On the Edge

Oh, Come On...

As I opened the door a strange, skinny looking man pushed his way in. He started yelling jibberish and waved his hands in the air while running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

“At least it’s not Mike” I laughed at Christine as the man calmed down and started talking somewhat normally.

“Boys, what are you doing in here?! Do you know how late we are?” he rambled on and on about how they were late and that they needed to leave immediately. They just sat at the table staring at him like he was nuts.

“Would you relax Dave?” Tom laughed “we were just having lunch.”

“But you knew you had to go to the studio today and record some songs for your new album!”

They just rolled their eyes at him.

“Now you’re gonna have to stay later so you can get it done.” He said, trying to ignore them rolling their eyes.

Christine and I stayed by the door watching everything happen. The guys got up and moved in front of Dave. Then suddenly Gustav stopped and a big smile formed on his face. He whispered something to Bill, who whispered to Tom, who whispered to Georg something we couldn’t hear. They all nodded as if to agree on whatever it was they were whispering about. Then they all looked over to us, Tom winked, Bill smiled as did Gustav, and Georg just stared.

Bill turned to the man and told him their idea. His face went from shocked to angry.

“Absolutely not!” he shouted. “There’s no way. They,” he emphasized looking at us. “have made you late enough already, you guys don’t need anymore distrac---“

Bill gave him a look and in a blink his attitude changed.

“Fine, but only this one time, you guys are very busy.”

They walked over to us. I gave them a WTF was that all about look.

“How would you two like to come with us?” Bill asked and wiggled his eyebrows.

I giggled “Sure, it’s not like we have any other plans until later, right Christy?”

“Yup no plans ‘til later… wait what are we doing later?”

“I’ll tell you when we get home” I told her.

“Ok?... Sweet I’m all for it!”

“Great, let’s go” Dave said with fake enthusiasm and rushed us out the door.

“What? Now?! We look horrible” Christine said looking at her clothes.

I laughed, and then realized she was right. We were still in our ugly uniforms and our hair was a mess.

“Oh come on” Georg said and threw his arms around our shoulders. “It’s not like anyone will see you anyway, besides you two look fine.”

Christine sighed. “Fine, but I swear if anyone sees us like this, I’m gonna be super pissed.”

They all laughed at her. Honestly I felt the same way, I hated wearing this uniform. Going outside and walking around in it, having people see us or not was going to suck.

“Oh, Nikki should we call Melissa and Courtney and tell them not to worry about coming in? I doubt any one will stop by anyway.”

“Yea, go for it. I’ll lock up now while you call.” She walked away while dialing their number.

“What?!” Bill said, overhearing our conversation. “So you’re telling me that we didn’t even need to wait for the other girls?”

“Um no, I guess not” we shrugged.

“Ugh what a waste!” he joked.

“Hey, it wasn’t a total waste” I interjected. “We still had some fun, even if it was with straws.
You can’t tell us you didn’t have fun, you were laughing and running around just like the rest of us”

“I did, but seriously, you could’ve just called?”

Christine laughed as she came back over to us. “I think that phone call just made their day.”
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yay 2 posts in one night! lol thats a record =] jk
thanks to everybody who reads my story i enjoy reading the comments and hearing what u think about it