On the Edge


The pizza guy was at the apartment before we were; but there was still no sign of Bill and Aly yet.

“We’ll take those” Tom told the guy before he walked in. He looked at Tom suspiciously before Tom said “It’s for our friends’ surprise party, I don’t want you ruining the surprise.”

“It’ll be $23.50” he shrugged and handed me the pizzas while Tom gave him the money.

“Thanks” Tom and I said then headed for Christine’s building.

We hadn't even made it three steps when Tom's phone started ringing. “Hello?” he asked.

“Ok, hurry up then” He chuckled then hung up. “That was Bill he wants us to wait for them”

“How far away is he?” I asked.

“He said he was right around the corner.”

“Speak of the devil” I laughed as Bill’s huge hair came into view, his arm wrapped around Aly’s waist as the came over to us.

“Hi guys” they both smiled. We said our 'hellos' and gave each other hugs for a moment or two.

“Uh guys, the pizzas are getting cold” I laughed lightly.

“Yea, we better get going. We all know how Georg gets when we bring him cold food” Bill said we all laughed and walked to her building again.

God how I missed all the jokes these guys made about each other, no matter how small, they were always funny. The best part was that they were all good sports about it and –usually- didn’t get pissy. Hell each of them usually laughed and added to the joke even if it was making fun of them. They could laugh at themselves just as easily as they could laugh at someone else.

We made small talk as we headed for the apartment. When we finally made it to her door I was practically bouncing with excitement. It had been over a month since I saw any of them last. I had a feeling tonight was going to be… interesting, yet fun, to say the least. I honestly didn’t know what to expect.


“No way!” Aly yelledafter one too many drinks. “You guys really have customers like that?” she slurred slightly and fell onto Bill’s lap.

“Yea” Christine nodded slowly while I took away her drink. “Sometimes people are rude like that.” Christine shrugged.

“Mhm.” I agreed. “Just the other day some guy slapped my ass”

“They did what?” Tom said, getting all manly and defensive even though it happened awhile ago.

“Yea, it’s no big deal; most men that come in there are pigs, we’re all used to it.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Tom honestly it’s not a big deal. It only happened one time and I didn’t want you to freak out and go down there to yell at some random guy you think will try and slap my ass” I laughed.

He mumbled something that sounded like “Only I can smack your ass, not some random creep.” But I ignored it.

“Aw look guys, Tomi’s getting all defensive over Nikki.” Bill chuckled.

“Maybe cuz I don’t want any psychos putting their hands on my girlfriend” he retorted, putting an arm around my shoulder.

I literally died a little when he said that. He cared about me, just as much as I cared about him. Now I knew I had to say it to him, even if all of our friends were here and it wasn’t considered “romantic” or not. He needed to know now.

“Tom, I love you.” I blurted it out. A small part of me wished I hadn’t said it, in fear of the reaction I would get. But I said it and meant it and Icouldn’t wasn’t going to take it back. Before he could say anything I pressed my lips to his, but only for a short moment. ‘Short and sweet’ at least that’s what my brain had thought of it as being.

At first, Tom didn’t say or do anything. That worried me. I could feel everyone’s eyes on us. But I watched him, waiting for a reply (and secretly praying that he wasn’t going to say “I’m sorry but I don’t love you”) my mind was going crazy trying to figure out what he would say.

After what felt like an eternity but was really only a few seconds, Tom smiled and said those words I’d been dying to hear. “I love you too Nikki.” And with that our lips were reattached and the others were whispering their “aws”
♠ ♠ ♠
K the beginning SUCKS I know, but it got kinda mushy at the end...
But at least they finally admitted their love huh?

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