On the Edge



Nikki’s POV

I woke up and stretched my arms out to the sides. I hit something; I blinked the sleep out of my eyes, and turned to see what it was. Turns out I lightly punched Tom’s chest. I forgot I had fallen asleep on him last night. He stirred for a second, then opened his eyes smiling as he looked down at me.

“Morning” I whispered.

“Morning sunshine” he replied and gave me a kiss as I sat up. “Sleep well?”

“You’re very comfy” I giggled and let out a small yawn.

Tom stretched and let out a yawn of his own. He looked at the TV as if he had never seen one before.

“What is it?” I asked.

“I never turned the TV off last night.” He said his eyebrows scrunching together as he tried to figure out how it got turned off as if it were a real mystery.

“Christine perhaps?” I laughed as his face lit up because he pieced it all together.

Tom was the only person I had met in a long time that made me laugh this much. Before meeting him or any of the other guys, I had been a pretty shy, not so outgoing person. It was Christine who was the loud mouth and always had something to say. For some reason Tom made me come out of my shell and be more outgoing and confident with myself and around other people. It seemed like Gustav had an effect on Christine that made her tone it down a bit, it was as if we switched.

“I wonder what time they got home last night” I said to him from the kitchen, looking for something to eat.

“I’m not sure, you crashed just when the movie started and I think I fell asleep when it was over.” He said coming into the kitchen.

“Oh I fell asleep that early?” I asked “Sorry about that, I must be so boring to you.”

“Boring? Are you crazy? You are far from boring in my book. You bring out a different side of me. And have all of us doing things that we wouldn’t even think about doing on our own. I haven’t been to a fair in the longest time; never started a straw war in a restaurant, or hell even just took a night off to watch a movie. You’re the funnest person to come into my life in a long time.”

“That’s so sweet” I smiled taking a step closer to him so I could wrap my arms around his waist to give him a hug. “You’re not just saying that are you?” I asked and bit my tongue the second I said it hoping he wouldn’t take it the wrong way.

“No” he said seriously. “Why would you think that?”

‘Damn it Nikki you’re new confidence to be outspoken just made you look like a total ass.’ The bitchy side of my conscience informed me.

“I didn’t mean it like that” I corrected myself. “I’m just surprised and very happy to hear you say that. I had to make sure you weren’t just saying it to sweet talk me.” I said.

“I’ll sweet talk you a different time” he smirked, not really upset that I questioned his motives for saying all of that.

“Oh really?”

He nodded “As in the bedroom when we’re alone.” He said pressing his forehead to mine, flicking his lip ring making me melt on the inside.

“It’ll happen soon enough I’m sure” I smiled and kissed him.

Immediately we deepened the kiss, but it was me who shoved my tongue down his throat before he even asked for entrance. I laced my hands around the back of his neck. After a minute, I mindlessly began running a finger up and down his neck; feeling the goose bumps rise against his skin and he moaned against my lips. His hands intertwined in my hair then moved down my sides to the bottom of my shirt. He slid them up and under; in return giving me goose bumps as well. It was so hard resisting the urge to take it further with him, I wanted to wait just a bit longer before doing anything and sadly I knew it was killing him. His hands moved higher and higher when they stopped abruptly at the sound of someone clearing their throat.

“Do you two mind putting your little sex scene on hold until after I get breakfast? You two can suck face later, or move to a room. Throwing up watching you two was not what I intended on doing for entertainment while I ate.” Christine said with an attitude that wasn’t needed.

“Don’t watch then” Tom mumbled and pushed his lips to mine.

“Guys I’m not kidding!” she whined and threw a spoon at his head.

“What is up your ass today?” I asked, more then annoyed with her pissy attitude.

“I know you guys are a couple and all but you don’t need to flaunt it and make out in front of everybody all the time” she said.

“All the time, what are you talking about?”

“I don’t know” she laughed, her mood changing quickly. “I just felt like bitching about something.”

We looked at her both of us raising an eyebrow to each other then burst out laughing with her.

“You guys bought cereal the other day right?” she asked opening up the cabinet.

“Yea we bought a few different kinds.” I told her, reluctantly releasing myself from Tom’s grip and took three bowls down from the cabinet.

Out of nowhere, Christine burst into laughter again, almost dropping the box of Coco Puffs she was carrying.

“What is so funny?” I asked, turning around to see if there was something around the room that made her laugh.

“I just remembered that Georg owes me one hundred dollars!” she shouted and controlled her laughing fit.

Tom and I laughed. “Why does he owe you money?” Tom asked.

“Because he bet fifty on you guys being naked on the couch from doing it before we got home and I said there was no way and bet him one hundred saying you guys would be sleeping or something.” She explained. “I guess I should kind of thank you two for not fucking each other and being clothed when we walked in” she said, pouring us some cereal.

“You’re welcome?” we said in unison then sat down and started eating our breakfast.

“Good morning everybody!” Gustav said in a sing-song voice giving Christine a kiss on the cheek, then grabbed himself a bowl of Coco Puffs and joining us at the table.
Georg came down shortly after Gustav and also poured himself a bowl of cereal too.

“So Georg…” Christine started.

“Nope, stop right there. You will get your money later” he said grumpily. As we all knew Georg was not a morning person and obviously didn’t want to have Christine rub it in his face that he lost his money.

“Ok, just reminding you” she giggled.

“Thanks” he said sarcastically.

“You wanna go into the living room?” I whispered to Tom and he nodded then followed me to the couch.

“TV time” I giggled and flipped through some channels.

“Hey why’d you leave the table?” Christine whined and plopped down next to us. There went my idea of ditching her to let her and Georg argue in peace. The other boys weren’t far behind either.
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So sorry that I didn't post yesterday like I said I would =(
I forgot that I had school today and somethings came up in the afternoon so I didn't get to finish the chapter last night.

I made it extra long today to make up for it though :]
Please comment and tell me what you think ;]

<3 all my readers/ commenters/ subscribers!
You guys are awesome!

Oh and a special thanks to Kassidy for making me that banner :] I love it hun danke!