Status: Coming back shortly .... TBA

Radio Man


So what if he has a crush on a guy. And so what if that guy just so happens to work on a Radio Station. And also, so what if he hasn’t even seen the guys face. None of that matters. Right? Right?!

“Frank, stop for the love of all human kind, just stop,” Mikey is on his Sidekick cause yeah, what the hell else would he be on?

“What? I’m not doing anything,”

“Bull, you’re thinking out loud. I do not need to hear how you have a damn. crushon my brother, that shit is nasty and I will fucking blast you to somewhere far away if you mention his name again,”

“G-g-g-g-g-g,” Frank stops and thinks.

“What’s with the G’s?”

“uhhh, what is his full name again?” Mikey bursts out laughing and Frank can not believe he just forgot Radio Man’s name.

“Y-you don’t. you. HA! You can’t even remember his fucking first name, oh what an impression that is Frank,”

“Fuck off Mikey, I know it’s something like. Gerard, or Ger. Ger. Gerard, that’s it, Gerard. Gerard. Gerarrrrd,”

“STOP! Never ever moan my brothers name again, oh fuck. Yuck. fraaaaank!” Mikey’s voice does that tone where it pitches in the middle. Frank realises that yeah. Mikey can whine really well.

“Oh I shall moan your brothers name nice and loud for you tonight, I shall moan, and moan… and fuck I will moooooaaaaaannn unnnhhhh!”

Frank hears his front door slam shut. well, that worked.


Frank does not turn the radio on Friday night. No, he simply sits up on his bed with his ear pressed against the wall listening to the station through the wall. Mikey is actually good for some things. Although Frank stopped after awhile. That’s just creepy. And Frank doesn’t do creepy. Sexy maybe, but not creepy.

Saturday is shopping day. Shopping day is hell day. Frank does not like shopping. The high school kids are out, the weirdos are around and the mall is always packed to its limits. And more then once he’s almost lost his damn trolley with his shopping inside. stupid teenagers.

Just as he thought, the shopping mall is packed. Buzzing with people on each side. A deep breath in and Frank walks into the grocery store, grabs a basket (no need for a trolley today) and heads straight for the fruit and veg.

“ew…ew. What the fuck is that?” Frank picks up what looks to be a lychee but is indeed not.

The squishy fruit or vegitable or fucking. What ever it is gets placed back into its box while Frank rubs his hand on his shirt because that felt fucking disgusting.

“Frank… oi. Frank! OI!” Frank hears someone shouting at him basically as he turns around.

“Mikey you mother fucker, what are you doing? Stalking me. Because if you are… I wouldn’t mind,” ew, did he just say that? Oh god that’s wrong.

“ew,” mikey kind of looks scared, which yeah Frank can not blame him for. Like, as if you wouldn’t be scared if Mikey was stalking you.

“yeah I was thinking the same thing,”

“asshole, you know you want me,”

“hell no, you skinny ass… fucking. Pole rake thing,” yeah. That totally made sense and it totally kicked arse. Totally.

“uhhhhh. Ok,”

“what are you doing here?”

“oh. I don’t know, just thought I’d come to the grocery store, get some sun. you know, the usual,” Mikey stares at Frank while Frank frowns. “you stupid idiot, I’m here shopping, why else?”

“oh. Yeah, that’s true,”

“mmmm, somedays I worry,”

“shut up, you here with anyone?” Frank looks back at those squishy things, for some strange reason. He wants to try them. fuck it.

“uh. Umm. Y-yeah. My. My mom,” Frank nods as he places the bag of squishy’s into his basket.

“awesome, I’ve never met your mom,” Mikey nods and Frank frowns again.

“yeah, maybe next time ok? I’ve got to go, see you later on ok?”

Frank doesn’t even get a chance to say goodbye. Heck, he doesn’t even get a chance to fucking open his mouth before Mikey whips past him, dodging into another aisle. fucking fruit loop. That boy has some major problems. Maybe he’s like, a fuckin. A fuckin. Full on weirdo! Like I thought before! Oh shit. Like. Oh fuck. Mikeyway the killer. Mikeyway the weirdo. Mikeyway the porn star. Woaaah. Hold up. Ew.

Walking down the candy aisle is torture. All these sweets look so fucking good, but he can’t have any of them. stupid gluton, why’d you have to come from animals!. The reds and greens and yellows of a skittle packet is staring at him. calling him. asking him to taste them. But no. he can not. He must not. Frank will over power that calling. But they look. So. Fucking. Goo-

“urghhh. Ow,” now that hurt.

Frank looks up to see what the fuck just ran into him. a man. A man in clothes. A man in clothes that’s tall. A man in clothes that’s tall that is also incredibly kind of cute.

“oh shit, I am so sorry, I didn’t see you there. I was. I was too busy. Too, busy,” frank’s staring at this dude, because what the fuck? Hello…. You have a sentence to finish!. But the guy just stops talking and kind of stares at Frank and Frank feels a little naked right now.

“umm. I-it’s ok. I mean, i. Yeah, don’t worry about it,” bail! Bail! BAIL!

and Frank does just that. Grabbing the packet of skittles and bolts. Well not so much bolts. But kinda does this leg hop run thing before walking really quickly and he probably looks like he has a pencil or something small yet definitely noticeable shoved up his arse.

Once he reaches the cold section aisle, he finally allows himself to smile. That guy looked like a bit of a dickhead when he was stuttering and being all weird. But goddamnit he was a fucking cute dickhead. mmmm.

“milk,” he really was kind of cute wasn’t he?

“cheese,” with his dark hair coming down like fucking. Fuckin. Razors or something just as cool all over his forehead.

“fake bacon,” and he had nice eyes. Oh and nice lips. And nice, uhhh. Nice. Ears?

“juice,” mmmm, yeah. Finally some eye candy for gay ol’ Frank at the shopping mall. Ironic. Actually no. that’s not ironic you idiot. It’s. different. But shit. I am not going to complain.

The basket hanging off Frank’s arm was becoming a little more then just heavy. It was starting to feel like a little midget hanging off his arm. And that shit was hurting. A lot.

Considering he was only meant to get a small lot of shopping today, his basket was pilled up way past what he needed. But. You can never say no to too much food. But then again. You can when it costs a shit load.

The constant beep beep beep of the register girl pulling through the groceries was kind of annoying. Actually. Scrap that. It was fucking annoying. How can they stand there all day and listen to that. And to top it off. Fucking Michael Bolton was on the radio. Who the fuck listens to Michael Bolton these days? Who listened to him to start with?!

There was a time
We thought our dream was over
When you and I
Had surely reached the end
Still here we are
The flame as strong as ever
All because we both kept holding on
We know we can weather any storm

Baby, that's what love is all about
Two hearts that find a way, somehow
To keep the fire burning
It's something we could never live without
It it takes forever
We can work it out
Beyond a shadow of a doubt
Baby, that's what love is all about

As time goes by
We've learned to rediscover
The reason why
This dream of our survives
Through thick and thin
We're destined for each other
Knowing we can reach the other side
Far beyond the mountains of our pride

Frank stops. Scrunches up his face and pretends to gag, which in return makes the register girl look at him, wide eyes and brows furrowed. ew. I was not just singing along to Michael Bolton. Thanks mom, thanks for listening to him that Christmas, fuck. Woops. Yeah hi I’m not singing along. Ok stop looking at me. STOP!

“sorry. Just don’t like this. Uhh song,” his smile is forced and he feels really weird because she’s still looking at him and WHY! Why him? why does he get the creepy register girl.

Frank smiles one more time before turning around to face somewhere else but her. And well hello.

Two registers across the cute dickhead is standing there, singing. singing? along with the song. oh god, he’s a Bolton fan. Frank sighs but continues to watch because, yeah. He may be a Bolton fan and he may have knocked into Frank but you can not deny that he is damn cute. mmmm.damn cute.

shit shit shit, he saw me. Oh fuck. Shit. Fuck! Idiot! Ehhhh.Frank looks up again to see that no, he is no longer looking back at him. but oh my god that was embarrassing. Getting caught staring. Shame. Fucking shame. kill me now.

Frank freezes again, because cute dickhead looks up and stares right back and this time Frank can’t bring himself to look away and oh fuck why wont his eyes move! And then something funny happens in Frank’s stomach as the cute dickhead smiles. wow, that, that feels weird. And that feeling is all that is needed to make Frank break the eye stare they had going on.

♠ ♠ ♠
this is ALL i have guys. so this update will be the last for awhile. maybe i can write some tomorrow. also, this is UN-beta'd so sorry if there are mistakes. i promised a friend on here (bitch lol) that i would do a longer chapter because she thought the last one wasn't as.... fulfilling as it should've been. haha. sorry Lainey. LOL!

so... enjoy, and i hope you smiled while reading. cause i did when i wrote it.


xxx jess

ps. if you can't guess, cute dickhead is radio man. hahaha. aka gee. aka gerard. aka gerard way. lol. just to clear that up. and yes, i did intend on you knowing that. but just in case you couldn't gather it. this was their first 'official' meeting, although neither of them know it... yet.