radio Man


“I will press this button, and when I do, you talk and he will hear you, say what ever the fuck you want, the people can’t hear you, only him,” Bryar smiles and gives the thumbs up to Frank who just giggles quietly.

He can’t help it though! This is a funny situation to be in. He’s going to make Gerard fuck up really badly, even if that is a little mean. He doesn’t care!

Ok maybe a little. He’ll deal with the consequences later.

Frank watched as Bryar pressed down the button, Gerard was mid way talking about the new song by The Pussycat Dolls, Hush Hush Hush.

“What I don’t get is why they do the remix of the old song in with it, I mean, it ruins it for me,” Gerard sips at his coffee and Frank thinks he looks so fucking cute!. “And Nicole’s hair, oh no honey, that’s just wrong,”

Frank laughs, forgetting that Gerard can hear anything that is near the large microphone, which happens to be right near Frank’s mouth. Gerard frowns and tries to see into the sound box, but it’s too dark and so he shrugs.

Bryar is stifling a laugh while Frank just mouths ‘oops’.

“Ummm, I just forgot what I was talking about – oh! Big hair on girls, no. Just no,”

“I’m gonna fuck you hard tonight,” Frank doesn’t know why he said it, because it’s not true, but he puts on a voice as well and Gerard’s eyes are so wide they actually look like tiny saucers.

Bob takes his finger off the button and laughs, hard and loud and Frank can’t help but laugh too because Gerard is kind of shitting it right now, you can tell by the look on his face.

It’s fucking priceless. If only Mikey was there to see. He’d be listening though. For sure.

“Uhh, hang on guys, my – there’s something wrong with my sound guy, I think, I think – Bryar, are you ok?” Gerard has stood and is leaning over the radio desk, trying hard to see into the sound box but still, it’s too dark.

“I’m fine Gee, what are you doing?” Bob tries hard to sound normal, and Frank thinks he does quite well.

“Oh, umm, I thought you said – never mind, ok. So back on the topic, wait, talking of topics, our topic tonight is why do men get grossed out when talking about periods, I seriously wanna know why,” Gerard smiles triumphantly while Bryar frowns, Frank, just shakes his head.

His boyfriend has some serious fucking problems.

“Press the button!” Frank smiles. “I’m gonna stick a tampon up your arse,”

Bobs finger is off the button so quick that neither of them have time to register because both are laughing, hard while Gerard is swearing like a trooper.

“ok, what the fuck is going on? Bryar that doesn’t sound like you, come on. This isn’t fucking funny. Who the fuck is in there?”

Bryar stops him from being on air, puts a song on and starts laughing again.

“I love what you’re wearing, I’m going to take it off bit by bit – oh I just farted, haha,” Frank actually did just fart, and totally almost blew his cover because of his laugh.

Bryar just stared at him and silently laughed before shoving him, hard.

“Bryar! Help! What the fuck! Oh my god!” Gerard is frowning and pacing, wondering what the fuck is happening.

Frank and Bryar are almost dying from the stench of Franks fart.

“Help me gee! Fart stinks!” Bob chokes into the mic.

“BOB! Who the fuck is in there with you? I hope you die from all the poo particles, you asshole!” Gerard pouts and Frank smiles while pouting also a little, he’s just too cute.

Frank that is, Franks cute, Gerard’s cute too, but Frank can acknowledge that later when they’re alone.

It’s Frank time for these few seconds.

“You’re on air in 20,” Bryar smiles before sighing.




“Bry- Iero?” Gerard stops and frowns.

“Way – Bryar?” Frank giggles as he plays the game.

“I’m fucking confused,” Bryar shrugs as he voices his thoughts.

“Iero? What the – Frank! Is that you in there? You fucking asshole! Get your ass off the mic, god damn it, Bryar you, you fucking, fucking shi – Hi and you’re back with me right now, sorry about before, had a bit of a, a, a malfunction with my sound guy,”

Frank giggles and sighs, moving the mic away from his body. He’s had his fun. He doesn’t want Gerard to get into any more shit. He’ll just watch him work and have fun with Bryar.

As long as Bryar doesn’t like, shove him again. He just wont fart, well, he will. It’ll just be silent but deadly. Oh fuck yeah
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SORRY!!!!!!!!!! Omg I am so sorry. I have been slack. I admit. Eeeeeep. And i've lived in 3 different houses the past 2 weeks. Lol. BUt i'm back at my proper home. I feel like a squatter or something. Lol.

Anywho, like.... 5 other stories are updated, including older ones so check it out xD


xxx jess