On the Edge

No Cheating

After getting all of the flour out of my hair and off of my face in the shower, I got dressed then went downstairs. Bill beat Tom to the shower but only because he shoved him out of the way while running up the stairs.

“Your baggy pants slow you down” I teased as he came back down the stairs.

“No, I can run just fine in baggy pants. I didn’t get in first cuz Bill’s a cheater!“ He yelled purposely so Bill could here him.

“Am not!” Bill called down from the bathroom, arguing like a five year old. “You’re just slow Tom”

“Sure I am, cheater.” He said under his breath. “Just hurry up! There are other people that need to take a shower in this house, not just you!”

“Ok don’t get your boxers in a bunch!” he laughed then closed the door.

I laughed too, then squished myself next to Christine on the couch.

“How are you guys feeling this morning?” Christine asked everybody, trying to start a conversation.

“I’m better” I smiled and Tom sat down in front of me on the floor since all of the other seats were taken.

“I’m just glad I have pants on” Georg joked. “Being outside, taped to a door is much worse then you guys might think.”

“We get it Georg, no more taping you to doors no matter how funny it may be and even if you fall asleep first. You can’t blame us though; we were drunk and needed something funny to do.” Gustav laughed.

“Now I know not to sleep anywhere near you guys when you’re drunk, or have duct tape.”

I started looking at Tom’s hair, he didn’t have his hat on still, but he put his shirt on before we ate.“Tom, how did you get all this flour and crap in your hair? I didn’t even throw that much at you.” I laughed at him and started taking clumps of random pancake pieces and flour from his hair.

His hand instinctively touched his hair when I said something about it. “I don’t know you’re probably lying just so you can touch it.” He teased.

“Cuz that’s just what I wanna spend my morning touching your hair.”

“Hey, whatever works for you, personally I’d rather be doing something better, but it’s you not me so have fun.” He laughed.

“Speaking of doing something better,” Christine looked at us when she and Gustav were done whispering. “How about we do that Guitar Hero thing today” We are all here right now anyway.”

“What? No” Tom said.

“Why? Afraid I’ll kick your ass?” I asked him.

“Not even in your dreams” he laughed. “I meant not now, after I take a shower.”

“Sure…” Christine said sarcastically. “You know she’ll beat you, almost as bad as that chick from last night.” She said and pushed my arm lightly.

“That was awesome” Georg laughed from the recliner.

“Guys seriously all I did was punch her, get over it” I laughed.

“That was a wicked punch though. “Bill said, walking into the living room with wet hair. “It knocked her right on the floor.”

I rolled my eyes. “Ok Tom your turn” I said helping him up. “We’ll get everything set up while you are in the shower.”

“No cheating or practicing while I’m in there!”He joked then jogged up the stairs. He sounded like a paranoid little kid, afraid that we’d cheat if he wasn’t in the room.

“How many guitars do you have?” Georg asked.

“Two.” Christine said like she owned the place.

“We had three, but someone decided to break it by slamming it against the wall cuz she was loosing.” I said, making it obvious I was talking about her.

“You were cheating!” she accused and untangled one of the guitar chords.

“You’re starting to sound like Tom.” Bill laughed and we all joined in.

“Who’s starting to sound like me?” Tom asked, scaring the shit out of us.

“Don’t worry about it” Georg said with a crooked smile then continued to help set up the game. “Let’s play Guitar Hero!”

“Who wants to go first?” I asked, pretending to play on my favorite guitar.

“I’m not playing, I suck. Besides it was your idea to play against Tom to see who was better.” She reminded me.

“So who’s gonna go after Nikki when I beat her?” Tom asked, over confidently and looked around.

“Just play and we’ll pick who goes next after one of you wins.” Bill said.

“Yea Tom quit stalling.” I teased.

“I’m not stalling. I’m…” he stopped to think of a word.

“Stalling!” we yelled at him and laughed.

“It’s done loading. You can pick the first song” I told him
♠ ♠ ♠
haha no Guitar challenge yet =P
it'll be up the next chapter i promise... im feeling lazy right now so you'll have to wait until tomorrow or whenever i get a chance to post again lol
As always, thanks to everybody that reads/ comments/ and subscribes =] i appreciate it!