On the Edge

"I Say So"

Nikki’s POV

“Are you sure you can’t come with us? It’ll be fun.” Tom grinned, trying to persuade me to go, after he finished changing. But in all honesty I really didn’t feel good. I’m not sure what happened to me but I felt like my head was going to explode. Dancing, drinking, and loud music did not sound like a good ‘cure’ for a throbbing head.

“No babe, it’s ok. I promise. Go, have fun and don’t worry about me. I’ll probably just go to bed and rest for awhile.”

“I can stay if you want. I don’t want to leave you all alone bored and sick while I go out drinking and stuff.” He said again.

“Hey, don’t feel guilty about wanting to go have fun.” I laughed, poking his chest lightly. “Besides, it’s just a headache. I’ll be fine.”

“Ok then, if you say so.”

“I say so.” I smiled and kissed him goodbye.

“I love you.” He whispered.

“I love you too.” I replied another smile forming on my lips.

“I’ll see you soon. But there is a small chance I might just crash with Georg and Gustav depending on how smashed we get tonight.” He chuckled.

“That’s fine. Just call me and let me know what you’re planning on doing ok?”

“Will do.”

“Oh wait, do you have to go back to the studio tomorrow?”

“No.” he paused for a moment or so, it seemed like he wanted to tell me something but couldn’t get the words out.

I waited to see if he would say anything, but when he didn’t I said, “Just wondering cuz I’m got the day off tomorrow too so I wanted to know if I was going to be stuck alone again.”

“Nope, we’re all done. We can spend all day together without distractions as like a little celebration for finishing up the album.” He smirked, pulling me into another kiss.

“I’m sure we’ll have to do something to celebrate… but what can we do?” I asked with a playful smirk of my own.

“Just make sure you have lots of energy, especially since we’ll have all day tomorrow. So go get some rest and I’ll be back later.”

We both laughed before Tom walked out the door and I went upstairs to my bedroom. I took a couple Tylenols then snuggled into the blankets and tried to make the pounding in my head stop. Hopefully I would feel better by tomorrow. It was just a bad headache so I assumed it would go away with some rest. But I knew Tom was serious about having energy tomorrow. We hadn’t spent a whole day together in what felt like months because of my job and him and the guys in the studio all the time. Tom better not get too drunk if he wanted to have a little fun tomorrow. No one likes a hangover. Ever.

I laughed softly thinking about him coming home totally hammered and instead of me with the headache, it would be him and I’d be the one having to take care of him. It was a good thing I loved him or Bill would have to listen to him groan and complain about his head hurting and not me.

Within minutes the Tylenol kicked in and I drifted off to sleep.
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Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I was super busy but I have one up now, and another long one on the way (most likely tomorrow.)

So yea.

Thanks to all commenters/subscribers/readers
I appreciate it! <3