On the Edge

You Need To Leave, Now!

They were all looking more than a little uncomfortable, but at the same time like they were used to it. Bill was smiling but you could tell that he wanted to eat and not have them take pictures. Tom’s expression was relatively the same. Georg just waved, and then went back to eating. Gustav looked annoyed, like he just wanted to eat his smiley face pancakes in peace.

I on the other hand, wasn’t use to this and I was freaking out a little inside. I hated pictures, especially when people I didn’t know took them. It was weird; even though I knew they weren’t taking pictures of me, I was sure they were going to get the wrong idea of why I was sitting with them.

“I’m uh I better go get back to work.” I said a little nervously.

“What you scared of a couple fan girls?” Tom teased.

“No, not scared” I said defensively. “I just don’t feel like being beaten to death when they go crazy because they see a girl sitting with you. And I don’t like having my picture taken.” I smirked and walked quickly away before they could say anything else.
Christine was sitting at the counter, looking bored out of her mind. Little did she know that it was probably going to get exciting (or annoying depending on how we looked at it) in here.

“Hey” I said nudging her with my elbow.


“Just to warn you now, if screaming girls come running in here, don’t worry it’s not a robbery or a bomb threat,” I laughed at my lame joke. “They just saw Tokio Hotel from outside so they are probably gonna come in and do what fans do… I guess”

She laughed with me and turned to around. “Ugh shit! I thought you were joking!”

I gave her a confused look so she pointed over towards the door.

“Damn, I didn’t think they would actually come in here.” Truthfully I did, I just didn’t want to believe it.

“I seriously don’t want to deal with them right now” Christine groaned. “Let’s go into the back and just pretend they aren’t here.”

I laughed “That’ll be hard when they will most likely be screaming and freaking out”

“Ha we can still try can’t we?” she asked and before I could object to any other idea we were in the back.

“Hey! Wait, where are you going? Don’t leave us in here!” Bill cried as he saw us make our way into the back.

The others turned to see what he was yelling about, they saw us turn into the back and we could hear them laughing. Then the laughter stopped and was replaced by screams of joy and excitement.

“Well at least we don’t have to deal with that” I said as I took a seat on the old bench next to Christine.

“I feel bad for them though.” She said with a sigh.

“Hey look,” I whispered pointing towards Mike’s office.

He was sitting in his chair with his back towards us and he was talking on the phone. “There has to be something we can do, I can’t just close it---“ all we could here was the buzz of someone talking on the other line.

“Yes, yes I know that but can’t we just?” he said, sounding stressed.

All we heard was the buzzing voice again.

“Ok, no I get it. Yea, I’ll figure it out. Mhmm talk to you soon. Bye”

He hung up the phone and got up. “Go, go, go!” I hissed to Christine when he started to get up.

We jumped up and sprinted to the dining room. The girls were still there, laughing and giggling like they were little school girls. We hid out of view in a little space between the kitchen and a huge random space in the wall.

“Phew… that was close” she whispered

I covered her mouth with my hand. “Shh he’s right behind us” we held our breath as he past
by, not realizing that we were pretty well hidden but we still didn’t want to take any chances.
Mike passed us and went into the kitchen. I let out a big breath of air. My hand was still covering her mouth, I guess I didn’t uncover her mouth quickly enough and soon I regretted not taking my hand away. I felt the nasty wetness of spit.

“Gah that’s nasty!” She laughed as I whipped my hand on her shirt.

“Hey! Don’t wipe that on me”

“It’s your spit!” I laughed and moved out of the space.

Mike and Tony were already heading out into the dining room. Mike’s face went from sad, to angry as he saw all the girls in the restaurant crowding a table.

“What’s going on here?!” he yelled.

Christine and I started laughing. “Maybe it was a good thing you felt bad for leaving them. Come on let’s go help them out.”

Mike beat us to them. “Alright ladies, you need to leave if you’re not going to order anything.”

They just gave him stares that were basically saying ‘and what are you gonna do if we don’t’
I could see his face start turning a bit red from anger. “You’re bothering and interrupting my customers’ lunch! Get out of my restaurant now!” he shouts and points to the door.

“How do you know that we aren’t gonna order anything?” a girl that was trying to act cool and tough said. She was the furthest thing from intimidating that I had ever seen. She was short and chubby, her squinty little eyes looking even smaller when she talked to Mike. She had that fake little ‘I’m the coolest, hottest thing to walk this earth’ attitude. I didn’t even know her yet I wanted to go and punch the braces right out of her mouth.

Mike just stared at her. “How do I know?” he repeated. She nodded. “Because, I have the right to refuse anybody that walks in here and since you’re disturbing some real customers you need to leave now.”

“Ugh whatever, let’s get outta here girls” she said and her fake little robot friends left with her.

“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!” I called to show how unimpressed I was by her attitude.

Everyone laughed at what I said, but then stared at Mike. I’ve known him for years and not once had he ever demanded for people to leave like that. ‘He must really be having a bad day’ I thought.

The guys stared to, but didn’t look unhappy that the girls were forced to leave. The plates in front of them were empty too so the must have ate fast while they were being bombarded with pictures and questions.

Mike turned to Christine and me. “Tony and I are gonna head out ok. Melissa and Courtney should be here soon so just clean up their table and just hang out for a while.”

“Ok we can do that” Christine told him.

“See ya Monday.” He said with a wave and walked out with Tony behind him.

“Well that was… interesting” I said and went to their table.

“Hell yea it was!” Christine agreed. “Are you guys done?” she asked all of them but only looked at Gustav. Her cheeks turned a bright pink when he smiled at her.

“Yup, I’m done” Georg said handing me his plate as Christine was stacking up everyone else’s.

“I’ll take those for you” I took the plates and went to put them in the kitchen and put them in the sink.

I walked back out and crashed into Christine, almost making her drop the cups.

“Whoa! Sorry hun, my bad”

“It’s all good.” She laughed, still balancing the cups. She put them in the sink and we both
walked back over to the table again.

“How much do we owe you?” Bill asked.

“Uh hold on let me go get your check” Christine said and went to go get it.

“So are you off yet?” Tom asked,

“Sadly, no we have to wait for two other waitresses who are supposed to lock up for us.”

“Here’s your check” Christine said, handing it to Gustav. Bill took it and read the amount. “$34.58. Ok guys pay up”

They groaned and handed the money to Christine and a tip to me. “Thanks” we both said.

She took the money and came back in less then a minute.

“When are the other two supposed to get here?” Georg asked.

“Um I’m not really sure” I shrugged.

“Fine we’ll just have to wait here with you then” Tom smiled and the others just rolled their eyes, but agreed.