On the Edge

Things Are Different

Weeks went by; Christine and I were now working at the restaurant which wasn’t really as bad as I thought it was going to be. It was a much more popular place than Mike’s Grill so there were more people, but more people meant more money so it all worked out.

Because of all the money we were now making Christine decided to get a little apartment for her and Gustav to share. They invited Georg overbecause they knew he wouldn’t want to hear Tom and I screwing each other all the time because they had a spare bedroom he could use and thought he would like staying there with them.

Bill stayed over with Tom and me occasionally, but for the most part he was always with Aly. It was great knowing Bill had a girl in his life now; even Tom had said that he has never seen Bill let himself get this close to a girl, so it must be serious. Bill even seemed happier now that he was spending so much time with Aly so we were happy for him as well.

The worst part about each of us living on our own and doing our own things was that we saw less and less of each other now. We hung out every once in a while and of course the guys saw each other at the studio but it was weird not waking up to a full house and everyone being there all the time.

Sure, I loved having only Tom in the house with me, it was easier for us to do… stuff without worrying about the others hearing us and complaining. But to be honest I missed them, a lot.

“What’s the matter babe? You seem sad” Tom asked when it was just us (as usual) watching TV on the couch.

“Nothing, I’m fine” I gave him a half-hearted smile.

“You’re lying” He tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear and made me look at him.

“I miss them Tom, I really do. It’s just so different now without them here, you know?”

“I know, but it’s not like they’re gone forever we can still see them anytime we want.” He assured me.

I nodded he was right we could see them whenever. It was just weird not having Christine in the house with me. We had never been apart this long since well, ever; she was like my sister even when we were younger we were always spending the night at each others’ house talking all night about anything and everything. Tom was also my best friend and I could talk to him about everything but let’s just say, Tom wasn’t the “girl talk” type of guy, so it was awkward to gossip and talk about girl things with him.

“If you want, we could order a pizza then go over to their apartment and surprise them” he suggested and I smiled.

That’s one of the things I loved about Tom, no matter what he could always make me feel better. Whether it was him being sarcastic or making up some joke or even just his little suggestions he could put a smile on my face and make me feel better.

“Thank you Tom” I hugged him. “I’ll go order the pizza now and tell them to deliver it to Christine’s house.”

“While you do that I’m going to go get dressed.” He chuckled and went up the stairs.

“Yea, I don’t think they would like to see you in your ‘casual clothes’” I laughed then called the pizza place.

“Hey babe?” I called up the stairs when I finished ordering the pizzas.


”I love you” “Um… You should call Bill and invite him over too; it’s been forever since we’ve all hung out together.” I sighed inwardly why the hell couldn’t I bring myself to tell him I love him?! I knew I did more than anything. I think I was just afraid of the reaction I would get. What if he didn’t say it back? What if he didn’t feel the same way? I pushed these thoughts out of my mind. Tonight was about seeing our friends and I shouldn’t be worrying.

“Sure thing” he said coming down the stairs with his cell phone in hand. “Did you already order the pizza?”

“Mhm they said it will be about thirty minutes.”

“Great” he said giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. “That should give us plenty of time. I’ll be right back, I’ll go call Bill and see if he can go over.”

“Ok” I smiled and waited.

“Good news babe” he came back into the room smiling from ear to ear. “Bill said he and Aly would meet us down there in about ten minutes.”

“See, I knew I wasn’t the only one that missed them” I giggled, wrapping my arms around him. “You miss them just as much as I do.”

“Yea, I guess I do miss them” he admitted “So let’s go before Bill and Aly beat us there.” He took my hand and we headed for their apartment.

I couldn’t wait to get there and see the look on their faces when they saw us.
♠ ♠ ♠
As always, thanks to all commenters/ subscribers/ readers!
I appreciate it :D