On the Edge

Games Pt. 2

“I love you too hun” I laughed and sat back down next to Tom.

“Well the only person left that hasn't been dared is Georg… what shall we have him do?” Bill asked and raised an eyebrow.

“I think we should do something to him.” Christine said, adjusting her shirt. "He is sleeping after all."

“And what kind of thing should we do love” I asked, going along with whatever they were planning. Georg had no idea what we were planning. He had fallen asleep while Christine was running around naked. “I think it should involve duct tape” Christine said and an evil little smile appeared on her lips. “What do you think hun?” she asked me.

“Sounds great” I said. “I have plenty of duct tape stored in the garage.”

“Let’s go get it then shall we?”

“Let’s” I giggled.

We got the rolls of duct tape and threw one at everybody. Georg lay there, fast asleep. He had no idea what we drunk assholes were planning on doing to him. Gustav and Tom picked him up and pushed him against the door. He didn’t even wake up, he stirred a little bit, but he was still sound asleep.

“Inside or out?” I asked.

“Out would be so much better.” Christine said and Bill opened the door for Tom and Gustav. They held him up and Bill, Christine and I started duct taping him to the door. “Wait, wait!” Christine whispered. “Let’s take off his clothes too”

“Great idea babe” Gustav laughed.

We took off everything but his boxers and shoes. It was unbelievable that he didn’t wake up through our laughter. After all four rolls were used Georg was completely stuck to the door. He was lucky it wasn’t cold out yet or this would suck one hundred times more for him.

“There, he’s not going anywhere.” Tom said and stuck the last piece of tape to his mouth.

We all laughed quietly and went back inside, closing the door carefully so he didn’t wake up or fall off.

“He’s gonna be so pissed when he wakes up” Bill laughed.

“If he asks who did it, we’ll just say he did it to himself as the last dare.” Tom said and laughed with Bill.

“Yea!” we all agreed.

After a while of talking and goofing around, we each ended up falling asleep one by one. Christine fell asleep next to Gustav in front of the TV and Bill slept on the recliner. Tom crashed on the floor in front of the couch, and I laid down on his still bare chest, not expecting to fall asleep on him but as usual, what ever I don’t expect happens anyway. I couldn’t wait to see how pissed Georg was when he woke up tomorrow. The neighbors will probably think we are crazy or retarded seeing him taped to the door in only his shoes and boxers.
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I know its a bit short, but it works since its part 2 lol

hope you liked it, and there will be more tomorrow! =]
<3 all readers/commenters/subscribers =] thank you i appreciate it!