Status: Coming back shortly .... TBA

Radio Man


“It’s 3.05 in the morning of a lovely Tuesday, I hope all the listeners out there are enjoying the music that is being played. Bryar has been in my ear complaining that I am playing too much sappy stuff. I just can’t help it. I’m a sappy person. But, for a change here is an old song from Aerosmith, well. It’s not that old. And actually, I guess this is a sappy song, here it is. The soundtrack to Armegedon. Ha ha, thanks Bryar. Thanks,”

Frank smiles as he yawns and goes back to his new report for college. Luckily he doesn’t have class today or work. So he can stay up late and party all he wants. But of course, his party consists of doing his report while smoking 2 packs of 20’s and drinking a shit load of coffee. Now that is a real party.

Steve Tyler fills his ears and this song actually brings tears to Frank’s eyes but no. he will not cry because it is a song. That is all. But it’s a beautiful song and he can’t help but let maybe one or five tear drops roll down his cheek. But what ever. Real men cry.

“I don’t know if any of you listeners out there cried, but I did. Yes. I am a crying man right now. Ha Bryar. I do have male parts. Yes I am sure. I will goddamn show you. That’s what I though-ha ha. Arse. Ok. So the lines are open. You know the number. The topic for tonight is embarrassing accidents. So call in and share with us so we can have a good ol’ laugh,”

Ok. So if Radio Man cries, that means it was ok if Frank cried a little. Just a few sobs and sniffles along with a choked wail. Nothing big.

“Ok so we have a caller. Her name is Jade and she’s from the big NY city correct?”

“yes, that is correct. Haha,”

“Ok so Jade, what story do you have for us?”

“Ok. Well. This is really kind of embarrassing. So. Ummm. Ha. Last week I was in the toilet cubicle at work, and well. I did what I had to do. For the next 10 or so minutes I walked around the office with my skirt tucked into my panty hoes and no-one told me. Not even my boss! I found out by looking behind me and seeing my reflection in a mirror that was in my boss’s office. I have never been so ashamed.”

Frank is giggling because that would be pretty embarrassing. That would actually really fucking suck. poor Jade.

“Oh man. Haha. Auww Jade that would’ve sucked. But. That would have been a sight and a half to see. Just be glad there weren’t any camera’s. thanks for calling. While we wait for another caller, here is Kings Of Leon with Sex On Fire,”

Frank stops and groans because this song just gets on his nerves. He doesn’t mind that one where they sing how they could use somebody. In fact, he really likes that one because it just sounds really cool. But this. This. No. just. Kill him now.

While the song is playing, Frank grabs the phone and dials the number he knows oh so well and off by heart. Which isn’t that sad. It’s just like knowing the pizza place’s number.

“and well here we are. Sitting in a dark room at 3.29am in the morning, obviously. Seeing as I said am. Damn it. I need more coffee. Bryar. Coffee. Now. Yes. Now. Damn you. Oh we have a caller. Oh awesome. It’s Frank! How are you man?”

“ha hey gee, I’m good. Got my coffee and smoke supply to the limit so I am sahweet as hell.”

“oh damn you. You wouldn’t be able to make a run down to the Radio Station on Main and give me a cup of good ol’ coffee?”

Radio Man is silent for a bit and fuck he wasn’t serious was he?! But no. Radio Man laughs after a few seconds pause, showing Frank that no. he was indeed not serious. damn. He so would’ve done it. But. Not straight away. He wouldn’t have done a mad dash out the door and gone to the nearest 24 and gotten him the best servo coffee available. No. he would’ve taken his time.

There is a loud bang on the wall then Mikey’s laughter filtering through. fucking asshole.

“so Frank, what has happened to you that is embarrassing?”

“well, a few thing lately. I was caught out singing to Michael Bolton the other day in the super market. That was kind of a crap thing. I almost face planted coming down the stairs to my apartment. In front of a group of guys. That left me, really, really. Upset. And then. To top it off, I was in the elevator with a group of people and someone farted. On the next floor they all got out but I stayed. Someone else came in and accused me of doing the smelly! It’s crap. I tell you.”

Frank takes a breath. His bitching session is over. It’s off his chest. Done. And he can hear two lots of laughter. One in the phone receiver and the other belongs to a certain skinny, tall, rake with glasses who is going to get his arse kicked living next door.

“auww frank. That sucks. I would hug you if I could. Ok bryar is telling me to put another song on. Good talking to you again Frank. Call again soon yeah? Ok people. Here is The Academy Is… I actually don’t know the title to this. Bryar is being a bum and has officially wiped all the names of songs on here. So I think this is. Down and Out?”

Frank sighs. Because god would he love for gee to give him a hug. Oh yes. That would go down oh so fine with him.

Oh so fine.
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sorry for the delay. this is a shit chapter. i don't like it but hopefully it will do for awhile.

updates for this one will hopefully become more regular again. no promises though.


xxx jess