On the Edge


Christine’s POV

“Did Nikki leave her keys here?” I asked Georg because he seemed to be the only one paying attention to her and Tom when they were leaving.

“Yup. She threw them on the counter before she left cuz Tom wanted to drive or something. Why?” He said.

‘I think he was paying a bit to much attention to them if he knew all of that’ I thought. “Well my car is too small for all of your luggage so I was checking to see if her keys were still here so we could take her car.”

“… Great! Yea, I can’t wait either. I’ll pick you up at 7:00? Ok, yea I’ll see ya then. Bye Aly” A cheerful Bill strutted into the rooming grinning from ear to ear, looking very pleased after his conversation on the phone.

“Got a date Bill?” I asked, though I already knew the answer from the smile on his face.

He nodded “I’m so excited!” he shouted and started doing one of his happy dances.

“You’re gonna need all of that energy to pack up all of your crap from the hotel so keep thinking about it” Georg laughed.

“I wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about it even if I tried” Bill smiled and danced out of the room.

“Are we ready to go?... Umph!” I crashed into a dancing Bill who was headed into the kitchen, and knocked me down.

“Ow Bill!” I whined. “Let’s go before Bill kills me with his dancing.” I said making Bill help me up.

“Sorry Christine” he said while helping me up, then continued dancing, less obnoxiously, out the door.

“I have to drive, Nikki would kill us if anything happened to her baby.” I said matter-of- factly and got into the drivers seat.

I turned the car on and the music blasted with ‘Raise Your Hands Together’. My cheeks turned a bright red as I fumbled frantically for the off button. The guys burst out laughing. They recognized the song immediately.

“So Nikki listens to our cd eh?” Bill asked trying to control his laughter.

“No, well yes, but it’s my cd” Oh shit, why didn’t I just say yes it was hers? Dumbass Christine! I laughed to hide my embarassment. “I put it in here so we could listen to it on our way to work the other day. I bought it at your concert the other night because I lost my other one.” I explained.

“Oh” they said in unison.

“Can you turn the music back on?” Gustav asked. “Not the cd though, we don’t really listen to our own music. The radio would be better, not that it’s bad you lilsten to our music, it’s great that you do it’s just…” he rambled on and on. I loved the guy but sometimes he can over do his explanations.

“Go ahead” I smiled. “Pick whatever station you want.”

Gustav changed the station over and over because Bill and Georg yelled at him from the backseat to change each one he picked because ‘that kind of music sucked.’
Thank God the drive was only a few minutes away, their arguing was driving me up the wall.

“Should I give the car to the vallet or park myself?” I asked when we got to the hotel.

“Vallet, but tell them to park close by because we are just going to check out and pack our stuff so we should be down in a minute.”

“Not with all of your crap” Georg muttered and smiled at Bill innocently.

Bill rolled his eyes and got out as did the others while I told the vallet guy what Bill told me to tell him. We raced up the stairs to their rooms. I helped Gustav pack up his things and Georg and Bill packed up there own.

“What about Tom’s things?” I asked when we all met in the hallway with their luggage.

“I’ll go pack it” Bill said and flashed us Tom’s room key, the sneaky bastard, “You guys go and make sure you didn’t leave anything behind.

It took us a little over an hour to pack up everybody’s stuff and get checked out of the hotel. The vallet guy just finished shoving Bill’s last suitcase into the trunk. There wasn’t any room left in the trunk, let alone any room for all of us in the car with the extra bags that wouldn’t fit in the trunk. Georg and Bill had to be stuffed between suitcases and Gustav had to have one under his feet. I was the lucky one who didn’t have to worry about it because I was driving.

“Someone please explain to me why Tom and Nikki got to take the big ass escalade to go to the store and we got stuck with this small car for all of our shit.” Bill complained.

“Cuz Tom doesn’t trust us with his car.” Georg reminded him.

Bill groaned and adjusted his suitcase so that it wasn’t pushed up against him anymore.

“We’re almost home guys, soon you wont be smushed between suitcases.” I told Bill.

“Good. Do you think they are home yet?”

“They should be, it doesn’t take that long to go to the store.” I said, turning down the street to the house. “What the hell? How did we make it here before them?”

“They probably decided to do some sight seeing on the way there” Georg chuckled.

“Sight seeing? But it’s nighttime.” Bill said confused, then he thought about it. “Oh! You’re disgusting Georg.” He said and shook his head while laughing with the rest of us.
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Yay Christines POV! lol

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