On the Edge


We arrived at the club after everyone got dressed; which didn’t take long seeing as we all knew what we were going to wear since we just bought our outfits.

I chose to go with the outfit that was simple, yet good enough to go clubbing in. I knew he wouldn’t be able to take his eyes off of me.

“You look amazing” He cooed in my ear, sending goose bumps shivering down my body as I felt his breath on my neck.

“Thank you, its nothing really” I turned to look at him I could feel my cheeks heating up.

“It’s beautiful” he said his chocolate brown eyes boar into mine I could see the want in them. Not a ‘I wanna fuck you senseless’ sort of want (though I’m sure that was going to happen anyway by the way he was looking at me since we left the house) but more of a ‘I’m glad your with me and I’m glad I have you’ sort of want.

I didn’t know how to explain it but I loved the feeling it gave me when he said those little comments. It made my stomach do flips, my heart beat a million times a minute, and my cheeks flush a bright red whenever I thought about it. Not to mention I grinned like I was on crack every time I was around him. Even though I had been with him for a while now every little thing he did, every little smirk or smile he gave me made me melt inside. He treated me like every girl should be treated and he made me happy. What more could I ask for?

As I thought about all the feelings that went through me whenever I was with Tom, I realized something. I realized how much he meant to me and how much I loved him. We hadn’t said ‘I love you’ to each other before but we knew the connection was there and we didn’t need to say it, yet. Yeah, it’s best to be sure you’re really in love with someone before you say it to their face and not really mean it but deep down with every touch, kiss, everything between Tom and I was more than an ‘I like you’ kind of relationship.

“You wanna go dance?” Christine yelled to Gustav over the loud music. They took each others’ hand and went to the dance floor.

Not even a second after they left Tom turned to me; he didn’t even need to say anything I just nodded and took his hand and went to the dance floor as well.

Georg had found a girl to dance with as soon as we got there so we knew he’d be occupied for a few hours and Aly and Bill were already out dancing and getting drinks before everyone else too.

Tom and I danced for a while then noticed that the rest of our ‘group’ were all sitting at the table and decided to join them after getting another round of drinks.

“Ohmygod can you guys believe how many people are here tonight?!” Aly slurred she must’ve had quiet a few drinks already so I slid the extra drink I grabbed for her over to Bill and he just laughed and hid it from her too.

“It’s crazy!” she shouted and shook her head, her blonde hair flying around everywhere. We all laughed at how drunk she was.

“You know I’m actually kinda tired” Tom said after his third drink.

We all looked at him in shock. “I’ve just had one too many drinks that’s all” he pretended to slur and when he thought no one was watching he winked at me with one of his adorable smirks.

I played along with him “Yea guys I think Tom needs to be taken home now so…”

“You guys can fuck?” Christine mumbled through her glass.

“Oh that’s why you’re “tired”” Bill laughed and used air quotes when he said tired.

Tom flashed another smirk and without another word he and I were in his car as he sped down the road back to the house.

Thank god we both weren’t that tired or drunk. Tonight was going to be quite… eventful… and having either of us pass out wouldn’t make the night as fun as we were counting on it to be.