On the Edge

The Store

Nikki’s POV

“No Tom, we are not getting that.”

“Why not I like them”

“Because they are gross, no one else will eat them.”

“More for me then” he smiled triumphantly like a little kid and threw the flippies into the cart.

“You’re ridiculous” I giggled. I looked over the things we had in our basket. “We have just about everything. We just need a few more things then we can go home. I’ll meet you at the deli when I’m done getting bread.” I said.

We split up so we could get everything done quicker. I grabbed the bread from the shelf, after feeling for the softest one then went to find Tom.

“You like turkey too?” a girl was asking Tom When I walked down the aisle towards them.

“Yea it’s good” he replied, waiting for the deli clerk to get done cutting up the meat.

“You have a lip ring?!” she squealed and grabbed Tom’s face, turning it so she could see it better.

“Yesh.” He said through squished lips, and tried pulling away.

“That’s so hot.” She said popping a gum bubble.

“Hey babe there you are” I said, almost sprinting over to them to save Tom from the girl’s death grip on his face. “Did you get the turkey yet?” I smiled ever so sweetly as the girl smacked her gum.

“He’s getting it now” Tom replied with the same sweet smile and put his arm around me and pulled me into a hug. The girl was not taking the hint of ‘go away’ even though Tom and I were practically screaming it to her through our actions. I gave him a kiss on the lips. ‘This should make her take a hint’ I thought.

I pulled away, “Do you think Bill and the others are done packing yet?”

“Probably not Bill takes forever to get all of his things packed up.”

“That sounds like Bill” I said looking over my shoulder.

“She’s gone.”

“Finally, how’s your face?”

“Its fine” he laughed. “That was the weirdest thing I’ve ever had to deal with in my entire life. Nobody has ever grabbed my face like that.”

“I came back just in time then”

“Yes you did” he said, kissing the top of my head.

“Here you go sir, thanks for waiting.” The deli clerk told Tom when he handed him the turkey.

“Thanks” Tom said.

“Is that everything?” I asked him.

“I think so… oh shit Bill’s corn flakes he’ll have a fit if we forget those.”

I laughed. “Well we better go get him some corn flakes so he doesn’t freak out on us.”

We got the cereal then stood in line at the register. And because we had the best luck in the world… only one register was open. It was like everyone and their brother decided to go to the store tonight too so the line was long and slow.

“So much for trying to get home before the others” I sighed and looked around hoping another register was open. Instead of finding an open register I saw the girl that was gripping Tom’s face earlier behind us. Wow, our luck just got better and better. I could feel her glaring at me; I didn’t need to turn around again to know that.

“Come on lady can’t you go any faster?” I mumbled and tapped my foot impatiently.
Finally it was our turn. Tom and I piled everything onto the conveyor belt, not leaving any room for the girl behind us. ‘Great, another way to piss her off’ I thought. The cashier was still moving slowly. Checking the items one by one, taking her sweet ass time putting them into bags. It was getting late and I was beyond irritated I just wanted to get out of the store and go home already. It didn’t help that death- grip girl was trying to set me on fire with her mind.

“The last one, it’s about time” I sighed and the cashier looked at me from behind her grandma glasses. “Sorry, it’s been a long day” I told her with a fake smile. Tom laughed then put the last bag into the cart.

“Your total comes out to $137.86” she said in a monotone voice.

“God Tom what did you make me buy?!” I playfully pushed him.

He laughed then started taking out his wallet. “Uh, no” I told him and took his wallet away from him; handing the lady my credit card.

“What are you doing? I’ll get it” he said looking confused.

“Debit please.”

“Type in your pin then sign at the bottom” she said again in monotone.

I did as she told me to; it was difficult signing the receipt because I couldn’t hold it still since I was hanging onto Tom’s wallet. After signing it, I handed it to the lady.

“Thank you, come again soon” she said as we left.

“Here Tom” I said, tossing his wallet to him.

“I could’ve paid for it you know” he said when we reached the car.

“I know, but why would I make you pay for my stuff? You’re my guests anyway. What kind of a hostess would I be if I made you pay for everything?”

“You’re so weird” he laughed, closing the trunk after all of the groceries were in the back.

I raised my eyebrow at him though he couldn’t see it though because it was dark outside. “Why am I weird?” I asked taken aback by his statement.

He noticed my defensiveness. “Not in a bad way” he reassured me. “It’s just that any other girl would let me pay and not say anything about it.”

Here we go with his manly dignity… I rolled my eyes. “I have money” I laughed. “Like I said before, you’re my guest so I’ll pay, but if you go through all of this stuff in a day or two then I’ll make you pay for everything on the next trip.”

“Deal, I wouldn’t have it any other way” he said and I laughed at his choice of words.


The car ride home was relatively silent. It wasn’t an awkward silence but an ‘enjoying each others company’ silence. Nothing needed to be said as Tom drove with one hand on the steering wheel and the other linked with mine on the armrest. Occasionally at a red light or stop sign, we would look at each other and smile. It was so corny but I loved every minute of the ride.
♠ ♠ ♠
FYI Flippies = German chips (I think please let me know if i'm wrong)

Oh and just letting everybody know now that i have a bet with someone... everytime she updates i update so if u want me to update go bug kissing poison to update xD

<3 all readers/ commenters/ subscribers!