On the Edge

That's The Point

It was 6:30 when we got back to my house.

“Hey, why did you say we had plans tonight Nikki?” Christine asked.

“I’m surprised Gustav didn’t tell you” I said and walked into the kitchen to put my purse down.

“Tell me what? Ugh I’m always outta the loop!” she whined.

“Chill out… Tom invited me to go to a party with them tonight and Gustav wanted me to ask you if you wanted to come to.”

“Of course I do! I haven’t been to a party in a long ass time”

“Great, call him and let him know… since you’ve got his number now” I winked.

“Sweet! I get to call him already and I’ve barely had his number for twenty minutes!” she yelled and ran upstairs into the other room to call.

I sat down on the couch and turned the TV on. I flipped through every channel and nothing interesting was on, as usual. I turned it off and decided to go get ready. I knew I still had plenty of time before they were supposed to get here, but it wouldn’t hurt to start now and have to wait a few minutes instead of rushing. I went upstairs, Christine ran out of the spare bedroom smiling like crazy.

“Well?” I asked even though I had an idea of what she was going to say.

“He said he was so glad that I’m joining you guys tonight.”

"I knew he would be.” She started twitching and getting all jumpy and excited.

“Is that it?” I asked, knowing that wasn’t it at all.

“Well, yea he said other stuff but…”

I gave her a look. She saw it and started spilling her guts about the phone call.

“He said he couldn’t wait to see me again and that he knew I would look beautiful and that he was excited to dance with me and have a great time tonight and -----“ She said as fast as she could in one big breath.

“Ok hun I get it, your both excited.” We both laughed. “I’m gonna go take a shower now, if you want you can go find some clothes to wear unless you want to go back to your house, but I don’t think you have time for that.”

“I don’t think I do either so I’ll just wear some of yours.”

“Ok, just pick out whatever.”

“Thanks Nikki!” she shrieked and ran into my bedroom.


“Your turn Christy!” I called as I came out of the bathroom.

“Be right there.”

“I’ll be in my room if you need anything.”

“Ok” she said and I heard the bathroom door close.

I went over to my closet to pick out something to wear. I didn’t want to look too slutty or like a grandma either. I needed something that would dazzle the guys. After shifting through clothes, I finally found the perfect outfit. It was a gray, flowy, tank top, V neck shirt that showed some cleavage, and a nice tight-fitting pair of jeans that made my butt stand out nicely. I put it on and looked at myself in the full length mirror. ‘Simple yet jaw dropping’ I thought and laughed.

“Now some shoes” I said, digging in my closet again. “Shoes, shoes, shoes, ugh where are
they? Nope, no, uh ugly, to plain, when did I buy these?! Aha! Here they are.” I shouted triumphantly as I pulled out a pair of adorable, black heels that were easy to walk and dance around in.

After applying some makeup and flipping my hair, giving it a loose, wavy look, I left my room and went to see if Christine was out of the bathroom.

“Are you almost done Christine?”

“Almost, what time is it?”

“A little after 8:00, we have about an hour.”

“Ok, I’m just about done.”

“Take your time, I’ll be downstairs ok.”

“Yep, wait!” she called before I even took one step down the stairs.


“Tell me how I look.” She said, coming out of the bathroom.

“Wow…” we both said as we looked at each others outfits.
Christine decided to wear a dress. It was a spaghetti strapped, hot pink dress that turned black on the bottom. I had bought it a long time ago at the mall but only because Christine said I would look amazing in it. I never wore it though because I never had a reason to.

“Damn! Do we look hot or what?” I laughed.

“Fuck yes we do! They won’t be able to stop staring.”

“That’s the idea.” I winked and we both laughed.

I had a feeling you were going to pick that” I told her when we were downstairs.

“You’ve known that I thought this dress was amazing. I wanted to wear it ever since you bought it.”

“That’s how I knew; I still don’t see why you just didn’t buy it. But at least now you actually have an excuse to wear it.”

She giggled. “Do you think Gustav will like it?”

“Of course, how could he not? Besides he wouldn’t stop staring or talking to you while you
were in the work uniform, so he’s gonna be all over you tonight.”

“Who knows…” she smiled like she knew I was right.