On the Edge

The First Glance

Today started off as any other Friday would have. I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I turned and slammed my fist into it. Then sat up and stared at the floor and shook my head trying to shake the tiredness away.

“Ugh” I said while I dragged myself into the shower, I let the hot water hit my sore muscles and stayed there for a while. After my shower, I changed into my mandatory work uniform of black pants and an ugly tan/cream shirt. I headed downstairs lazily reaching for a bowl and my breakfast, which ended up being cereal because I felt too tired to cook an actual breakfast. I sat down on my stool at the kitchen counter and ate slowly; dreading another day of work.

I worked at a small restaurant in Germany, called Mike’s Grill. It wasn’t the kind of place I would have liked to work at. At 18 I wasn’t doing much with my life. I had already graduated and now I was working as a waitress with my best friend Christine, who insisted that I work there with her. When I first saw the place I laughed because the name was so plain and unoriginal, and it was so small. My boss Mike (hence Mike’s grill) was an ungrateful moron that had no clue on how to run a business so basically the employees ran it. He had me and Christine working everyday - except Saturdays- and we were forced to serve rude, annoying customers.

I finished my cereal and looked at the clock. It was 7:30 and I had to be into work by 8:00. I dumped my bowl in the sink, rinsed it and then ran upstairs to finish getting ready. I brushed my teeth, and then quickly applied my make up: eyeliner, mascara, and a little eye shadow. I took a look at myself in the mirror. My skin was fair, but not ghost white, I had some color. My blue eyes popped with the eyeliner I was wearing. I was pretty tall, 5’9 and slender; I wasn’t too skinny but I wasn’t fat either. With one last look in the mirror, I pulled my long brown hair into a ponytail, my bangs swooped across my forehead into place.
I rushing downstairs, because I was already starting to run a bit late, I grabbed my purse and keys and went outside. My little black car was waiting for me in the driveway. unlocking the doors, and throwing my purse into the backseat I put the key into the ignition and my car roared to life. Slowly i backed out of the driveway and headed for work.

Twenty minutes later,I turned into the parking garage and parked in my normal spot. There wasn’t enough room in front of the restaurant to park because it was on the side of the road in the middle of the city, barely noticeable between the huge buildings surrounding it.
I got out of my car and started walking the four blocks to the restaurant. On my way I heard screaming across the street at the hotel.

“OMG!!! I love you!!!!!!”

“AHHHH! Its Tokio Hotel!!!!!!”

“Tom, I love you! Your soooo Hot!!” and

“Bill OMG you’re so hot! I love your hair!”

There were many others screaming so I couldn’t really understand what they were saying anymore. I didn’t believe what they were yelling, so I looked past the girls and realized why they were screaming like crazy. And I believed it once I saw them. There they were; Tom Kaulitz, Bill Kaulitz, Georg Listing, and Gustav Schäfer. They were signing random papers and clothes being thrown into their faces.

I just shook my head, laughed to myself and kept walking. Just as I started walking I got that weird feeling like when someone is watching you. I turned my head and saw the one and only, Tom Kaulitz looking at me. He flashed that gorgeous smile of his at me and winked. I blushed slightly and smiled back, I was at the restaurant now so I turned to walk inside. Before I went in, I gave a quick glance and saw that he was still staring. We both smiled at each other again and I walked inside.

“Wow” I thought to myself. “He looked a-“

My thoughts were interrupted by Mike who I just now realized was standing in front of me frowning.

“Nikki, what the hell?! You’re late… hurrying up and put your stuff away and get to work!” he yelled.

“Ok sir… I’m sorry there was a crowd of-“I was cut off again.

“Shut up! I don’t want excuses. If it happens again you’re fired! Now get to work” he turned and left me standing there.

“What was that all about? You’ve only been late like twice in the three years you’ve worked here.” Christine said while walking towards me.

“I don’t know but I better put this stuff away and get to work before he comes back out and has another fit,” We both laughed. Christine went back to work and I walked into the little room where all of the employees put their belongings. Some people called it a locker room, but it was more like a large closet with cubbies along the wall instead of lockers. I shoved my purse into an empty cubby then grabbed an apron from a hook on the opposite wall.

“Today is gonna be a long day” I said aloud to no one in particular, while tying my apron.

Waiting for me to take their order was a middle aged woman and a teen boy who looked to be around 15 or 16. From his expression, he looked as if he didn’t want to be any where with his mom.

“Hi” I said with my fake cheery voice. “I’m Nikki and I’ll be your waitress this morning.”

“Yea, yea whatever” said the woman. I stood there staring like the woman just slapped me. “I’ll have a coffee with extra sugar and lots of cream.”

“Ok.” I snapped out of my daze and wrote down her order. “and for you?” I asked while turning to the boy.

“I’ll umm just have a Coke”

“Ok. That’ll be righ…”

“No you will not Tyler! Coke is not for breakfast!” his mom shouted. She turned to me and said “He’ll have an orange juice.” Her voice calmed down a bit.

Ugh what is with people interrupting me today?! I thought angrily.

“Coming right up,” I said while trying to hide my ‘wow your crazy’ expression. I smiled and went to fill in their drink order.

There weren’t many people in the restaurant this morning. ‘probably all outside to see Tokio hotel’ I thought to myself and laughed. Of course I loved Tokio Hotel but my boss would kill me if he found out that I skipped a day off work to wait five hours to see them. I scoffed. Not like I would do that anyway… they have enough screaming, crazy ass fan girls to deal with. Besides I didn’t like acting that way to get attention.

I broke out of my thoughts and went to bring the drinks to the psycho mom and annoyed teen.

“Here you are… coffee with extra sugar and lots of cream, and your orange juice,” I said while giving Tyler an apologetic smile. He sighed and returned a small an ‘its okay I’m used to it’ smile to me.

“So are you guys ready to order yet?”

“Yes, I would like two egg whites with wheat toast and butter, but make sure it’s the all natural butter not that fatty crap. Oh, and fruit on the side chopped up into tiny bite size pieces. But make sure there are no strawberries, I hate those, and….”

“Mom!” Tyler interrupted in an annoyed tone.

“Ok… yea that’s all I want. And I’m on a diet so make sure it’s egg whites and wheat toast,” she emphasized.

“Ok ma’am no problem” I told her with a fake smile.

“And for you?” I asked Tyler.

“Umm I want the uh… the uh…”

“Hurry up Tyler!” his mother sneered.

“Umm ok, I want scrambled eggs with bacon, and hash browns,” he said quickly while looking down.

“That’ll be right out for you guys,” I said while taking the menus.

I went over to the kitchen and placed in the order. I sat at an empty stool at the counter and waited. There was only one other family in the restaurant but Christine was already taking their orders. After she put their orders in, she took a seat next to me.

“Ugh… today is such a slow day,” she complained while leaning on my shoulder.

“Oh I almost forgot!” she squealed while quickly sitting up.

“What?” I asked with my eyebrow raised.

“Well…. I GOT TWO TICKETS FOR TOKIO HOTEL TONIGHT AND YOUR COMING WITH ME!!!!!!!!” she screeched into my ear. She was a big fan of Tokio Hotel also, but she was really close to becoming one of the crazies.

I laughed at my little joke and turned to her. “That’s AWESOME!!!” I yelled back, matching her enthusiasm. “Oooh but what time is it at? You know we both have to work ‘til 9:00.” I said sadly.

“It’s at 6:30,” she said still excited.

“What part of we have to work ‘til 9:00 did you not get hun? We can’t go”

“Haha Mike didn’t tell you?

“Tell me what?” I asked confused.

“It’s his wife’s birthday today so he’s closing the restaurant early at like 3:30.”

“Wow that’s a first,” I laughed. “I would’ve never thought mike would close for anything, ever.”

We both laughed. The cook rang the bell “Orders up ladies” he said. We both jumped we didn’t even notice he was there because we were both lost in our conversation. we laughed again because he scared us.

“Ha, thanks Tony,” I said while grabbing the plates and putting them on a tray. Christine did the same and walked over to her table. I set the plates on the table.

“Here you go, egg whites and natural butter, and no strawberries. And here’s your scrambled eggs.”

“Thank you,” they both said quietly.

I smiled. "Let me know if you need anything else,” I said and walked back to sit at the counter. Soon after I sat down Christine sat next to me, still smiling. I smiled back.

“Ahhhh I’m so excited for tonight!” she screeched while giving me a hug.

“Neither can I,” I said while hugging her back and smiling. Half to myself because I knew I’d get to see Tom again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok... heres my first chapter!
sorry theres not much of Tokio Hotel in this one, but be patient the'll be in the story soon =]